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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Blog Posts

3 Things You Should Know About Flood Water

8/27/2022 (Permalink)

Neighborhood flooded on the bottom of the picture there is a phrase that says FLOOD DAMAGE Flood water in a residential area in Deer Park, OH

Three Things To Remember About Flood Water

If your Deer Park, OH, home has experienced water damage from a storm or flooding you may be wondering how to go about cleanup and repairs. However, there are a few things you should understand about the water in your home to help ensure that the restoration process is done correctly. Here are three things to remember about flood water.

1. It’s Categorized as Black Water

It’s important to note that any storm caused flooding is categorized as black water. It’s is due to the fact that it’s impossible to know where exactly this water has been, and there’s a risk it could have come in contact with sewage material. This means that there are a number of safety standards that should be met during the restoration process to ensure that your home isn’t contaminated by bacteria.

2. A Professional Should Be Called

When dealing with damage from storm flooding it’s important to follow safety procedures to avoid contamination. For this reason, it’s highly recommended to contact a local water damage restoration service to help with clean up and repairs. These professionals can not only remove the water and restore you home but can offer a variety of cleaning services as well to help ensure that any possible bacteria carried by the flood water are removed.

3. The Affected Area Will Need To Be Cleaned

Because Flood water is potentially contaminated, the affected area will need to be properly cleaned and sanitized. This is another thing a restoration service can help you with. It’s important to remember that any items in the flooded rooms will need to be cleaned as well.

It’s important to remember that storm flooding is classified as black water. This means that and water damage should be cleaned up by a professional restoration service to help ensure that the affected area is properly cleaned and sanitized. If you have any questions these professionals should be able to help.

Everything You Need To Know About Mold Testing

8/22/2022 (Permalink)

Bottom of a drywall has been removed and mold growth was found, there is an air mover facing against the wall Mold damage in Amberley Village, OH

As a residential homeowner or renter in Amberley Village, OH, you are constantly cleaning and maintaining your living space. This requires frequent cleaning, occasional maintenance and personal inspections. But what do you do when you suspect mold growth? Many people don't know what to do when this happens, and they may ignore it, which leads to more mold growth and potential structural problems. Here is everything you need to know about mold testing and what the best course of action may be for your situation.

How To Look for Signs of Mold

How do you recognize possible signs of mold? Before you even consider testing for mold, here are a few key signs that there may be mold colonies in your home:

  • Warped walls or ceilings
  • Discoloration
  • Musty smell
  • Areas that have water damage

If during your routine inspections and cleaning you find some of these signs, you may be dealing with a mold problem. Keep in mind that mold thrives in wet, humid places.

What Mold Testing Is
There are different kinds of testing, but some are better than others. One of these is a DIY mold inspection called a mold kit. However, the fact of the matter is this: mold is everywhere. Mold spores float through your house all the time, so it's often likely that these mold kits will test positive for mold.
The best type of testing is the kind you get from licensed hygienists. They will visually inspect suspicious areas, check for hidden water damage and sample for mold. This thorough inspection is much more accurate and can lead to a better understanding of what's going on in your house.
If you have any inclination that mold is growing in your house, it may be best to talk to a mold inspection company. They have the expertise needed to understand the mold situation, which can be much more accurate than a DIY mold inspection.

Why Does Mold Grow On Bread?

7/31/2022 (Permalink)

Mold growth on bread Mold growth on bread

Basic Facts About Mold Growth On Bread

Bread is a food staple in most homes. Unfortunately, bread mold causes a lot of food waste. In order to prevent further waste, understand the basic facts about why mold grows on bread.

1. Bread Is Stored in the Perfect Environment for Mold Growth
Bread is often kept in a warm, moist area. Meanwhile, mold grows best in just such a humid environment, sometimes doubling in less than an hour. When there are mold spores in the air — sometimes numbering in the millions — those spores settle on the bread and multiply. That mold will continue to grow as long as there is a food source.

2. Bread Is a Great Food Source for Mold
Mold is part of the fungi family. Fungi use plants and animals as food sources because they cannot get energy directly from the sun like other plants. Bread is a highly desirable food source for mold. Because of this, bread mold is a very common problem in most households.

3. Make Your Bread Last Longer
Mold can grow in colder temperatures too, including inside a refrigerator. Fridge mold simply grows at a slower pace. You cannot avoid mold growth by storing food in the fridge, you can only delay it. To make bread last as long as possible, only keep a few days' worths of bread handy in the cupboard and freeze the rest until needed.
If you discover moldy bread in your cupboard, it is best to wrap the bread in plastic and dispose of it. It is also a good idea to clean the area where the moldy bread was found and make sure it did not spread to nearby items.
Most bread mold is generally harmless to healthy people; however, poisonous mold does exist. If you find that mold and fungus growth is a persistent problem in many parts of your home in Mariemont, OH, consider calling a mold remediation specialist to identify and address the source of the problem.

Installing a Security Fence and Other Steps To Take After a Commercial Fire

7/20/2022 (Permalink)

Security fence A security fence can keep vandals away from your Maddeira, OH, commercial building after a fire

Security Fencing For Your Building After a Fire

The aftermath of a commercial fire can seem overwhelming. You have to survey your building for possible smoke damage. You also have to start the cleanup process.
Many businesses also install a security fence following a fire or other disaster. It is easy to forget about this step. After all, you have so many other things to do to get your business back up and running.
Yet fencing is essential after an emergency. You need some form of security in place to prevent additional damage from:

  • Vandalism
  • Weather
  • Theft


While fencing may be costly, refusing to secure your premises could be more expensive. That’s because your insurance company may not cover water damage or other harm that results from your failure to protect your building. Besides putting up a fence, you may also want to cover any holes in the walls or roof.

Additional Steps
Once your security fence is in place, you can work with the insurer to start your rebuild. Make a list of any damaged items to show to the insurance company. Be sure to include the date you purchased each asset and how much you paid for it. Do not throw anything away without taking pictures of it first.
You also need to get the insurance provider's permission before hiring a fire damage cleanup company. Otherwise, the insurer may not cover the costs of this service.
While you wait for the experts to arrive, you should open windows or turn on a fan to keep the air circulating in the building. Any wet items also need to be dried right away. Avoid touching any appliances or electronic equipment until a technician says it is safe to do so.
A security fence can keep vandals away from your Madeira, OH, commercial building after a fire. It can also prevent thieves from stealing your assets. Installing proper fencing is thus a key part of the disaster recovery process.

Four Steps of the Storm Restoration Process

7/15/2022 (Permalink)

Furniture and walls of a home covered with white plastic Storm cleanup in Amberly Village, OH.

Storm Restoration Process

Storm season in Indian Hill, OH, often leaves a lot of home damage in its wake. Storm restoration specialists have to tear out damaged materials and rebuild your home to get it back to normal. Here is an overview of what that process entails.

1. Extract Water
The first thing technicians will do after they assess the water damage to your home is removed as much water as possible. Using industrial pumps, they remove standing water. Other methods may be used to extract water from surfaces or out of tight spaces.

2. Remove Damaged Materials
When the water is gone, experts have a better view of what else needs to go. They tear out ruined walls, insulation, carpet, tiles and other items. While some of your belongings may be able to be saved, others will likely need to be thrown out and replaced.

3. Dry Remaining Structure
At this point, it is likely that the humidity in the air has left some residual moisture which has to be remedied to prevent secondary damage. Technicians dry the remaining structure and take measures to bring humidity levels back to normal. They also disinfect the affected area to remove any bacteria left by the contaminated floodwaters.

4. Restore Home
The final stage of storm restoration is rebuilding the parts of your house that we're unable to be salvaged. New walls are put up, new flooring is installed and new tiles are laid. Then they match paint, wallpaper, and flooring to ensure that no one can tell where the damage occurred. The job isn't finished until your home looks "Like it never even happened." 
If you need your home restored after a flooding event, make sure you call a restoration company quickly. The team will tear out damaged materials, dry the remaining structure, and rebuild your home so that you can return to life as normal.

The Role of Fire Alarms in Your Home

6/27/2022 (Permalink)

Orange background, map and its routes. Concept of a fire escape plan Map out the escape routes from each room in the house.

Fire Safety Strategies

Keeping your family safe is one of your top priorities. No matter how careful you are, though, your home in Cincinnati, OH, could still catch fire. Understanding both safety strategies such as fire alarms and the basics of the fire restoration process can help you protect your family in this situation.

Fire Safety Strategy
The appropriate number of smoke detectors for your home depends primarily on its size. There are several criteria for determining how many smoke detectors you need and where to place them:

  • Central location on every level
  • Outside each bedroom
  • Out of the path of fans or vents
  • Over 10 feet from heat sources

Fire Escape Plan
You don't have time to worry about smoke damage when the fire is raging. It's important to have a clear emergency plan. Everyone needs to know what to do when the smoke alarms go off. Map out the escape routes from each room in the house, and discuss and practice them with your family.

Fire Restoration Process
Many smart fire alarms are designed to contact emergency services as soon as they go off. This can aid in the restoration process by getting firefighters to your home more quickly, thus potentially reducing the amount of damage that occurs in the first place. After the fire is put out, the damage cleaning can begin.
Fire damage mitigation specialists start the process by assessing the extent of the problem. Then they remove ruined materials. They clean up smoke and soot and get rid of the odor these substances leave behind. Once everything is sanitized and dry, they rebuild the structure and restore your salvageable belongings.
Your fire safety strategy starts with having smoke alarms strategically placed for maximum effectiveness and extends to a clear escape plan. Even if a fire does happen to break out, the fire restoration team can start within a few hours of the event to get your home back to normal.

Tips To Prepare Your Commercial Building for the Spring Thaw

6/19/2022 (Permalink)

Flood insurance form on a table with a book. Understand flood insurance.

Spring Thaw Preparation Tips for Commercial Buildings

Springtime’s bloom is right around the corner in Terrace Park, OH, and winter’s freeze is ending. Warming temperatures make way for the thawing and melting of snow and ice while ushering in spring showers. This can pose a flooding risk to your commercial property, so below are tips to prepare your building for the spring thaw.

Inspect the Building for Flooding Risks

Efficient drainage is a deterrent to water damage. Here is a list of common concerns to be aware of and check around the building for:

Clear gutters and drains that become clogged with snow, ice, and debris. Blockages cause cracking and overflowing of water, which can pool around the base of your building. Clear pathways for water to flow away from the building to control draining.
Inspect your plumbing system, because freezing temperatures can be disastrous for pipes. A frozen pipe creates pressure buildup and can cause cracks and leaks. Cracked pipes leak water into floors, walls, and electrical sources.
Examine the roof, windows, and foundation for cracks and holes. Left unattended, these become entry points for water to seep into the building’s foundation. Seal cracks and holes, replace broken shingles and reinforce window and door seals.

Prepare a Repairs Contact List

If problems are identified, you want to address these quickly to limit water damage. Your list should include plumbing, HVAC, roofing, electrical, landscaping, and water damage restoration. Flooding can wreak havoc on your building, so know who you can trust to get the repairs done swiftly and efficiently.

Understand Flood Insurance

Flood insurance typically is coverage you must buy separately from property insurance. In case of an emergency in which water damage occurs, you need to understand the terms of your flood insurance. Know what is and is not covered, and how to file a claim.
There are several steps to take to prepare for a spring thaw and the potential of a spring flood. Be aware of potential building problems, have a list of professionals ready to call for repairs, and ensure your flood insurance provides the coverage you want.

The Importance of a Reliable Insurance Process

6/6/2022 (Permalink)

Drying equipment placed in a room Water damage cleanup in Deer Park, OH.

The Importance of a Trustworthy Insurance System

When your company must deal with a disaster, such as storm damage or a company fire, several things must happen for a successful recovery. In the middle of this, is the response and follow-through of your insurance provider. Dealing with an insurance claim does not have to be a frustrating experience. Moreover, the process can be helped along when professionals work together to provide clear, timely and accurate information on costs and repairs.
A local damage restoration company in Deer Park, OH, begins the recovery by showing up at your facility just hours after a storm or fire has caused damage. A company such as SERVPRO will arrive Faster to Any Size Disaster and begin the cleanup while keeping records that help the insurance process.

The Role of the Insurance Agent
Your agent is there to look over your policy and determine what damages are covered. An adjuster could come on the premises to get a better idea of damages to flooring, walls, structures, computer systems and more. Either the agent or the adjuster could ask for documentation of the value of items. Several things at this time can help expedite the insurance claim:

  • Clear documentation of damages and expenses
  • An inventory of company items and equipment
  • Digital files that can be easily accessed
  • Digital photographs that show damages

The Role of a Restoration Company
An industry leader in cleaning and restoration will not only clean up after a disaster, but will also help facilitate the insurance process. A franchise that is the preferred vendor for many U.S. insurance providers is there to help clients and insurance carriers. That includes making sure insurance matters are handled professionally and accurately. 
The settlement of an insurance claim after a disaster can be a source of frustration if an organized procedure is not followed. Both the restoration team and the insurance provider must work together for the best results.

Techniques To Rid Your Home of Smoke Odors

5/25/2022 (Permalink)

Ozone generator Ozone treatment gets rid of odors that can't be washed or scrubbed out of materials.

Home Deodorization

Perhaps someone in your home in Amberley Village, OH, has just quit smoking for good. The only thing that remains of this habit is the smell that seems to cling to furniture, carpeting, clothing and curtains. You are interested in a total home deodorization, but you are not sure how to go about it most effectively.
This is a common problem, as getting rid of smoke odors requires specialized equipment and techniques that go beyond ordinary cleaning. Even after cleaning your home, you might find that the odor of cigarette smoke returns and lingers. Fortunately, there are solutions to this odor problem.

Ozone Treatment
This method gets rid of odors that can't be washed or scrubbed out of materials. It is an option for home deodorization, but the process is complicated. It should be used in combination with a thorough cleaning of the house, and any fragile items in the home should be removed before beginning the treatment. Safety precautions strongly recommend people not to stay in the home while the ozone process is underway.
The removal of odors works in this manner:

  • Ozone, an unstable molecule containing three oxygen atoms, is released into the area.
  • One oxygen atom detaches and bonds with other molecules.
  • This turns smelly molecules into non-smelly ones.

For all practical purposes, this is not a DIY job. For safety and best results, professional smoke mitigation is necessary to manage this treatment.

Other Methods
Experienced mitigation services have many other options for removing smells from your home, whether it is lingering cigarette smoke or the aftermath of a house fire. Trained technicians can use air filtration devices, fogging machines, and air scrubbers to remove odors associated with a fire.
As experts in home deodorization, smoke smell technicians recognize the science behind smells and in most cases can remove odors without leaving a trace. They use the best industry practices for making sure your home smells pleasant at all times.

4 Steps To Clean Up Your Crawl Space After a Flood

5/18/2022 (Permalink)

Portable dehumidifier and a phrase "STAY DRY" Use a portable dehumidifier to dry out the area.

Cleaning Up After a Home Flood

The storm has passed, and like many residents of Mariemont, OH, you now face the task of cleaning up after a home flood. One area that tends to get overlooked is the crawl space. Flooding under your home can lead to damage and mold, however, so it's best to address it as soon as possible.

1. Asses the Storm Damage
How much water got in, and how long has it been there? The more water that is present and the longer it has been there, the more damage there is likely to be. For more serious flooding, reach out to a professional restoration company.

2. Remove the Water
The first step is removing the water; a pump or a wet-dry vacuum can accomplish this. You may need to reposition it a few times to get to all of the puddles. Once all of the standing water from the home flood is gone, look for any wet material and remove this as well. This includes wet insulation, rotting wood and anything moldy.

3. Dry the Area
Next, use a portable dehumidifier to dry the wood framing, the floor and the subfloor. Set the humidity level to 40%, and let it run for up to 10 hours, checking it every few hours. You can speed up the drying process by adding a lightbulb or electric fan to provide low heat.

4. Restore the Crawl Space
Once the crawl space is dry, disinfect it by wiping all surfaces down with a bleach solution of 1 cup of bleach to 1-gallon water. This will prevent future mold growth. If you had to remove any damaged wood or insulation, now is the time to replace them.
Now that you are back on a solid foundation with a clean and dry crawl space, look at home flood prevention and storm mitigation for the future to keep your place protected.

Understanding Water Contamination

5/10/2022 (Permalink)

Pipe covered with mold and plaque Sewage backup is contaminated with biological viruses and bacteria.

Water Contamination

Water contamination poses a threat to both humans and the environment. Water becomes contaminated when it is altered by the presence of chemicals, microbes, or some other physical change. Even water that enters your house in Madeira, OH, via the main water supply line contains small amounts of contaminants that are harmless.

1. Chemical Contaminated Water
Chemical contaminants are compounds or elements that occur naturally or can be man-made. These include pesticides, salts, bleach, nitrogen, drugs, toxins, and metals.
Your water might be chemically contaminated if it is cloudy or filmy, contains sediment, has a metallic taste, smells of sulfur or chlorine, or shows some coloration.

2. Biological Contaminated Water
Biological contaminants are microbes or microscopic organisms that transmit disease. These can include pathogens such as parasites, bacteria, protozoa, and viruses.
Signs that your drinking water might include any of these pathogens include fatigue, nausea, headaches, fever, cramps, vomiting, or diarrhea.

3. Physical Contaminated Water
Physical contaminants concern the physical properties of water and normally can be seen. Any organic material or sediment buildup in lakes, rivers, and streams, and wastewater from sewage are physical contaminants.

4. Waste Water
Contaminates are present in wastewater, which is water that has been used in the home and water from rain runoff. There are two categories of wastewater in the home.
Black water is wastewater from toilets, typically called sewage. It contains urine and feces, as well as water and toilet paper, from flush toilets, and can carry pathogens.
Gray water is wastewater from bathtubs, showers, sinks, and washing machines. Because it has a lower level of contamination, gray water is easier to treat and process.
If you suspect your water is contaminated, you should immediately stop using it and contact a professional water damage company. Water contamination harms the environment and can lead to disease, illness, and even death.

How To Prepare Your Building For a Storm

4/25/2022 (Permalink)

Hard drive connected to a computer, on the top of the picture it says BACK IT UP Back up digital information on a hard drive.

Prepare Your Building For a Storm

Many are aptly prepared for storm damage, such as flood water, in their homes, but it's equally important to prepare your commercial building if you know a storm is approaching in Indian Hill, OH. Whether you are an employee or own the building, you should help prepare your commercial building for a storm. There are many preparation tips you can keep in mind before a storm.

Assess Your Property Beforehand
To begin your storm preparation plan, it's important to assess your commercial building. You should take note of the strengths and weaknesses of where your building is located and how a storm would affect your property. Reinforce anything that would be damaged by a storm or flood water. A few ideas for your inspection include:

  • Ensuring shutters are on windows in case of high wind
  • Anchoring any large furniture to its place
  • Removing any large branches or trees that are close to your building and could fall on it during a storm
  • Making sure you've had a recent roof inspection to ensure it is strong enough to withstand a storm

Although an assessment may not seem necessary, it is important to do it before a storm comes. It's always better to be safe than be sorry.

Put Documents in a Safe Place
No matter what type of business you have, there are almost certainly important documents that need to be kept safe and dry. If you have a flooded building, documents can quickly be ruined beyond repair. Documents to preserve include legal documents, financial documents such as account statements and tax information.
Move all documents to a safe and dry space, such as an upper-level floor in a filing cabinet or back up digital information on a hard drive. Any backed-up data should be kept off-site to ensure it is kept safe.
Preparing your building for storm or water damage can prevent costly repairs from wind or flood water. If your building does experience storm damage, be sure to call in a storm damage company to help you with the restoration process.

3 Tips for Cleaning Your Store Inventory After a Flood

4/16/2022 (Permalink)

Mud on an office floor Flooded office from a storm in Cincinnati, OH.

Tips for Cleaning Up Your Store's Inventory

When violent storms in Cincinnati, OH, affect your business and cause flooding, your inventory could suffer such serious damage that you may not know where to begin with cleanup efforts. Knowing which items might be salvaged for content cleaning and which must be thrown away can be a confusing process, but there are a few tips you can keep in mind as you sort through your items.

1. Porous Items Are Not Usually Salvageable

When floods occur during a storm, the water source is likely either runoff from overflowing nearby rivers or creeks or from backed-up sewage drains that are heavily taxed by torrential rain. In either case, the water is likely contaminated with chemicals and human and animal waste and is known as black water because of its source. As such, you may not be able to salvage porous items because of the danger of contamination, including:

  • Many plastics
  • Drywall
  • Clothing

If you are unsure about any item you wish to salvage, you can ask your local flood restoration service whether it is porous and may retain contaminated floodwater.

2. Make a List of Salvaged Items

As you clean up after a flood, you may want to track your salvaged items and keep a list of those you want to save. While paper items are porous, storm damage and flood restoration service may be able to help you rescue important documents by freezing and decontaminating them. This type of content cleaning may help you avoid losing customer data, employee records and other vital information.

3. Set Aside Electronic Devices

Your store's electronic items such as cash registers, credit card machines, and computers may suffer considerably during flooding. However, depending on the degree of water damage, you may be able to salvage and repair them to lower any insurance claim deductibles. Avoid throwing away any electronics until you speak to a professional content cleaning service.
When major storms strike Cincinnati, OH, they can cause flooding that may affect your business. Keeping the above tips in mind as you begin the cleanup process may help you feel more confident about the outcome.

4 Common Causes of Tile Mold

4/11/2022 (Permalink)

Hand pointing to mold growth on ceiling Mold damage on the ceiling.

Four Common Causes of Moldy Tiles

Finding tile mold in your Terrace Park, OH, building can be disconcerting. While it reveals a fungus problem, you may be in the dark as to how it began. If you want to know how the mold could have formed, here are four common causes of moldy tiles.

1. HVAC Systems

One of the most common causes of tile discoloration is HVAC (heating, ventilating and air conditioning) leaks. These are a few possible causes for such leaks:

  • Clogged drain pipes
  • Incorrect maintenance
  • Flawed installation

If you find this source of mold, the first step is to turn off your HVAC systems. This prevents further leakage and minimizes the spread of moisture.

2. Vents

Your building may have roof vents for plumbing or air. If this is the case, the area around these vents might be less secure than the rest of the roof. You can pinpoint this cause of water damage by looking for stains around the openings.

3. Roof Flashing

If your roof has a horizontal surface that meets a vertical surface, chances are that you have roof flashing. These are thin pieces of metal that protect important sections of the roof by guiding water away. Flashing may also be installed around holes such as chimneys and skylights. If your flashing isn't working properly, you may get tile mold from these protected areas.

4. Leaking Pipes

The mold on your tiles may be continuously growing over time. This could be due to a leaking pipe, which might consistently drip small amounts of water onto your ceiling tiles. It's especially possible if your building is in a temperate climate or has old pipes. While moldy tiles are generally caused by roof leaks, this could also be an explanation.
Tile mold is never pleasant to find. However, it may be simple to fix. Remember to call a mold remediation company to be certain that it's eradicated.

Tips for Filing an Insurance Claim After a Business Fire

3/27/2022 (Permalink)

Walls of a factory burned This factory suffered from smoke and soot stains after it experienced a large fire.

How To File An Insurance Claim

A commercial fire in Deer Park, OH, can put a dent in your company's bottom line. That is why you likely have insurance to cover any fire damage. You should file a fire claim as soon as possible so you can quickly get your business back up and running. Whether you call the insurer or fill out an online form, make sure you provide the location of the fire, your claim number, and both primary and secondary contact information.

Preparing for the Adjuster

Once you file the claim, an insurance adjuster will come to the property to check out the damage. Here are some ways you can get ready for the visit.

Keep Track of Any Necessary Records

You will need to show the adjuster how much you spent on each of the various destroyed items. You should thus keep the relevant receipts handy.

Take Plenty of Photos

When making a fire claim, you generally want to keep all damaged items on the property until the adjuster arrives to inspect them. If you have to discard debris ahead of time, take pictures to show the adjuster.

Make Temporary Repairs

Feel free to make temporary repairs to minimize any further damage to your property. This includes securing doors or windows.

Next Steps

Once the adjuster has assessed the value of the damage, you should call your insurance provider or go online to check on the status of your claim. You may even want to set up an online account to make the process go more smoothly.
In addition, make sure to record how much money you spend to repair or preserve your company after the adjuster leaves. This may include the cost of hiring a professional restoration company. If you are forced to temporarily relocate your business during the fire restoration process, you should write down the operating costs associated with this new location.
A fire does not have to destroy your company. By filing a fire claim, following the above steps and using commercial building restoration services, your office space should return to normal in no time.

How To Deal With Frozen Pipes

3/21/2022 (Permalink)

Insulation for pipes Insulate pipes that are particularly vulnerable.

Prevent Frozen Pipes In Your Home

Winter weather can cause a lot of damage to your home. Prepping for winter means making sure there are no weak areas in your roof, around your windows, or in your foundation to let cold air or water in. Other hazards to look out for are frozen pipes. While the best protection is prevention, there are things you can do to salvage pipes before they wreak havoc on your home.

Locating Problems

A pipe freeze will often show up as a faucet that produces little to no water flow. If that happens, start by inspecting pipes in the following areas:

  • Near exterior walls
  • In the attic or basement
  • In crawlspaces

If there is frozen water in a pipe, it may have already expanded enough to crack. If that is the case, turn off the water main and call a plumber. Warming the pipe up before it's fixed may result in water damage that can only be resolved by water restoration specialists.

Unfreezing Pipes

Sometimes, frozen pipes won't show any signs of stress or breakage. When this happens, you can fix the problem by simply warming the pipe. Keeping faucets open to keep warm water moving through the pipes can accomplish this goal. You can also use a hair dryer to warm up pipes or if the pipe is metal, a heat gun. Directing warm air from your HVAC unit into the walls can also unfreeze the water in the pipes.

Preventing Freezes

To prevent a pipe freeze, you want to make sure the pipes and the air around them stay warm. Insulate pipes that are particularly vulnerable. Keep the heater on in your home, and circulate the air so that it reaches the pipes. Opening cabinets and closet doors can help facilitate this circulation.

Frozen pipes can cause damage to your home in Amberley Village, OH, but dealing with this issue is fairly simple. By warming pipes and keeping them that way, you can prevent a lot of water damage.

How To Limit the Impact of the Spring Thaw

3/16/2022 (Permalink)

Hand with a glove cleaning a clogged gutter Remember to have your gutters and downspouts clean for spring weather (or spring thaw for cold areas).

Prevent a Spring Thaw from Destroying Your Business

The spring brings gorgeous sunshine and beautiful flowers. However, springtime can also lead to massive flooding. Increased rains and melting snow put properties in Mariemount, OH, at risk for water damage. Fluctuating temperatures could also cause a frozen pipe to burst. While you cannot change the weather conditions, you can take steps to prevent a spring thaw from destroying your business.

1. Clear All the Snow

Any snow near your property could melt toward your building as the temperature rises. You should thus shovel the snow away from the premises. Make sure that there are no obstructions blocking the path of the thawed snow.
Melted snow on the roof could be harmful, as well. It could easily leak into your building. Safely eliminate any snow that remains on the roof. Snow and ice should also be removed from the downspouts and gutters.

2. Pay Special Attention to the Basement

If your property has a basement or crawlspace, you probably know how prone that area is to flooding. Consider installing a sump pump to remove any excess water from the property's foundation. Be sure to test and clean the pump regularly.
You should also avoid storing any valuable items in the basement. If you have to keep important company electronics or documents in that room, at least put them onto higher shelves.

3. Get Insurance

If a spring flood does occur, you do not want to spend your company's hard-earned profits on commercial restoration services. That is why you need proper insurance. While commercial property policies do not include flood coverage, you can purchase flood insurance separately.
Flooding is quite common during the spring months. The combination of melting ice and snow and heavy rainstorms could be disastrous for a commercial building. However, you can take steps to reduce your flood risk and lessen the impact of any water damage that takes place.

3 Reasons You Need Fire Insurance Now

1/28/2022 (Permalink)

Walls of a factory burned Commercial fire damage in Madeira, OH.

Three Important Reasons To Invest In Fire Insurance

Fire insurance isn’t often top of mind when running a thriving business, but it should be. Without it, a simple conflagration can spell the end of the Madeira, OH, business you’ve worked so hard to build. Still not quite convinced? Here are some reasons to invest in this important coverage without delay.

According to the National Fire Protection Association, firefighters respond to a blaze in the U.S. every 24 seconds, resulting in billions of dollars in damage. Fires can result in:

  • Loss of income
  • Brand damage
  • Business closure

And those are just a few of the immediate threats. Here are a few more reasons why getting a fire insurance policy makes sense.

Because Your Business Is High Risk

Operating a food establishment? This is one of the most obvious places where a fire threat exists, but there are many more. Businesses that require welding or other open flame practices are at risk. Even a salon or religious building can be the victim of bad wiring, so take heed.

Because It Covers More Than Fire

One of the most devastating losses in a fire can be the loss of profits. Most fire coverage providers offer add-ons for business interruption that can help cover everything from staff expenses to temporary relocation. Insurance can also cover things like fire restoration and smoke cleanup to get your business back on track.

Because Fires Are Expensive

While the average cost of a home fire is estimated at $12,000, a single warehouse fire can exceed $100,000. While fire policies don’t typically cover everything, they will absorb the bulk of costs, enabling you to keep more money in your pocket just when you need it.

You’ve put too much work into your business to see it lost or irreparably harmed due to fire damage. Give it the protection it deserves. Contact a fire insurance company today!

Plumbers Are for the Weak! You Can Replace Your Own Toilet With These 5 Simple Steps

1/19/2022 (Permalink)

The bottom of a toilet leaking A leaking toilet can cause damage to your property.

Five Steps To Replace a Toilet

Whether you're dealing with a leaking toilet or you simply found a toilet with crazy features at your local hardware store that you just could not live without, you may wonder how much it will cost you to have a Mariemount, OH, plumber come in to make the swap for you. Depending on your capabilities, resourcefulness and level of confidence this may be an unnecessary concern. You can replace your toilet five simple steps.

1. Sever the Water Supply

Whether you're making a toilet repair or swapping out an old toilet with a new one, you need to be sure to cut the water supply. Once the supply line is disconnected, flush and drain the tank.

2. Detach the Wax Seal

Use a wrench to loosen the bolts holding the toilet, then take a pocket knife or other sharp object and cut the caulk seal surrounding the base of the toilet. Remove the toilet gently. Use a putty knife to remove the wax seal.

3. Caulk the New Base

This step can help you prevent a future leaking toilet, as caulk serves to eliminate gaps between the wax ring and toilet base. It also helps make installation easier.

4. Install a New Wax Ring

You do not want to reuse a wax ring. Place a new one where the old was, and then lift the new toilet into place. Do not press down, as the weight of the fixture will compress the seal itself.

5. Tighten the Bolts

Once the toilet is in place, place a washer over the bolts and tighten the nuts by hand. You can use a large screwdriver or wrench to finish the job. Be careful to not overtighten, as it will crack the ceramic.

If your leaking toilet was leaking for a while, you may want to call in a Mariemount, OH, water damage restoration team to ensure there is no extensive water damage. Failure to properly clean water damage can result in costly issues in the future.

What Every Homeowner Needs to Know About Home Insurance and Sewer Backups

1/10/2022 (Permalink)

Standing water in a basement. Water in a basement A sewer backup often strikes unexpectedly.

What Every Homeowner Should Know About Sewer Backups and Home Insurance

A sewer backup can be an extremely messy problem for any homeowner in Indian Hill, OH. To further complicate the situation, your home insurance policy may not cover cleanup and restoration costs, forcing you to fund repairs out-of-pocket. Carefully reviewing your current coverage may spare you considerable frustration in the long run.

A Costly Problem

A sewage overflow inside your basement or bathroom is highly unsanitary and can cause significant destruction. Depending on the specific cause of the backup and the extent of the damage, you may face numerous cleanup and repair requirements, such as the following:

  • Disinfecting the contaminated area
  • Removing saturated drywall and insulation
  • Repairing broken sewage lines
  • Replacing destroyed personal property

Without adequate home insurance coverage, these expenses can quickly mount and become extremely costly.

Potential Causes

A sewer backup often strikes unexpectedly. If your community’s storm water and sewer lines converge, your home may be particularly vulnerable, particularly if the area becomes inundated with rainwater that overwhelms the system.

If you are fortunate, you may notice subtle symptoms of a plumbing issue that may cause a sewage backup. Examples of specific signs include consistently slow-flowing drains and a lingering sewer gas odor. If you experience either situation, you may have a clogged or damaged pipe. Contacting a licensed plumber may allow you to resolve the potential issue early, sparing you from a messy sewage cleanup.

Safeguarding Your Home

You can minimize your risk of clogged or broken sewage lines by planting trees and shrubs away from pipes and throwing diapers, feminine hygiene products, wipes and paper towels in the trash instead of your toilet. Installing a back-flow valve can also prevent sewage backups.

However, possibly the most efficient way to safeguard both your home and financial security is to update your home insurance policy to ensure you are adequately covered against a sewer backup. Insurance can be a valuable financial safety net, but insufficient coverage can be extremely costly. If disaster strikes, having both your insurance company and a professional cleanup and restoration team on your side can make all the difference.

4 Techniques To Help Minimize Toilet Flooding

12/29/2021 (Permalink)

Clogged toilet Clogs can arise if paper towels, diapers and feminine products are flushed.

Prevent a Clogged Toilet

A messy sewage backup can be an unsightly and disgusting problem for any Cincinnati, OH, business to endure. In addition to sanitary concerns, an overflow can also cause significant water damage that may require extensive cleanup and restoration initiatives. Fortunately, there are several techniques every business owner can employ to help prevent a clogged toilet and avoid unhygienic leaks.

1. Clean Restrooms Regularly

To help maintain a sanitary environment, it’s important to regularly clean restrooms. An efficient cleaning regimen can also help you identify and address potentially problematic leaks and drainage problems. To help avert both bacterial contamination and water damage, you should promptly use a plunger on slow drains and complete necessary repairs without delay.

2. Complete Routine Inspections

Like many other fixtures inside your building, commode components can wear out over time, compromising the unit’s ability to function properly. Examining internal components during routine maintenance inspections can help you locate and repair defective parts before a toilet overflow occurs.

3. Avoid Using Drain Cleaners Inside Toilets

A plunger is the most efficient means to address a clogged toilet. Although drain cleaners may seem like an adequate alternative, these solutions can compound the dilemma by damaging aging pipes and plumbing fixtures. For this reason, you should not attempt to remedy drainage issues by pouring chemicals into your facility’s commodes.

4. Encourage Proper Trash Disposal

Clogs can arise if paper towels, diapers and feminine products are flushed. To help avoid this problem and encourage proper trash disposal, you should have waste receptacles readily accessible throughout the restroom. You can also post signs in every stall to remind everyone what items are acceptable to flush.

Sewage exposure is an unhygienic situation that should be promptly addressed. Taking a proactive approach can help every business owner safeguard their plumbing system, reduce the risk of a clogged toilet and maintain a clean restroom for their staff and customers.

A Pipe Broke - Now What?

12/21/2021 (Permalink)

broken pipe More water damages are caused by broken pipes.

Protect Your Home From a Pipe Burst

If you are facing destruction or flooding related to one or more bursting pipes in your Terrace Park, OH, home, you might be feeling lost and anxious. What can you do to keep water damage to a minimum? Read on for four steps that you can take to protect your property and valuables from the burst.

1. Turn Off Water Sources

Leaving water run when there is already a moisture problem can make matters worse. Turn off all water sources at or near any affected areas as soon as possible. This helps prevent a larger flooding issue and minimizes the risk for mold growth.

2. Fix the Broken Pipe or Pipes

If you can, repair the pipe or pipes yourself or call in professional help to do so. The more time bursting pipes go without being replaced, the longer you will have moisture-related concerns to deal with.

3. Call a Remediation Service

A water damage restoration company can typically survey any existing wreckage and restore your property to the best of the team’s ability. In some cases, even broken valuables and wet papers can be salvaged. Talk to the technicians about what their restoration plan is after they have surveyed the damage.

4. Keep Records

If you have a homeowner's insurance policy on your property, keep track of all destruction and repairs that occur. Snapping photos, saving receipts and taking other actions to record the restoration process from start to finish will help you when you go to file an insurance claim in the future. Talk to your agent if you have specific questions about your coverage.

Calling Terrace Park, OH, cleanup services is your best bet when facing bursting pipes. Professionals can help minimize the risk of mold growth as well as secondary damage. Water emergencies are no joke, but taking action to protect your investments can lead to a happy ending.

How Can You Minimize the Risk of Space Heater Fires at Home?

12/10/2021 (Permalink)

Space Heater A space heater can be your best friend on a cold day.

How Can Space Heaters Cause Fires

If you stop and consider the ways in which your Deer Park, OH, home may be at risk for fire, you could come up with a startling lengthy list. Near the top of the list of these potential causes is the dreaded space heater. A burned space heater can be a nasty culprit for disastrous fires. Understand how these heaters can cause fires and what you can do to eliminate the risks.

An Overview

While it’s true that space heaters are common causes for fires and need for smoke cleanup, reducing fire risks doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, with a few simple steps, you should be able to avoid a burned space heater in most circumstances.

  • Turn off your space heater if you leave the area for an extended period.
  • Clean the filters regularly.
  • Leave plenty of space around the heater.

Turn it Off

A space heater can be your best friend on a cold day if your furnace isn’t working well or if you don’t have one. You may be thinking leaving it on all day will help warm up your home faster and more effectively. However, this will only increase the likelihood of it having problems or starting fires. When you leave your home, or if you don’t plan on being in a certain part of your house for a while, turn it off.

Clean the Filter

Don’t put off this important step. Keep extra filters handy and replace them as they become dirty. When in doubt, consult your owner’s manual. It’s better to change it out unnecessarily than to leave it in too long.

Situate it properly

Don’t put your space heater in a cramped space or near blankets. Also, don’t plug in multiple space heaters in a single outlet.

If your space heater does cause a fire, get in touch with a professional smoke cleanup crew right away. However, if you follow these guidelines, you shouldn’t have to worry about fire or smoke concerns from a burned space heater.

How to Tell if You Must Replace My Carpet After a Flood?

11/22/2021 (Permalink)

Four couches in the middle a coffee table, living room, standing water, clear water. Water damage in a living room Flooded carpet in an Amberley Village, home.

How Do I Know If My Carpet Needs to Be Replaced After a Flood?

Water damage can come in various levels of severity and size—from a pipe break dribbling water into a wall, to excess rain flooding an entire basement. Regardless of the issue, you may have to repair or replace parts of your home. If you’re not sure whether the floorings needs attention, pay attention to warning sides that it’s time to tear out your carpet and lay down something new.

The Solutions

If water finds its way onto your floor, you have a few options to remedy the situation. Minor issues require a quick fix, while more widespread flooding will deem a complete replacement. Here the possibilities when a pipe break or other water problems damage your flooring:

  • Hand-dry the floor with towels.
  • Dry the floor with towels and blow-dryer.
  • Clean the carpets with professional-grade machines.
  • Replace the carpets.

When to Replace: Black Water

Raw sewage flooding is perhaps the worst type of flood you can experience in your Amberley Village, OH, home. A sewer backup or major toilet leakage could send dangerous microscopic pathogens into your home. Known as black water because it contains human feces, this flood water can harm or even kill you. This will require complete restoration.

When to Replace: You Didn’t Immediately Discover the Water

If you can detect a leak or other water issues quickly, you can often salvage carpet, drywall or other parts of your home. However, if the flooding starts while you’re not at home, and water sits on the floor for days or even hours, you probably won’t be able to save the flooring. There will be too much saturation, and you should call a professional cleanup company to tear out the carpets.

There’s no reason to take chances when it comes to a pipe break and significant flooding in your house. If black water or standing water infiltrates your carpet, plan on letting a professional replace it.

The Fire Restoration Process

11/22/2021 (Permalink)

outdoor of a home damaged by a fire, side of the house collapsed Fire damage in Indian Hill, OH

4 Steps in Getting Your Home Back to Normal

After a fire in your Indian Hill, OH, home, you may feel overwhelmed by the fire restoration process. Knowing what to expect beforehand can make the situation less stressful for you and your family. Every fire and home are different, and the restoration process varies accordingly. Here are four general steps that occupants take in getting their home back to normal after a fire:

1. Inspection

Surveying the damage after a fire is critical to knowing the next steps that you need to take. However, this can be dangerous if you are not careful. Do not re-enter your home until the fire department has said it is safe to do so. Do not turn on any appliances or lights that were near the fire.

2. Preventing Further Damage

Preventing further damage is key to the fire restoration process. This includes boarding up or tarping over any openings in the structure to prevent wildlife, criminals, etc. from getting inside. Additionally, it is important to remove any water left over from the fire extinguishing efforts because mold growth begins quickly. After the water has been removed, smoke damage should be addressed. Smoke and soot are corrosive. The longer they are allowed to sit, the more damage they cause.

3. Cleaning

After taking precautions to prevent further damage, clean-up efforts can begin. Damage cleaning takes many forms and may occur on-site or at another location. In addition to cleaning the surfaces of your home and the items within it, it may be necessary to address any lingering smoke odor. From air scrubbers to ozone machines, there are a variety of methods to remove smoke particles from the air in your home.

4. Repair and Restoration

After the smoke (and soot and water) clears, it is time to repair the damage caused by the fire. You may have to repair drywall, replace carpeting and windows, or even fully reconstruct parts of your home to get it back to normal.
Regardless of the extent of damage done, an experienced restoration service can help you with every step of the fire restoration process.

Can Employees Work During Flood Cleanup?

11/9/2021 (Permalink)

Floor of an office covered with mud due to storm damage Business flood in Amberly Village, OH.

When Can Employees Return After a Flood?

Few things can bring an Amberly Village, OH, business to its knees faster than a flood. If your business has sustained water damage, your first thought is apt to be about flood cleanup. After all, accumulated black water is both unsanitary and hazardous to equipment and inventory. Once you have scheduled cleanup, though, you may wonder how soon your employees can return to work.

Beginning the Cleanup Process

Your first priority is to locate the source of the flooding. When you have fixed broken pipes or removed excess water, you must focus on water cleanup. Collaborating with a reputable restoration service is usually your best bet. Specialists have the knowledge, skill, and equipment to effectively remediate water damage.

Inviting Employees Back to Work

If your business is like most, it only functions when employees are hard at work. Of course, since black water can be dangerous, you don’t want to have employees on the job when water is present. Generally, though, you can invite your staff to return to work during the restoration process. Simply make sure all of the following are true:

  • The source of the flooding has been resolved
  • Flood waters have receded
  • All demolition is complete
  • Restoration specialists have disinfected the job site

Breathing Filtered Air

Your employees are likely to be concerned about air quality in your post-flood workplace. That makes sense, as no one wants to breath dank air. Fortunately, restoration specialists use air-filtration devices throughout the cleanup and restoration process. The result is clean, breathable air that poses little risk to employees. You may want to inform workers about the filtration system to help ease their concerns.

Business flooding in Amberly Village, OH, is not something any business owner can take lightly. Still, you don’t have to ask your workers to stay away for long. By working with the right restoration service, you can develop a reasonable timetable for employees to return to work after black water has been removed.

5 Tips To Prepare for a Fire

10/30/2021 (Permalink)

People escape to fire exit door Make sure your employees or tenants know how to get out of the building.

Prepare Your Commercial Building For a Fire

While you don't expect your Mariemount, OH, commercial building to be affected by fire, it may be a good idea to prepare for the potential disaster. Fire preparation can help you know what to do should a fire break out on your property. Use these tips to prepare.

1. Train Employees: One of your biggest concerns during a fire should be the people inside of your building. Make sure your employees or tenants know how to get out of the building by holding regular fire evacuation training. You should post evacuation plans around the property to ensure everyone knows the best way out.

2. Consider Restoration: Part of preparation has to be centered around the potential fire damage your building could sustain. How are you going to take care of roof damage, scorched equipment or structural problems? Finding a trusted fire restoration specialist now can make your repair process much simpler when an emergency hits.

3. Have a Contingency: Depending on what your business does, a fire could shut down your company for a time. Part of your disaster preparation plan may be how you deal with a potential halt of work. You can get insurance to help cover financial losses or rent a temporary workspace to reduce the downtime.

4. Create an Inventory: Your fire preparation plan should also include a list of the equipment, records and property you have in your commercial building. Knowing what's there before a disaster can make creating a loss list for your claim easier. Take pictures of your building, figure out the cost of your equipment and record your inventory.

5. Install Safety Equipment: Smoke alarms, fire sprinklers and other safety equipment can help mitigate the damage done by a fire. Installing these tools before a disaster is often a good idea.

Fire preparation might be the last thing on your mind. However, if your commercial building is ever affected by flames, you'll be happy you took the time to prepare.

Safety Tips for a More Enjoyable BBQ

10/25/2021 (Permalink)

Barbecue grill with fire on nature, outdoor, close up Follow general safety tips and enjoy grilling out.

Safety Tips To Prevent A Grill Fire

While many people in Indian Hill, OH, enjoy grilling out, a grill fire can make an afternoon cookout much less pleasant. By following some general safety tips, you can keep your family and your home safe from harm.

1. Keep the Grill Clean and Well-Maintained

Before using the grill, check that all stationary parts are secure and all moving parts, such as the lid or wheels, move freely. Remove any flammable material or excess grease that might have gotten near the burner. For propane grills, check for gas leaks and other flaws. To keep the grill properly maintained and functioning optimally, take it to be serviced by a professional.

2. Keep the Grill Away From Flammable Surfaces

Always use the grill outside to avoid BBQ smoke damage on the inside of buildings. Choose a level place for the grill at least 10 feet away from buildings where it won’t tip or roll. Make sure it is not leaning against anything such as chairs or deck railings. Avoid overhanging branches and keep flammable liquids away from hot surfaces.

3. Supervise the Grill at All Times

Do not leave the grill unattended while it is still hot or has hot coals in it. Be especially mindful of children and pets who might unwittingly start a BBQ fire or might try to play with potentially hazardous supplies, such as hot tools or lighter fuel. Don’t forget that the grill might still be hot long after you’ve stopped cooking, especially a charcoal grill.

4. Be Prepared and Use Recommended Equipment

Always use the recommended fuel in propane grills and the correct starter for charcoal grills. Keep a fire extinguisher on hand whenever the grill is in use. If a grill fire starts, you may be able to limit the damage by lowering the grill cover or turning off the fuel if it is safe to approach. Immediately contact emergency services if the fire gets out of hand.

By following general safety tips to prevent a grill fire, outdoor cooking will be a much more relaxing activity.

What Can an Environmental Hygienist Do That a Mold Test Can't?

10/25/2021 (Permalink)

Mold damaged behind drywall If you found mold growth in your home you need to work with a certified professional.

What Does an Environmental Hygienist Do That a Mold Test Doesn't?

You have a hunch there's mold growth in your home in Madeira, OH. You know you can call in a residential mold cleaning professional, but you're not sure this is the right option for you. After all, you can perform a DIY mold test on your own for significantly less money. The test will help you figure out if there's mold in your home and if you need a professional's help, right? The fact is you may need help to determine if there is fungus growth in your home.

• Maintain reliability. You are the one who has to do a home mold test. This means you have to ensure the samples are handled correctly and contamination is avoided. A hygienist's training helps ensure the results of the test are reliable.

• Locate growth. Mold damage can be hard to find. There are a lot of hidden areas in your home that could allow mold growth. A professional can not only help you figure out if fungus is present in your home but also determine where it could be.

• Explain the results. When you trust a DIY test, you have to decipher the results on your own. A professional, on the other hand, can explain how some of the mold found is harmless spores that always occur in the air.

• Create a plan. If the test shows there are problematic levels of mold in your home, an environmental hygienist can help you create a mold cleaning plan. This may help you get rid of the growth before it is able to spread to other parts of your house.

• Refer cleaning help. A hygienist may also help you find a reliable mold remediation team if you don't already have one. Finding experts who can remediate the problem is essential.

Home mold tests may be cheaper, but they don't offer the same level of insight as an environmental hygienist does. When you want to know if you need to start a mold cleaning process, you need to work with a certified professional.

Category Three Water: What Is It and Who Should Clean It?

9/27/2021 (Permalink)

Flooded staircase. Do not let the concern over expense come above the concern for your health.

Cincinnati, OH, is prone to flooding during the rainy season. As business owners, this presents a growing concern for not only safety and profitability but the integrity of your property. Thankfully, most insurance companies cover burst pipes and toilet overflow; however, if your business is ever struck by floodwater, you may be left with a few questions about water categories, especially category three.

1. What Is Category Three Water Damage?

Category three water damage is typical in large-scale flooding. This natural disaster tends to overflow rivers and overburden sewage systems leading to a dangerous mixture call the black water. At this category level, water is capable of supporting bacterial growth and becomes hazardous for humans and pets to consume or come into contact.

2. Can You Clean Category Three Water Damage Yourself?

No, unless you are a professional, you should not attempt to clean black water yourself. This type of floodwater can cause illness and disease and possibly death if touched or ingested. It is not uncommon for this type of water to carry hepatitis pathogens, and you do not need to swallow this water to become ill or a carrier.

3. Who Cleans This Type of Water Damage?

As category three water is dangerous, it is wise to seek the assistance of professionals who hold the appropriate certifications and training to handle and dispose of this type of water. You can check with your local municipalities or emergency managers to find restoration specialists capable of this type of work.

Since flooding is a concern for most business owners in this area, and category three flood water presents a potential risk from exposure, it is wise to seek assistance from your insurance provider and local government to ensure that you as well as your business remain safe. Do not let the concern over expense come above the concern for your health.

7 Flood Safety Tips To Be Evacuation Ready

9/18/2021 (Permalink)

Flooding in kitchen. Flood safety includes returning home to Cincinnati, OH, only after the floodwaters recede and local authorities determine it is safe.

When you learn of flood warnings in your area, you must be ready to leave quickly. Your chance of successfully evacuating depends on being properly prepared. Here are 7 safety tips to get you evacuation ready for a flood disaster:

1. Know the flood risk in your area. Check flood maps for your property’s risk. Also, note the topography of the surrounding area. Where are rivers, creeks, high areas, and low areas?

2. Know evacuation routes and alternatives. Check local authorities for existing routes. Increase your flood safety by anticipating areas that may be impassible such as small creeks that could channel larger amounts of water, low areas, and bridges.

3. Know your destination. Have enough supplies to reach your destination and make sure your family knows where to find you.

4. Keep your car filled with gas. You won’t have time to wait in line at a gas station when evacuating, or worse, risk not getting gas due to a shortage from demand in the local area.

5. Keep emergency cash ready. ATMs will have long lines and quickly run out of cash.

6. Keep a “go bag” so you can leave fast. Having some personal items as well as non-perishable food, water, and medications in a bag is a great way to prepare for a fast departure.

7. Make a communication plan. Remember that communications can be disrupted during disasters and flood safety includes having a plan for this. Designating a distant friend as a point of contact for your family is best.

Flood safety includes returning home to Cincinnati, OH, only after the floodwaters recede and local authorities determine it is safe. Do not drive through floodwaters and do not go around police barricades, which are there for your safety. You will have a big job ahead of you with cleanup, but a professional remediation company can guide you through the process.

To Test or Not To Test: Detecting Mold in Your Home

9/13/2021 (Permalink)

Mold growth on wall. If you suspect that there is a mold problem in your home, you are better off having a CIH conduct the mold testing rather than do it yourself.

As a homeowner, you probably take great pride in being able to care for your home yourself. You generally have the knowledge and the skill to keep it clean and safe for your family. Certain problems, however, such as mold growth, may require professional help. You need a certified industrial hygienist to conduct the mold testing and, if a mold problem is found, a mold remediation specialist to take care of it.

Inspection Techniques

When the CIH arrives at your home in Cincinnati, OH, he or she will go through the process of analyzing the air quality in your home. The CIH will perform three main techniques:

• Conduct a visual inspection
• Measure moisture in the air
• Compare baseline outdoor air samples to indoor air samples

Two results of mold testing can be indicative of a problem. First, if the mold spores of a particular species are more highly concentrated in the indoor air than in the outdoor air, they are probably feeding off something and thus multiplying at a more rapid rate than usual. Second, if there is a species of mold found inside that is not found outside, this, too, can indicate a problem.

DIY Techniques

Many home improvement stores sell kits so that their customers can conduct DIY mold testing in their homes. More often than not, however, a mold kit is a waste of money. The kit simply tests for the presence of mold. Without fail, the results are going to be positive. Mold is everywhere. Without first establishing a baseline test of mold concentration found outdoors, no indoor test is going to tell you anything useful.

If you suspect that there is a mold problem in your home, you are better off having a CIH conduct the mold testing rather than trying to do it yourself. The professional will get more accurate results which leads to your problem getting resolved more quickly.

Leaking Water Heater? Here’s What To Do

8/10/2021 (Permalink)

A Hand attaches the hose to a water heater for maintenance If the leak has already caused damage, you can call SERVPRO for cleaning and restoration.

Is Your Water Heater Leaking? Here's What You Should Do

You know what it is. You know what it does. You probably take it for granted almost as much as you do running water. However, someday you may be reminded of its existence in a very personal way. That could be the day when you experience your leaking water heater. Because they tend to last about 10 years, you should do periodic checks for leaks. If you find that your unit is leaking, depending on where it is located, there are steps to take to clean, dry and eliminate damage to your home and personal items. If the leak has already caused damage, it could be time to take serious action, which may include contacting a professional cleaning and restoration company in Cincinnati, OH.

The Procedures Following a Leak

There are several places in your home that your leaking water heater may be located. These include the attic, garage, basement and utility closet. Regardless of the location, there are some general cleanup procedures you should accomplish due to this broken water heater:

  • Promptly remove and completely dry personal and stored items.
  • Perform water extraction and completely dry all flooring, including carpet and padding.
  • Remove and dry all baseboards.
  • Assess drywall; make necessary drill holes or remove sections to circulate air behind the walls.

Additionally, items located on the other side of a shared wall of a failed water heater could experience damage if the outflow is significant. Carefully determine the extent of the leak, including contact with structural and personal items, and then perform the necessary cleanup procedures.

The Importance of Making Every Moment Count

There is a definite timeline of damage that can occur if the cleanup process isn’t started immediately following a leaking water heater in Cincinnati, OH. After discovering that you have an issue, be sure to quickly assess what items and property have come into contact with the water and take the necessary cleanup steps to avoid further loss.

3 Simple Tips To Stay On Top Of Mold in Your Home

8/10/2021 (Permalink)

A finger of the hand points to the mold on the white wall. Call SERVPRO in Indian Hill, OH, we can help you to deal with the mold at home.

3 Easy Ways to Keep Mold Out of Your House

You may not know it, but your home probably has mold in some form or another. This can be the result of water damage or not. Mold grows easily in Indian Hill, OH, and throughout every other climate in the world. Although mold may be growing in areas of your home that you can’t see, you may be able to control it. There are a few different ways to do that, including the following.

1. Keep Commonly Wet Areas Dry

It’s often a good idea to keep dry those areas that frequently get wet. Always keep a towel on hand in the bathroom to sop up any wet spots after a shower or bath. If part of your house has had water damage, it is generally a good idea to be hyper aware of these areas to make sure they stay dry.

2. Have Proper Ventilation Throughout Your Home

In most cities, it is legally required for homes to have ventilation in every bathroom, either through a vent or a window. This is primarily required to prevent mold growth. However, you should have ventilation anywhere that may get wet, such as in the attic space and basement, which tend to collect moisture or get more humid than the rest of the home.

3. Divert Water Away From the House

Take a look outside your home. Take note of where the water goes when it rains. Does your landscaping slope toward your house? How about the rain gutter? For optimal mold prevention, make sure that the water it collects isn’t so close to your home that the foundation is likely to get and stay wet the next time it rains.

Although there is no such thing as a completely mold-proof house, it is possible to curb the spread of mold spores and control it as much as you can. Calling a restoration specialist can help, but in between treatments, follow these simple tips and tricks for mold prevention following water damage as well as during your daily routine.

3 Flood Safety Tips

8/4/2021 (Permalink)

Breaker box with the word CUT THE POWER! Shut off the power right away.

Flood Safety Steps

If your Cincinnati, OH, home has experienced a flood, the first thing on your mind will be how to get the conditions back to normal. Before the cleanup and restoration process begins, however, you should take steps to make sure everything is done safely. Read on to learn some flood safety steps for the cleanup process.

1. Turn Off Electricity

The first thing you should do is turn off all power in the flooded areas. If you can reach your breaker without walking through standing water, shut off the power right away. If you can’t reach the breaker without walking through standing water, call an electrician to help you.

2. Remove Water

Mold can pose a flood safety issue, so the next thing to do is to get rid of as much water as possible. Open windows and doors to let the building air out. Use a dehumidifier and fan to speed up the process. Remove any rugs from the area and put them outside to dry.

3. Clean Up

Wear gloves, a face mask and boots for the cleanup process in order to reduce exposure to chemicals or toxins. Dispose of any damaged items including papers, wall coverings and carpeting. These items typically don’t last through significant flooding, but hard surfaces and clothes can often be cleaned.

An expert will have more knowledge about the best products to use to reduce the risk of mold or mildew, so it may be wise to contact a remediation expert in your area. In addition to knowledge, experts have access to tools, technology and additional safety tips.

Flooding from a storm is an unfortunate situation for any homeowner, but there are some flood safety steps you can take to move forward quickly. Turning off the power, airing out the area and cleaning up the immediate damage are all-important first steps to getting your home back to normal.

Understanding Home Fires and Insurance

7/22/2021 (Permalink)

Home garage burned, content covered with soot When a fire damages your home SERVPRO of can help you.

A home fire at your dwelling in Terrace Park, OH is devastating. There is soot damage, smoke damage and water damage from the firefighters putting out the flames. Many of your personal belongings are lost or in need of proper cleaning. Most residential fires are covered by insurance, but some are not. The cause is crucial to determining coverage. Read below to know what is typically covered and what is not. Each individual policy is different, so be sure to confirm with your agent.

What Causes Are Usually Covered?

For most homeowner’s insurance, almost all fire types are covered under the policy, including, but not limited to the following

  • Kitchen fires are one of the main causes of residential fires. This type of fire spreads quickly and leads to significant damage.
  • Failing electrical systems or appliances, especially those that are old or poorly maintained, pose a fire risk.
  • The HVAC system, space heater or wood stove may ignite a house fire.
  • Even though smoking rates have decreased over the past few decades, it remains a common reason for residential fires.
    • External causes, such as lightning strikes and wildfires, are rare but can be a fire hazard.

When Is a Home Fire Not Covered?

There are two main causes of house fires not covered by homeowner’s insurance: 

  • Arson is never covered if the fire is set by the homeowner or someone acting on the homeowner’s behalf. If investigators find evidence of a fire set by the owner to collect insurance money, no damage is covered and criminal charges may be filed.
  • A vacant home fire is not typically covered if it is unoccupied at the time of the fire. However, this is covered if the homeowner has an added endorsement to the policy.

When you have a home fire in Terrace Park, OH insurance coverage for fire and water damage is key to an affordable recovery. Work with your insurance adjustor and a fire restoration specialist to rebuild, replace and restore your home to pre-fire condition.

The Value of Mold Inspections

7/22/2021 (Permalink)

Mold remediation specialist inspects walls Should you spend money on a mold inspection?

Mold Inspections Are Important

Buying property in Amberly Village, OH, can be an expensive and risky venture. Added to those costs are the many tests and inspections involved in the process. As you consider whether to add a mold inspection to your list, carefully weigh the cost of the test with the potential costs of serious mold damage and remediation. If you purchase a property where visible mold is a problem, you'll pay for:

  • Labor
  • Specialized materials
  • Use of specialized equipment
  • Removal and replacement of home materials (such as drywall and carpeting)

If you're found liable for anything related to a mold problem, you may also end up paying financial damages to the people using your building. Many property owners have found that it is more cost-effective to catch trouble before it has the chance to escalate into much larger problems.

What Good Comes From a Mold Inspection?

Should you pay for an expensive mold inspection? Maybe you already know there's a lot of mold. Visible signs are an obvious indication that there's a problem. However, mold testing may also reveal areas where water is getting into the framing of the building. This allows you to tackle the source of mold trouble, sometimes before mold has the chance to grow. If mold has to lead to structural weaknesses, the inspection and resulting remediation efforts could also prevent much more expensive repairs. Finally, if the building was once affected by water damage and has been remediated, the inspection could provide confidence in those results.

Better Safe Than Sorry

The best advice is to err on the side of safety. An investment in a thorough mold inspection upfront could potentially save you a lot of money in the end. It's also worth noting that mold is notorious for returning to areas that have once been affected by it. So, your efforts to protect yourself from mold damage in any of your Amberly Village, OH, properties is a very good idea.

Stages of Commercial Storm Preparedness

7/12/2021 (Permalink)

Floodwaters in commercial building Flood damage to a commercial property in Mariemount, OH.

Know What To Do Before, During, And After A Storm

 High winds, rain and lightning in Mariemount, OH, may threaten your business and employees. When a rain storm or other severe weather hits, be prepared. Know what to do before, during and after the thunderstorm to protect your staff and commercial property. Before the Storm

As someone who understands the commerce industry, you know that preparedness and prevention are important elements of a business plan. Be ready for a thunderstorm by doing the following:

  • Communicate with managers and employees about a severe weather plan. When a rain storm threatens the area, everyone should already know what to do. This includes knowing where to shelter in place, away from skylights and windows. Post visible reminders about procedures.
  • Keep an emergency preparedness kit that includes water, flashlights and first aid equipment.
  • Trim trees and bushes near the building and maintain lightning rods, if present. Before installing lightning rods, seek assistance from the local fire department.

During the Storm

When the sky turns dark, high winds start and the local emergency warning system sounds, now is the time to put your preparedness plan in place:

  • Have employees seek shelter in the designated place. Stay away from electrical equipment, such as computers, that could surge if lightning strikes. Landline phones should not be used, but cellular devices are safe.
  • Do not allow staff to leave the building, unless you suspect a lightning strike to the property. Then promptly evacuate staff and call 911.

After the Storm

After the thunderstorm, maintain precautions for about a half hour. Troubleshoot any damage that may have occurred:

  • Listen to the radio for safety bulletins regarding damage to the area.
  • Do not allow employees to go near power lines that have fallen. Contact the fire department immediately.
  • Check your property for damage. If you suspect water, wind or hail damage, call a storm restoration professional and your commercial insurance agent as soon as possible.

A rain storm does not have to mean bad news for your business in Mariemount, OH, when you are prepared. Know what to do before, during and after a storm to protect your personnel and property.

Situations When Your Insurance Won’t Cover a House Fire

7/6/2021 (Permalink)

Outdoor structure of a home burned by fire Fire damage in Indian Hill, OH.

Do you ever get frustrated making that monthly insurance premium payment? You may spend a fair amount of money on homeowner’s insurance, but if the time comes when you need to use it, you’re grateful for the coverage it provides. Insurance can give you peace of mind and save you from financial ruin. Take a home fire, for example. Your homeowner’s insurance will cover the cost of loss in a fire in most cases. There are only a few situations in which you’ll be out of luck.

Unusual Circumstances

Let’s get the most uncommon issues out of the way first. There are a few events where your policy wouldn’t cover a fire at your Indian Hill, OH, home, but the chances of these are extremely small. Still, it’s helpful to know that you are on the rare and unfortunate end of these situations that you’ll have to seek help in some other way.

  • Nuclear Blast. If this happens at our near your home, there are more widespread things to worry about. But your policy won’t cover it.
  • Act of war. If a home fire starts as a result of an invading army, you can’t rely on your insurance for help.

Intentional Fires

Under no conditions will any insurance company ever cover a fire that started from arson. People sometimes try this method to get money from their insurance. This act won’t just leave you with damage or potentially no home, but it’s punishable with prison time.

Vacant Building

Your homeowner’s policy won’t cover fire damage if it occurs when your home was vacant. Usually, this means you haven’t occupied it for more than 30 consecutive days. You can purchase additional insurance in these cases in the event a vacant home fire causes damage or destroys the structure.

If you need further information about cleaning up after a fire, contact an expert restoration specialist. You should also become familiar with your insurance policy and understand to what extent it will cover a home fire.

Q2 2021 Franchise Teammate One Team MVP Finalist Dylan Riddle

6/11/2021 (Permalink)

a man We are more than proud to have Dylan as a part of our SERVPRO family.

Dylan Riddle has been the job file coordinator with SERVPRO of East Central Cincinnati and West Hamilton/Oxford for more than three years. There he has taken his work ethic, knowledge, and positive attitude to help improve his franchise's job cycle times and audit scores. While he rarely works in the field, customers often compliment the customer service when working with Dylan. His help was even on display during the recent Winter Storm in Texas and Oklahoma as he provided help managing the influx of work during the event.

Dylan has been absolutely critical in the turnaround of our franchise. Approx. three years ago we realized we were one of the worst franchises in regard to upload scores and job cycle times. After spending the majority of the year in a "red light" status, we had to take action to correct these deficiencies. We made a significant amount of internal changes, however, we still struggled with our audit scores. Despite our efforts, we could not seem to grasp the process. Fortunately, Dylan came along and was able to quickly help us turn things around and surpass the very lofty goals I had set.

In June of 2019, he informed me we had reduced our office cycle time from 8+ days to 1.5 days, which surpassed our previously set goal of 2 days, all while raising our average audit score into the 90% range. On that same phone call, I had informed Dylan that our new goal was to get our office cycle times down to a point where it started with a decimal point (example .75 days). Without reservation he accepted this challenge and simply replied with, "yes sir, I will have some ideas emailed to you by tomorrow morning with some ways we can make it happen." He followed through with his commitment, and for 2020 our current office cycle times are .12 days with a 100% job audit score. I could honestly go on and on and name scenario after scenario where Dylan has met/exceeded established goals time after time. Dylan is a true team player and I could not think of anyone more deserving of the MVP award.

Do the right thing: Dylan seems to be intolerant of shortcuts or anything short of his best effort. It is reflected in his audit scores, as well as the positive feedback we receive from customers on a regular basis, which is impressive considering he rarely steps foot on many of our mitigation projects.  

Serve others: I have personally made some pretty insane requests at all hours and I have never heard any hesitation on his behalf. He is a true team player who is all about providing the best experience for the customer and taking actions to improve those around him.  

Stay positive: Anyone who spends five minutes on the phone with Dylan would immediately identify how incredibly positive he is. When Dylan first started with us, I reviewed all of his job files to ensure they were to our franchise's new standard. This is something we do with all employees, and usually after a week, each requested revision is usually met with some form of hesitation/frustration. However, I never experienced that with Dylan. This is very atypical, so when I asked him about it he responded with, "Boss I figured you were just trying to push me out of my comfort zone, so I have just turned it into a game to see if I can write an Xactimate where you can't find anything to add, and if I can't do that, I will at least make you work really hard to find something."

Hustle/Grind: Since Dylan is part of the administrative team, he is not expected to regularly perform his duties after hours or on the weekends, but that has not stopped him from working countless hours outside of his "normal hours." When we really started gaining traction and seeing the fruits of our focus on cycle times, we challenged Dylan to get our office time down to a metric that started with a decimal point, and that the goal was to get the number so low that when people read our numbers, they were equal parts confused and suspicious. Dylan took that request to heart, and to this day, if the production staff pulls equipment on a Saturday, he is in the office placing the finishing touches on the job file and submitting for billing. 

Collaborate: Dylan is a true believer of the ONE TEAM mentality and has helped or provided pointers to quite a few other franchises. During the most recent freeze event in Texas and Oklahoma, Dylan became a resource for Storm Team Wilson during the weekly admin webinars. He noticed the high volume of questions that seemed to be heading towards the unmanageable levels and quickly jumped to action and started fielding questions so that the members of Storm Team Wilson could address the more complex or dynamic questions.  

– Brandon Johnson, general manager, SERVPRO of East Central Cincinnati

What Should a Business Do During a Thunderstorm?

5/19/2021 (Permalink)

Lightning bolt strike from a thunderstorm over a city Thunderstorm in Cincinnati, OH.

How Thunderstorms Can Affect Your Business

When a strong thunderstorm strikes Cincinnati, OH, there are some immediate steps you should take to protect life and property. A heavy rain storm can cause flash flooding and lightning is extremely dangerous; it can strike from miles away and hit anywhere – even inside.
The statistics for lightning hits in the U.S. are alarming:

  • Around 40 fatalities per year.
  • At least 9 times as many injuries.
  • A high rate of permanent disabilities.

Fortunately, there are proactive steps you can take to prevent injuries and reduce property damage. In some cases, you may be expected to take reasonable precautions; for instance, if a customer is injured by high winds or other storm damage on your property, you may be liable if you’re shown to be negligent.

When Should You Begin Preparations?
Right now! Make a list of steps to take to mitigate damage to your property. Start by taking care of trees outside; dead branches should be removed and live ones should be trimmed to be at least two feet away from the building.
Now is also a great time to look at your landscaping. During a rain storm, where does the water flow? If the rain is extremely heavy, will it collect in your building? With terracing and drainage planned, you can prevent all but the most extreme storms from flooding your business.
You should also make a READY profile with your local storm damage restoration experts. This will put all the info you need in a secure cloud account so you can access it with a free app.

How About During a Thunderstorm?
There’s always a risk of lightning during convective storms. However, some really stand out for their cloud-to-ground lightning strikes. When you see lots of lightning, you should move employees and customers away from windows and access a weather report either on television, the radio or your smartphone. If severe weather or a tornado is approaching, you need to get everyone to shelter immediately.
If you’re well prepared for a big rain storm, you should have no worries about flooding. Heavy lightning storms and severe weather should be considered an emergency, so being ready to act quickly could save lives.

Understanding Business Interruption Insurance

5/4/2021 (Permalink)

burned drywall, wooden structure burned, insulation burned Fire damage in Terrace Park, OH

A fire or other devastating weather-related has the potential to make a business in Terrace Park, OH, go under. For businesses with physical locations and assets, adding business interruption insurance can be a lifesaver. Along with helping to cover restoration costs by a fire cleaning and restoration professional, it provides financial relief needed to keep your business going even during unexpected downtime.

What Does It Cover?

If a business fire happens, the damage goes far beyond the physical environment. If you are forced to temporarily shut the doors, you still have bills to pay and other expenses that may not be able to be met with money not flowing in. A business interruption policy typical provides the following:

  • Reimbursement for revenue lost during shutdown, which usually is provided for up to a year.
  • Payroll costs to maintain your workforce.
  • Costs associated with rent or lease payments.
  • Funds to continue paying loans to avoid missed payments.
  • If temporarily relocating, it will aid with moving costs.
  • Money will be available for any tax obligations.

Filing a Claim
There are certain requirements that must be met to file a claim:

  • Income loss forces a suspension of business operations.
  • That loss is directly related to physical damages.
  • An income limit is required to be set.

There is also a period of restoration, which typically includes a 72-hour waiting period. That means income lost during those days will not be covered. This period ends once all repairs or completed or if the business moves to a new location. It’s also important to remember that there is a coverage limit, which will be dependent on how much coverage you get. If the damage is severe, there may be some out-of-pocket expenses.
A business has a lot of components that make it thrive. Adding business interruption provides peace of mind that even a massive physical loss can be weathered.

How To Properly Handle a Black Water Flood

4/19/2021 (Permalink)

Flooded office, office floor with mud. Flooded office from a storm in Deer Park, OH

How To Handle Category 3 Water

Black water, or category 3 water, is highly contaminated and should be handled as an emergency plumbing situation that poses a hazard for the people who enter your building. Along with carrying viruses and bacteria, this type of water can have a foul smell. Common sources of category 3 water are:

  • Water from flooding
  • Backed up sewage
  • Toilet overflow

If you have experienced a category 3 water flood in Deer Park, OH, take these steps immediately to prevent flood damage.

Use Proper Protective Gear
Flooding from stormwater, sewage, or any other forms of contaminated water should be handled with care to prevent disease. Wear gloves, masks and bodysuits if they are available to you. Properly dispose of hazardous waste once you have finished cleaning by tightly placing all contaminated towels and rags into a large plastic bag. Tightly close the bag and dispose of it according to your region's waste management codes.

Clean and Dry Your Property
Use old rags, mops or towels to clean the water from your property. A water vacuum may help to clean excess water and dry materials more efficiently than rags. Once you have cleaned the water, make sure your property is not damp. If it is still damp from the flood, use a dehumidifier until the materials are no longer humid. You can also use floor fans to dry carpet, wood or tile floors.

Hire a Restoration Service
A professional water damage restoration service will help to properly clean your property if you do not want to purchase protective gear or undertake the arduous task of cleaning. They will also dehumidify and restore your property by making the necessary repairs to water-damaged construction materials.
Water damage from flooding can be disastrous to a home, especially if the damaged materials are not cleaned and restored on time. In case of a category 3 water flood, take immediate action to prevent disease and flood damage.

4 Hidden Causes of a Cigarette Fire

3/22/2021 (Permalink)

An ashtray with old smoked cigarettes stands on a black table top view, day Make sure you put out your cigarette well.

4 Hidden Causes of a Cigarette Fire

Although everyone knows a cigarette fire can cause considerable damage to a home, exactly how this type of fire happens may be less obvious. Cigarette fires start for many reasons. Here are four lesser-known — but no less dangerous — causes.

1. Ashtray Fires
When smokers extinguish their cigarettes in ashtrays, they expect those cigarettes to go out. This isn't always the case. A pile of spent ashes from another smoker can start a fire if those earlier ashes haven't been put out completely. A smoker in a hurry may think he or she has fully extinguished a cigarette when, in reality, that butt is still burning. Ashtrays in public spaces can also be filled with trash and other materials that are essentially tinder for an ashtray fire.

2. Careless Outside Smoking
People smoke outside their homes for many reasons, including the belief that smoking outdoors will eliminate any chance of a fire occurring inside the home. This is false.
Although smoking outside is listed on many fire prevention checklists, smoking in the driveway or other outdoor areas can still cause a cigarette fire. Leaving a lit cigarette on a porch or a deck can cause a fire, for example. Tossing a cigarette into the grass can also create the need for fire cleanup.

3. Trashcan Ash
When placed into the trash with other garbage, the tiniest of embers can start a fire. Cigarette ashes must be completely extinguished before disposal to prevent the chance of a fire.

4. E-Cigarettes
Many assume that e-cigarettes cannot cause a fire because they are flameless. This is false. Although rare, the battery in an e-cig can overheat, causing a potentially fiery explosion.
Even with preventative measures, a cigarette fire can still happen in Amberly Village, OH. In the event that it does, contact your local fire damage restoration company to return your home to its original condition.

What Not To Do When a Pipe Breaks in Your Home

3/16/2021 (Permalink)

wet floor in a home, drywall has been removed due to water damage Flooded home in Mariemount, OH.

What To Do And Not Do When A Pipe Breaks In Your Home

If you have a broken pipe and it releases water into your Mariemount, OH, home, it is important to know what to do and what not to do. Some leaks may spread contaminated water in home areas, so safety is key, as is clean up afterward.

What To Avoid When a Pipe Breaks
First, always consider your safety. If you have concerns, contact a professional. Before a technician arrives, do not do any of the following:

  • Never use electrical appliances if the floor is wet
  • Never clean up sewage water yourself
  • Never lift carpeting if it is tacked to the floor
  • Never enter a room where there is structural or electrical damage
  • Never use a regular vacuum cleaner to remove water

Water damage and flooding can cause severe problems for your home, so there are also actions that you should take to start to repair your property.

What To Do After a Pipe Breaks
The first step to take if you have a broken pipe is to stop the water from flowing. Turn off the water to the leaking pipe, such as by looking for the shut-off valve under a sink or by an appliance.
If you are not certain about the whereabouts of the leak’s origin, you can turn off the main water line for the house. This valve is usually somewhere on the perimeter of your home, often near the water meter. It is essential to know how to find your shutoff, so take the time to learn its location.
Next, ensure that you drain all the water from the pipes. Once completed, identify the location where the pipe burst. A plumber can repair or replace the broken pipe, while water damage restoration professionals can clean up any mess before it causes further damage.
Dealing with flooding in the home can be an ordeal. By knowing what to do during and after a pipe breaks, you can minimize the stress and damage.

Pretesting, Innovative Tools Help Salvage More Damaged Property, Belongings

2/25/2021 (Permalink)

Hands holding a moisture meter. Moisture detection in a Madeira, OH commercial property.

Pretesting, Innovative Tools Help Salvage More Damaged Property, Belongings

If your commercial property in Madeira, OH, sustains a water loss, the initial scene can be overwhelming. While it may seem like little is salvageable and your insurance claim will be over the top, a certified mold and water damage and restoration company will have the tools and expertise to perform pretesting and make a restoration plan to minimize claims and get your property back to “Like it never even happened.”

Even though you may already have damage, a key to minimizing costs is ensuring it doesn’t spread. After calling a professional, they will quickly respond to start the saving process.

Within four hours, a technician will arrive on-site to assess the damage and develop a mitigation plan.
The professional will clearly explain the assessment and plan, ensuring you have a clear understanding of the process.
After the on-site visit, the professional will communicate the scope of the project with your insurance agent or claims adjuster.
Pretesting will be done to determine if items can be restored.

Once the cleanup and restoration process begins, certified professionals have an arsenal of tools and techniques to clean, repair and restore the structure and many of the items within it. These include:

Moisture Detection: This is used to measure and monitor moisture levels, including detecting hidden water.
Water Extraction: To speed up the drying process, portable or truck-mounted extraction equipment will be used to pump out high levels of water.
Drying: Industrial-strength humidifiers and air mover are used to eradicate leftover moisture from throughout the structure.
Cleaning and Deodorizing: Salvageable belongings will be removed and taken to a secure location to clean and remove odors. Different methods will be used depending on the item, such as dry, immersive, or wet cleaning. Air scrubbers, thermal foggers and anti-microbial treatments are used in the property to eliminate odors and sanitize.

A water loss may seem like a difficult situation to get out of, but taking quick action and pretesting damaged items ensures more can be restored instead of replaced.

3 Steps To Stop a Continuously Flushing Commercial Toilet

2/16/2021 (Permalink)

Toilet, Flushing Water, close up Stop a toilet from flushing.

3 Steps To Stop a Continuously Flushing Commercial Toilet

Commercial toilets flush by using a water-diverting device called a flushometer. This device enables tankless toilets, which are optimal for high-use bathrooms. If you manage a business property in Indian Hill, OH, you probably have this type of fixture. Most of the time they operate smoothly, but sometimes they can accumulate built-up sediment that leads to a toilet overflow. When this happens, the flushometer does not stop flushing. Although flooding can be a daunting problem, there are simple steps you can take to clean out a typical manual flushometer and stop a toilet from flushing.

1. Take Apart the Flushometer
First, find the slot for a flathead screwdriver on one side of the flushometer. Turn the slot to shut off the water. Next, remove the top lid of the flushometer by loosening it with a wrench and then twisting it completely off. Placing a soft buffer material between the jaws of your wrench and the flushometer’s top lid can prevent scuffs.
Once the top lid is removed, you can unscrew and remove the flange cover. This should be done slowly and carefully, as trapped water may be released upon opening.

2. Clean the Gasket
Once the flange cover is removed, you can see the gasket. There will likely be a lot of sediment built up. This is typically the root cause of toilet overflow. Remove the gasket and clean it thoroughly, washing off all sediment. There may be a tiny opening called a weep hole. Use a small object to clear out this hole, being careful not to expand it in the process.

3. Reassemble, Test, and Restore
Reinsert the gasket, and put the flushometer back together by reversing the steps of disassembly. If the problem persists after the water is turned back on, you will need to replace the gasket. If the damage is sustained from the toilet flood, a local restoration and cleanup specialist can help get your property back in top shape.
These steps can address a toilet overflow in manual flushometers. Keep them in mind to avoid water damage in your commercial building's bathroom.

How To Prepare Your Home for a Fire: 3 Quick Tips

1/28/2021 (Permalink)

Escape plan Preparing for a fire at your Cincinnati, OH, home can give you peace of mind

3 Quick Tips

It can be difficult to know when a fire might strike your Cincinnati, OH, home, as risk factors vary from family to family. However, there are a few ways you can prepare for an emergency like this to ensure everyone in your home escapes if a fire breaks out. Fire preparation can be as simple as making a checklist and keeping a few tips in mind for practicing fire safety around the home.

1. Prepare an Evacuation Plan

One of the most effective ways to prepare for a residential fire is to have a plan of action in place. This includes creating an escape route with at least two exits, having an established safe meeting place outside the home and teaching your children the dos and don’ts of escaping a fire. Having this plan prepared beforehand can help you feel confident in the face of a house fire.

2. Make a Safety Checklist

Being ready to act during a fire can mean the difference between escape and injury. This includes being proactive about fire safety and having the tools you might need to fight or flee from a fire. As you create your checklist, include gear such as working smoke detectors in every room, rope ladders for escaping from the second floor, fire extinguishers in the kitchen and the utility room and a well-stocked first aid kit out in the garage. Ask a fire damage and restoration service to assess your home’s risk for fire and what advice the company’s technicians might have to help you create your fire preparation list.

3. Perform Fire Drills

You can test the viability of your evacuation plan by performing a fire drill every few months. Simulate a home fire and time your family’s escape. If you find that it takes too long, you can edit and tweak your evacuation plan to make it more efficient.

Preparing for a fire at your Cincinnati, OH, home can give you peace of mind. From preparing safety checklists to assessing risk, fire preparation can help you protect the lives of your loved ones.

3 Steps To Keep Your Business Free of Mold

1/26/2021 (Permalink)

Moisture meter SERVPRO technicians carefully monitor the drying progress using moisture meters until the materials return to acceptable drying goals.

Three Steps Toward Maintaining A Mold Free Space

If you find evidence of black mold at your place of business, you'll want to contact a mold remediation expert as quickly as possible. A mold infestation can damage your building's walls and other surfaces, so a quick mold cleanup process means fewer lost working hours for your business. Here are three steps toward maintaining a mold-free space for your business in Madeira, OH.

1. Identification
Although mold is naturally occurring in many spaces, a build-up of mold needs to be remedied quickly. Mold grows in spaces that are consistently damp, so if you notice growth in these areas, pay attention. Black mold can be identified by its color. In addition, it often has an unpleasant musty smell. If you suspect that you have a mold problem, call a professional mold remediation service to help.

2. Removal
The first thing mold experts will do is perform an air test in your space to determine where contamination exists and what types of mold are present. After they've identified the areas needing cleaning and disinfection, containment is the next step. They will isolate these areas from the rest of your indoor space.
Using commercial mold cleaners and other professional equipment, such as air scrubbers, they will thoroughly clean the space and dry any wet materials. A post-cleanup mold test ensures that all mold has been removed from the space. At this point, you should be taking steps to prevent future mold contamination.

3. Prevention
To keep mold from contaminating your business in the future, be sure to keep your indoor spaces clean and dry. Indoor humidity levels should be kept below 45 percent. Use one or more dehumidifiers as necessary to maintain this level. Air filters can also help remove mold spores from the air as they circulate air through your indoor spaces.
If you suspect you have black mold in your place of business, be sure to have a professional inspection done as soon as possible. With quick mold cleanup, you'll be back to making money in no time.

Will Filing a Claim Raise My Insurance Rates?

1/12/2021 (Permalink)

Insurance claim form How many times have you filed an insurance claim?

You come home from work to find water everywhere because one of your pipes burst while you were gone. Obviously, you're going to call a plumber or water damage specialist in Indian Hill, OH, right away, but should you also file an insurance claim? If you're concerned about making that call might cause your rates to go up, here are the factors you should consider:

The Cause of Your Water Damage and Who's at Fault

Floods — water that flows over the ground into your house — are not covered by homeowner's insurance unless you have a specific policy for it. Homeowner's will cover water damage from rain if it came through a damaged roof or window, or damage from toilets, sinks, showers, burst pipes, or lawn sprinklers, provided the cause isn't due to neglect or fault of your own.

The Size of Your Deductible
Will the cost of repairing the damage exceed your deductible? If not, is it worth filing a claim?

How Many Times You've Filed
If this is not your first insurance claim, how many times have you filed? The number of claims will most certainly impact your rates.

Your Credit Rating
Surprisingly, a low credit score can cause your insurance rates to go up, even if your home flood was out of your control.

The Type of Damage
Unfortunately, water damage is among the issues that insurance companies see as a red flag, and are therefore more likely to raise rates.

The Extent of Damage
If you are at all able to afford the repairs and restoration outright, it is best to handle things on your own. On the other hand, if the damage is catastrophic, you shouldn't think twice about making a claim.
Though dealing with water damage can be a big headache, dealing with your insurance company doesn't have to be. Understanding your policy and the factors that contribute to rate hikes before you make the call can help you make the right decision about whether to file an insurance claim.

Understanding Fire Insurance

1/12/2021 (Permalink)

Businessman present insurance concept with house on fire Fire insurance protects business owners in the event of a fire

Every year, fires cause over $10 billion in property damage. While residential homes make up the majority of damage, fires still cause trouble for many businesses. In 2019, more than $1 billion of the total national damage came from one commercial property alone. Given these costs, it makes sense fire insurance exists. If you are a business owner in Mariemount, OH, it can be useful to understand how this kind of insurance works.

What Is It?

Fire insurance is a kind of property insurance that protects business owners in the event of a fire. Typically, it covers:

  • Property damages
  • Profit and wage losses
  • Fire restoration

When a fire occurs in a commercial property, there can be extensive costs involved. In addition to facing damages to your build and equipment, you will also have to deal with a loss of profits and wages because of the inability to work. Other ongoing costs to consider include rent and utilities. When your business insurance policy includes fire protection, it typically addresses all of these expenses.

Why Is It Important?
If you own a business, this kind of insurance is important because it provides fire protection for one of your biggest investments and likely the source of income which supports your livelihood. After a fire, you will need to contact a fire restoration expert to assess and address the damage, and the costs of repairs and smoke cleanup can quickly add up. If your insurance policy includes fire protection, you will be able to handle the inevitably difficult situation with less stress. This kind of security can make a big difference. Insurance can offer you a peace of mind so you can focus on running your business.
Owning a business and having fire insurance go hand-in-hand. If your company runs out of a commercial property, there are many safety factors you need to think about. Fires should be a top concern. Investing in fire protection can reduce worries by giving you options if something does goes wrong.

Water Damage Restoration Steps

1/12/2021 (Permalink)

wet floor in a home and drying equipment placed in damaged area Water damage restoration in an Amberly Village, OH home

Water Damage Restoration Steps

The restoration of a home that has been damaged by water is a multi-step process that may involve the tear out of some damaged areas of the property. This guide will help you understand what to expect from the restoration process.

1. Remove Water
The first goal of the storm restoration process is to remove standing water from the home. This process should begin as soon as possible to reduce the chances of warping, structural damage and mold growth. If your home has a significant amount of standing water, you will probably need professional equipment to remove it. A water damage restoration company in Amberly Village, OH, can assist you with the water removal process.

2. Dry Out Property
Once the standing water has been removed, the property needs to be thoroughly dried to eliminate the remaining moisture. Fans and dehumidifiers may be used to remove moisture from the air and aid in drying out surfaces. Wet contents should be removed from the home and discarded or dried out before returning them. You may need to tear out sections of damaged drywall and replace them. Wet carpets should be disposed of if possible. If you can not immediately discard carpets, use an extractor or wet/dry vacuum to remove as much water as you can.

3. Clean and Sanitize
Once everything is dry, contents and surfaces should be cleaned and sanitized before repairs begin. This step will help remove mold spores and contaminants.

4. Repair and Restore
The final step of the process is repairing and restoring structural and cosmetic damage to the home. Ceilings, floors, walls and other areas may need to be repaired, painted or replaced.
Whether you need to tear out damaged drywall or completely restore large areas of your home, it is important to understand what to expect from the water damage restoration process. The earlier you begin the process, the more successful you will be at mitigating your damages.

How To Remove Mildew and Mold From Your Office Bathroom

12/18/2020 (Permalink)

Detail of mold and dirt on the glass of window. Toxic mildew Mold and mildew damage in Madeira, OH

Mold and mildew can develop in any office bathroom. When it does, a mildew clean session becomes immediately necessary. Knowing where to find pernicious fungal growth and how to eliminate it may mean the difference between a sparkling restroom and complex structural damage.

Where To Look

When examining your building’s facilities for signs of fungal invaders, be sure to inspect:

  • Under sinks
  • Around exhaust fans
  • Surrounding toilet bases
  • Between tiles

With its nasty odor and off-putting appearance, untreated bathroom mold and mildew in these spots can spread. Once it gets onto and inside walls, the devastation potentially requires building reconstruction. Should you detect advanced growth, move quickly to consult a commercial mold remediation service that works on buildings in Madeira, OH.

What To Do
Stop growth in its tracks by performing a thorough mildew clean. Start by stripping out caulking and sealant that has become compromised. Next, purchase chlorine bleach specifically made for fighting spores. Spray the bleach onto tiled walls and wait half an hour or more. Using a stiff brush, scrub away the offenders and then rinse the vertical surfaces with warm water.
Using vinegar is a more natural option. Spray the affected area, let it sit and scrub as you would with bleach. Repeat this process until the mold and mildew are gone before performing your finishing rinse.
Mold and mildew can be removed from painted or wallpapered walls by mixing two tablespoons of borax with a quarter cup of white vinegar. For safety's sake, do this in a disposable bowl or bucket. Dilute the solution with two cups of hot water and then pour the combination into a spray bottle. Apply the concoction to the affected surfaces and scrub thoroughly. Wipe everything down and then re-spray. Wait 10 minutes before repeating the drying process.
If your restroom at work suffers a mold or mildew infection, promptly handle the issue by performing a mildew clean. Quick action can prevent destruction from worsening.

3 Ways To Prevent Clogged Toilets

12/18/2020 (Permalink)

Clogged toilet Avoid a clogged toilet by taking necessary precautions

3 Ways To Prevent Clogged Toilets

If you own a commercial building in Mariemount, OH, dealing with toilet overflow can be a tedious and time-consuming task, not to mention the cost of a plumber. Preventing commercial toilets from clogging in the first place can make things easier for your business. Although it's never a guarantee since commercial restrooms cannot always be monitored, there are precautions you can take to lessen the chances of a clogged toilet.

1. Opt for Thinner Toilet Paper
Thinner toilet paper is cost-effective and can prevent toilets from clogging. In the event that customers or guests in your building flush large wads of toilet paper, thicker toilet paper may get stuck in the pipes and end up clogging the toilet. Choose a thinner toilet paper for your commercial bathroom to lessen the likelihood and frequency of clogged toilets, which can lead to sewage backup and other problems.

2. Provide Waste Bins
Personal care items like sanitary napkins and paper towels are often flushed down the toilet due to convenience. These items can clog a toilet and lead to overflow. If you offer ample wastebaskets within the bathroom stalls or restroom, it will provide a quick alternative for these items. However, be sure to clean them out regularly. It's also a good idea to make sure they're large enough to handle an ample amount of waste.

3. Post Signs Around the Restroom
Posting signs around the restroom reminding patrons of which items are non-flushable and where to put them can help lessen your chances of this occurring. These signs can either be handwritten or purchased from a business supply company or online.
A clogged toilet in your commercial building can be avoided with the necessary precautions within the restrooms. However, if it does happen, be sure to bring in a restoration company that can efficiently and safely clean up the mess with minimal damages.

Why You Should Add a Mold Endorsement to Your Pollution Liability Coverage

12/14/2020 (Permalink)

Mold discovered behind walls Mold damage in Cincinnati, OH

Mold is a nightmare for any property owner in Cincinnati, OH. A small infestation can quickly become a larger problem that necessitates mold remediation services. This could affect both your finances and your local reputation.
To mitigate the harm to your property and business, you need to address any mold damage as soon as possible. Mold insurance claims can help you pay for the cost of restoration. To ensure that your insurer covers mold cleanup, you should purchase an endorsement to your regular pollution liability policy.

How To Get a Mold Endorsement

Your pollution coverage helps pay for claims resulting from pollutants released by your property or a piece of equipment. You can purchase optional add-ons to this policy, as well. These enhancements could cover:

  • Illicit abandonment
  • Fungi
  • Legionella
  • Mold

The mold endorsement, in particular, could save you money on fungus cleanup in the future. Simply contact your pollution insurance provider to find out more information.

Why You Need a Mold Endorsement
You may think that you can just use your general liability policy to make mold insurance claims. Unfortunately, it is not that simple. Not all property policies include mold coverage.
Even if you can make a mold claim with your general liability provider, the payout is likely limited. The money you receive will not be enough to pay for proper remediation and investigation. You may be forced to do the repairs yourself or hire a cheap contractor. Choosing either of these options may just spread the mold further.
To truly remove the mold and prevent it from returning, you need top cleanup professionals. A mold endorsement should give you the money you need to pay for this service.
Not every general liability policy lets you make mold insurance claims. You thus need to add a mold endorsement to your pollution coverage. This way, if you do have a mold infestation in your building, you can afford to hire qualified professionals to eliminate the problem.

Why Older Rental Property Pipes Need Increased Maintenance

12/14/2020 (Permalink)

Split drainage pipe caused by ingress of tree roots Some of the common causes of clogs are tree roots

Older rental properties in Cincinnati, OH, have plenty of charm. However, they are also more likely to sustain water damage. That is because many of them utilize polybutylene pipes.
Over time, these pipes become brittle. The chemicals used to treat the water flowing through the pipes causes the pipes to wear down.
Ideally, you should replace older pipes in your building. This can be costly, but it will save you money on water restoration specialists in the long run.
If you are not ready to tear out of all your pipes, you should at least perform extra maintenance. After all, the last thing older pipes need is a clog blocking the flow of water.

What Causes Clogs?

A clog can occur in a sink or the main water line of your property. Some of the more common causes of clogs are:

  • Tree roots
  • Poorly designed plumbing system
  • Sludge buildup

How Do You Prevent Clogs?
There are several ways you can limit the clogs in the polybutylene pipes of your commercial property. To prevent roots from spreading into the pipes, you should cut any trees near your main lines. Alternatively, you can pour a root killer down the toilets twice each year. This should kill the roots without harming the trees themselves.
Enzymes are also great for clog prevention. Once a month, run warm water in each drain before pouring the enzymes into them. The enzymes should remove any of the gunk that builds up in the pipes.
Finally, make sure your residents know not to put any food or hair down the drain. Provide hair catchers for showers and encourage the residents to throw any excess hair or food into the trash.
The above tips are great ways to prevent clogs in any pipes. However, proper maintenance is particularly important for older buildings that still have polybutylene pipes. Since these pipes are naturally prone to wearing down, you should take extra care to limit clogs in them.

Five Tips for Avoiding a Gas Explosion

12/14/2020 (Permalink)

gas leak detector box on cement wall A gas leak detector can help you in this type of situation

Tips To Avoid A Gas Explosion

For many homeowners, natural gas is used for hot water, the stove and oven as well as home heating. While many people prefer this type of energy use in this home, it’s important to be alert regarding a potential leak of gas in the home. If you ever smell gas or hear a hissing sound in your home in Cincinnati, OH, a gas fire or explosion may be imminent. Here are some tips to avoid a gas explosion which can lead to major fire damage.

Detecting a Gas Leak
The two most common indicators of a gas leak are the smell of gas and hearing a hissing sound of gas escaping. Your next steps are critical in preventing a gas fire or explosion:

  • Turn off the stove or oven. Check to see if any burners are on if it’s safe to do so.
  • Keep all lights off. The electric spark from turning on a light may ignite. Use a flashlight if you need to see.
  • Open doors and windows. This ventilates your home and provides a way for gases to escape.
  • Know where your gas meter is and how to turn it off. Don’t wait until an emergency to learn how to turn the meter on or off.
  • Exit the premises. In any situation, exit the home with household members, including pets. When you’re a safe distance away, notify the authorities by calling 9-1-1.
  • Using a cell phone inside your home may also spark a flame.

If safe, warn other neighbors of the leak. You should have an emergency plan in place for dealing with a gas leak ahead of time.

Following Up
You should not return to your home until it’s declared safe to do so by the proper authorities. Because a gas fire may occur, it’s important to make sure you know how to contact your insurance company. There will be damage from fire, smoke and water used to extinguish the blaze that a professional fire restoration provider can clean and repair.

5 Common Types of Household Mold

11/30/2020 (Permalink)

Black mold on a white wall. Stachybotrys is perhaps the most common type of residential mold

Know Which Common Varieties To Look For

It's not uncommon to discover mold growing in your Indian Hill, OH, home. Mold growth can occur under several different circumstances, depending on the type of fungi in question. Before you begin your mold remediation process, you should identify which species is the culprit.

1. Stachybotrys
More commonly referred to as the infamous black mold, Stachybotrys is perhaps the most common type of residential mold. Much like the name implies, it has a dark green or black color and may feel slimy to the touch. It's very common in places that come into frequent contact with water, or in areas that have recently suffered some form of water damage.

2. Alternaria
This species of mold is often confused for black mold, as it thrives under the same damp or high humidity conditions, has a very similar appearance and is just about as common as its cousin. Instead of feeling slimy, alternaria has an almost velvety texture due to the wispy dark green or brown hairs that sprout on its surface.

3. Chaetomium
Once again, this type of mold growth is quite common in water-damaged structures. When it first appears, it boasts a white or gray color before slowly fading to dark brown or black over time. You're more likely to smell this species before you see it, due to its musty odor.

4. Aureobasidium
You should check for this type of fungus behind your wallpaper or on painted wooden surfaces. This mold appears pink or brown in color when it's young and slowly fades to black over time, much like chaetomium.

5. Cladosporium
This versatile species of mold can thrive in both warm and cold environments. You're most likely to find it growing in your carpeting, upholstery, and other types of fabrics. It boasts a soft, suede-like texture and green coloring.
You could potentially find several different mold species growing in your home, so it's important that you know which common varieties to look for. Contact mold remediation experts for assistance if you do discover mold growth in your home.

How To Perform a Water Heater Flush

11/24/2020 (Permalink)

Man's hands unscrewing a screw-nut on a water heater with a wrench on a boiler Flushing your water heater is an easy process that can be completed within moments

How To Perform a Water Heater Flush

A noisy water heater could be a sign of developing problems. In some cases, components need to be replaced or repaired. In others, a flush may be all that is necessary.

Heater Warning Sounds
Your device in Cincinnati, OH, could be on the verge of failure if you hear:

  • Cracking, Popping or Rumbling
  • Knocking
  • Ticking or Tapping
  • Humming
  • Singing or Screaming

Installing a water softener sometimes stops these sounds by reducing the buildup of minerals and sediments. If doing this fails to silence the clatter, your system may need to be flushed, a painless process that takes approximately 20 minutes.

Heater Flushes
If your water heater uses a tank, try to perform a water heater flush every one to three years. However, the job is simple enough that you should seriously consider doing it annually.
Depending upon what type of heater you own, begin by shutting off your gas or electricity. Do the same with your cold water supply valve, usually located near the top of your heater.
Go to your sink or tub and allow the hot water to flow. Have the faucet run during your entire flush to prevent vacuums from forming while draining the tank. Open the pressure relief valve and collect the rushing water into a bucket. Doing this helps the water drain more easily.
Connect a garden hose to your spigot. Lead the other end of the hose outside, unless you want your basement to suffer water damage that requires the services of a trained residential restoration professional. Open the spigot and drain your tank until there are no more signs of sediment. Complete your flush by turning on the cold water leading into your tank. Let the water run until the liquid expelled from the other end is totally clear.
Flushing your water heater is an easy process that can be completed within moments. Before yours emits signs of trouble, make this task a regular part of your maintenance routine.

Mitigation Versus Restoration: What's the Difference?

11/10/2020 (Permalink)

Flooded building Flooded building in Cincinnati, OH

If you find your business or commercial building filled with water, you know you need to call a flood cleanup company right away – but should you call a flood mitigation crew or a restoration company? Are they the same thing? While some restoration companies also do mitigation work, mitigation and restoration are two distinct processes. Here’s what you need to know.

Flood Damage Mitigation

Mitigation is the critical first step in any cleanup effort. This process is focused on stopping the damage preventing any further loss. It involves things like:

-removing debris like tree limbs or broken glass
-covering openings in a roof, window, or wall to prevent more water from entering
-removing building contents that may be salvageable
-extracting all water from the property
-sealing off unharmed parts of the property to ensure the water doesn’t spread
-removing affected porous materials, such as drywall and flooring
-ensuring that the entire structure is dried out completely
-disinfecting the property to prevent the spread of mold and bacteria

Mitigation is usually a fairly speedy process. The more quickly mitigation is completed, the less overall damage will need to be restored. This is why mitigation is always the first goal of any flood cleanup company.

Flood Damage Restoration
Restoration cannot begin until mitigation is complete. The goal of restoration is to restore your property to its pre-flood condition. This includes things like inspecting the property, assessing the damage and removing any existing mold; repairing or replacing warped wood or flooring; cleaning and restoring the building’s contents, to the extent possible; and replacing or restoring damaged drywall and insulation. While mitigation is a relatively quick process, restoration can take a considerable amount of time, depending on the extent and nature of the damage.
Mitigation and restoration are different processes, but both are necessary after a flood. If possible, find a flood cleanup company in Cincinnati, OH, that takes care of both procedures. This will save you time in phone calls and coordinating schedules and speed up your insurance claim approval to get the work done and get you back in business sooner.

Handling Smoke Damaged Electronics

10/26/2020 (Permalink)

Electronic damaged with smoke, on the middle of the picture it says ELECTRONIC WITH SMOKE DAMAGE Electronic damaged by smoke

When an electrical fire engulfs your commercial building in Deer Park, OH, almost none of your possessions are safe. Vital electronic devices, such as computers, appliances, hard drives and other items are no exception. In most cases, you do have to either contact professional assistance, or replace the devices altogether. However, you might still be able to save your possessions if you use the following steps.

Types of Smoke Damage

There are several different ways that smoke damage can affect your electronic devices:

Corrosion from Smoke Acidity: Soot is acidic in nature, which can easily corrode your devices. Ultimately, this drastically reduces your devices' lifespans.
Magnetization: Many people don't realize that smoke actually carries a magnetic charge. The unfortunate truth is that this charge can easily short circuit your electronics.
Black Film on Insulation: When smoke seeps into your computers, hard drives or other devices, it leaves behind a black film. This affects the devices' insulation abilities, ultimately causing them to overheat. In some cases, this event can release toxic fumes, or even lead to another electrical fire.

Cleaning Smoke Damaged Electronics
Calling professional help is your best chance at success when it comes to computer cleanup. However, if you still wish to tackle the issue yourself, you can follow these steps:

  • Cut the power to your electronic devices. This may involve removing the batteries or disconnecting the power outlets. Leave them completely shut off until the cleaning process is complete.
  • Use a soft rag to gently wipe off any soot you discover on the exterior of the device.
  • Use an air compressor to gently blow smoke out of the device's outlets, air vents and ports.

If these steps are unsuccessful, you might want to check your devices' warranties to see whether smoke damage is covered.
An electrical fire can wreck havoc on your commercial building, damaging your devices and halting business endeavors. Business cannot continue until your computers, hard drives and appliances are back in working condition. While the steps above can help, your best course of action is to contact fire remediation experts.

4 Steps To Follow When Pipes Freeze in Your Building

10/26/2020 (Permalink)

Frozen Pipe Dealing with frozen pipes and water damage can be a major headache

Follow These Four Steps If You Are Dealing With A Pipe Problem

Frozen pipes are no joke in Terrace Park, OH. The last thing you want to discover is a slow trickle of water coming from a faucet in the dead of winter. Before panic sets in, walk yourself through these four steps to help you deal with your pipe problem and any resulting water damage.

1. Shut Off the Water
The first step to dealing with any kind of frozen or broken pipes is to turn your main water supply off. If possible, open the faucets and spigots in your building to let the water drain out completely.

2. Assess the Situation
Look for flood water throughout your facility. If you find any standing water, do not wade through it. You do not know where that water is from, and it could contain contaminants. You also cannot be sure if the electrical system in your building has been compromised. If the water is in contact with an electrical source, you could be electrocuted.

3. Clean Up Minor Messes
If you are sure that everything is safe, you can start water cleanup on your own. Use a wet/dry vacuum to clean up small amounts of water but look into hiring someone if there is enough water to warrant pumping it out. Remove any objects that might have been compromised. Do not plug in any electronics to see if they work.

4. Call in Water Experts
It is always wise to call a plumbing company to check for any unseen pipe damage. Frozen pipes might not burst, but they bend and warp creating future problems. You should also bring in a commercial restoration company to assess any water damage that happened as a result of broken pipes and get started with any major cleanup.
Dealing with frozen pipes and water damage can be a major headache but knowing how to start the cleanup yourself and having experts to help can make it a little easier.

Which Items Can You Keep After a Flood?

10/19/2020 (Permalink)

Dirty water inside a garage home  Flooded home in Amberly Village, OH

Are These Soggy Assets Okay To Use?

Once floodwater subsides, homeowners are left with the daunting task of focusing on content cleaning needs. Are these soggy assets okay to use? Are guidelines available to lead you in making upcoming decisions? Residents should carefully think about each possession, concentrating on not only the room's exposure levels but also the item's composition and personal worth.

1. Is the Water Dirty?
There are three forms of fluid contamination. Clean water, for instance, saturates but is free of microbes. A flood from a typical household pipe burst often falls into this category. Salvage many of these belongings by drying them out and wiping them with soapy water. Black and gray water, though, have high levels of bacteria; therefore, these liquids pose more of a hazard. Take extra precautions when dealing with these situations:

  • Sewage breaks
  • Appliance leaks
  • Toilet overflows
  • River and ocean flooding

If any of the above events occur, think about the answers to the next two questions.

2. Is the Object Porous?
During content cleaning endeavors, think about permeation. Nonporous things do not absorb moisture, so they can be sanitized with traditional cleaners. Porous valuables, however, act like a sponge. Bacterial and fungal spores bury deep within a substance, reproducing quickly. Even if doused with bleach, the interior of these pieces still contains undesirable organisms. Placed back in the home, unwelcome growths can spread. It's best to designate suspicious articles for permanent disposal.

3. Is It of Significant Value?
Certain items, including electronics, photos and documents, may have sentimental or financial meaning; thus, they are deemed irreplaceable. A water restoration company in Amberly Village, OH, has specialized equipment such as gamma irradiation that can kill black water germs. Simply ask the experts about the various procedures available.
As you survey the destruction, be thoughtful about your content cleaning decisions. If in doubt, don't hesitate to contact professionals who can assist you in this endeavor. Safety is a priority.

5 Tips for Preventing Water Damage During Vacation

10/12/2020 (Permalink)

Water gauge pressure, hand shut off main valve, close-up. Turn the water main off to your home if no one is going to be there

Five Tips For Preventing Water Damage

With a vacation coming up, the last thing you are thinking about is coming home to a flooded basement and a bill for a water pipe repair. Before you jump into your beach outfit, make sure your house is vacation-ready with these 5 tips for preventing water damage.

1. Check for Leaks
Inspect sinks, toilet tanks, and water heaters for any damage. Examine appliance hoses and basement pipes carefully for cracks and corrosion. A broken pipe that is left for a long time can lead to issues like mold.

2. Prepare the Outside of Your Home
Check your roof for missing shingles. Clean gutters and downspouts to prevent any blocking and water build-up. Small window and door leaks can become big problems, so check to make sure they are airtight. Finally, turn off outside spigots and insulate them and any other exposed piping to prevent freezing.

3. Cut Water Off at the Source
Turn the water main off to your home if no one is going to be there. Afterward, turn on all of the sinks and spigots to drain the remaining water. This is one of the best ways to avoid having to call a water pipe repair expert.

4. Leave Your HVAC System On
While you can adjust the temperature, don’t turn your ventilation system completely off. It keeps the air in your home moving and stops condensation from building up, which can cause mold in hotter months and pipes to freeze in the cold.

5. Ask Someone to Check In
It is always good to have someone you trust to stop by periodically. Leave the number of a local water damage and restoration company for them to call if there is an emergency.
With a little preparation, you won’t have to worry about the water pipe repair waiting for you in Mariemount, OH, while you are digging your toes in the sand.

What To Know About Mold and Mildew

9/28/2020 (Permalink)

Mold. Aspergillus. The finger of the hand points to the black fungus on the white wall. Is it mold or mildew?

Is It Mold or Mildew?

When facing mold damage in your Madeira, OH, there are a few things you may want to know. Is it mild or mildew? What kind of damage can it do? And can a mold remediation service help? Here are a few things you may want to know.

1. Both Mold and Mildew Are Fungi

Mold and mildew are both fungi. That is microscopic organisms that form colonies which can then be seen by the naked eye. They grow in dim, damp environments, and feed off organic materials around them. Fungi reproduce by sporing, and during this process can release mycotoxins which are responsible for the musty odor many people associate with them.

2. Mold Can Cause Long Term Damage

Mold growth may be more concerning to a homeowner since mold damage can lead to long term damage from the home. Mold usually grows into the surface the spores have settled on meaning that remediation may involve removal of the surface entirely. Fortunately, a remediation service can help with this process. Mold has a range of colors from white, grey, black, green, and brown, and may be both fuzzy or slimy in appearance depending on its type and location.

3. Mildew is More Common

It should be noted that mildew growth is more common that mold. This fungi grows on the surface in damp environments and should be easily wiped away with a cleaner. It is often, white, yellow, or orange, in coloration, and may be flat and powdery in appearance. Mildew is usually found in areas of frequent moisture such as bathrooms.

Understanding that both mold and mildew are fungi can help you take the appropriate steps to prevent their growth. Remember, while mildew is more common, mold damage can lead to long term problems. This is why it’s important to contact a local remediation service as soon as you believe a problem may exist.

How to Protect Yourself From Kitchen Fires

9/15/2020 (Permalink)

Fire Safety Set Different Types of Extinguishers (Water, Foam, Dry Powder, Halon, Carbon Dioxide Learn what type of fire extinguisher you need and how to use it

You already know the kitchen is one of the most likely places in your home to experience a fire. Still, it may not have occurred to you that it’s the perfect spot for a fire extinguisher. Before dashing out to purchase one, learn what type you need and how to use it most effectively.

Choosing Fire Protection

These are the four unique categories of extinguishers:

Class A, used to put out fires involving paper and wood.
Class B, used to douse flammable liquids such as oil and grease.
Class C, used to stop electrical troubles.
Class D, used to halt metal blazes.

Because we aim to provide protection from a kitchen fire overtaking your residence in Indian Hill, OH, the appropriate choice is Class B. Before opening your wallet, confirm the fire extinguisher you are considering purchasing is comfortable to use and easy to handle. After arriving home, position your protective gear in an unobstructed, easily accessible spot.

Using Fire Protection
When flames break out, first call the fire department and then check to see that you have a clear escape route. Close any open windows that could cause a breeze to blow smoke and obstruct your vision, vastly complicating matters should a fast exit become required.
Use the P.A.S.S. technique to properly discharge your device. Pull: Break the tamper-proof seal and remove the pin. Aim: Always point at the base of the blaze. Squeeze: Depress the handle. Sweep: Using slow, deliberate motions, move from left to right and back again until the inferno has been completely vanquished.
Remember that structural fire damage is never worth risking your life over. Leave immediately if the danger grows out of control and allow the fire department to do its job. Later, a fire restoration service can work to repair any damage your house sustains.
When cooking incidents occur, having a fire extinguisher readily available gives you a distinct advantage. Therefore, always have one on standby just in case an emergency strikes.

Understanding the Difference Between Mitigation and Restoration of Storm Damage

9/8/2020 (Permalink)

Stormwater in an office Storm damage in a Cincinnati, OH office building

Mitigation And Restoration Process

Severe weather can bring with it significant concerns about your business. Many business owners fear potential flooding or wind damage and how that will affect their bottom line. Storms can play a crucial role in a companies profit-and-loss and the end of a year. Therefore, if you are concerned about the severe weather season, consider contacting a storm or flood cleanup company in Cincinnati, OH, to discuss issues related to any of several areas.

Property damage
Insurance claims
Business interruption

However, beyond the basics, it is necessary to understand some fundamental industry terms. After experiencing storm damage, you are likely to come across two specific words: mitigation and restoration. Each plays a role in how and when you restore your business.

A flood cleanup company often offers mitigation services to companies that have experienced recent storm damage. The purpose of these services is to prevent further damage while awaiting an inspection from an insurance representative. Typically, a mitigation company will offer board-up and tarping services. They will board over damaged windows or doors with plywood sheeting to help secure the property. They will also tarp over large holes in the roof to prevent further rain damage. Beyond the preventative steps, the company will also clean the building and remove any excess water or debris, preparing the space for the restoration.

A restoration company specializes in the work after the initial cleanup and mitigation. The job of the restoration team is to restore the structural integrity of the building and repair any existing damage. When a restoration company finishes, your facility should look like its pre-disaster condition.
A reputable flood cleanup company may specialize in both mitigation and restoration, which is beneficial to the business. If you would like to discuss the restoration process in more detail, contact a local remediation expert. They will be happy to help and may even offer to assess your property.

How Ice Dams Can Lead to Mold in Your Building

8/14/2020 (Permalink)

Icicles on a roof winter background image An ice dam can cause moisture from the roof to leak back into your building

How Ice Dams Can Lead to Mold in Your Building

Snowstorms and cold weather bring various hazards to your Deer Park, OH, commercial property. You do not just have to worry about burst pipes or floods. An ice dam could also develop on your roof.
Snow will build up on top of your building after a storm. If that snow is above the heated part of your property, it will start to melt. As this water trickles down the roof, it may reach an uninsulated area. It will then freeze into ice that blocks additional water from flowing off the roof. Since this water has nowhere else to go, it will start to leak into your property. This will create wet:

  • Wall studs
  • Sheetrock
  • Insulation

The added moisture subsequently makes the area behind your walls a breeding ground for black mold. If you notice an ice dam on your roof, you should remove it promptly.

Eliminating Ice Dams
There are several ways to get rid of ice dams without having to climb onto the roof. Try using a long rake to break up the pile of ice. You can also create a channel in the dam that allows the water to flow into the gutters. All you need is pantyhose that have been filled with an ice melter.

Preventing Ice Dams
There are also steps you can take to prevent ice dams from forming in the first place. Consider adding insulation to the top level of your building. This should reduce the chances of water on the roof freezing. Adjusting the bathroom and kitchen ducts so that they lead outside the property should help, as well.
An ice dam can cause moisture from the roof to leak back into your building. If this moisture is left unaddressed, it could promote mold growth within your walls or insulation. You should try to remove ice dams on your property as soon as possible. You can then call mold cleanup and remediation specialists to make sure any spores have been eliminated.

What Is Category 1 Water Damage?

8/14/2020 (Permalink)

Water coming out a clean water source Category 1 floods, or clean water floods, are the least dangerous of the three

Flooding is a problem for property owners, no matter how you look at it. That being said, there are various types of floods that each require different remediation tactics. Read on if your home or business in Terrace Park, OH, is suffering from a clean waterflood.

Types of Flood Water

There are three primary types of floodwater, each categorized by the types of contaminants present in the flood.

Category 1: Category 1 floods, or clean water floods, are the least dangerous of the three. They are categorized by an absence of contaminants. In theory, this type of floodwater is safe for human and animal consumption. Regardless, it's never a good idea to drink flood water. Category 1 water typically comes from a broken pipe or flooded supply line.
Category 2: This type of floodwater typically comes from flooded household appliances, such as dishwashers or laundry machines. While it isn't completely clean, it also isn't super dangerous either. Proper household appliance maintenance can help prevent these types of floods.
Category 3: Category 3 flood water, also known as blackwater, is the most dangerous type of floodwater. It is categorized by floodwater that has come into contact with raw sewage or human/animal feces. Due to the biohazards present, you should never attempt to remediate this type of flood without professional help.

Preventing Category 1 Flooding
Even though Category 1 floods are the least problematic of the three, they still need to be taken seriously. If left unchecked, any type of flooding can result in water damage or mold growth. You can help prevent these floods by routinely monitoring your supply line for damage and fixing leaky pipes as soon as you discover them.
Clean water floods are often indicative of bigger issues in your home or building. Flooded supply lines or broken pipes within the walls and ceilings can cause subsequent issues if left unchecked. If you believe that your home or business is at risk, you should contact flood remediation experts as soon as you can.

Soot and Smoke Cleaning

7/1/2020 (Permalink)

Soot on the inside wall of a commercial building. Commercial Fire in Madeira, OH

Soot and smoke damage to your Madeira, OH, business can be a major hassle. Fortunately, there are a variety of options for cleaning smoke and soot.

Smoke Cleaning

Smoke can linger for long periods of time. Fortunately, there are several ways to address smoke odor, including the following:

  • Air purification
  • Ozone treatment

Thermal Fogging

It is important to actually eliminate the smoke odor particles, rather than simply covering the smell with candles or air fresheners. Purifiers with HEPA filters are especially good for trapping smoke particles. If the air purifier does not fully eliminate the odor, it may be time to try an ozone treatment or thermal fogging. Ozone treatments work by releasing ozone into the air. Due to the chemical makeup of ozone, it can attach to smoke particles and create new particles that do not emit a smoky odor. Thermal foggers heat up surfaces, causing them to expand. This allows the deodorizer to reach into crevices and other areas that normally would have been sealed off.

Soot Cleaning
In addition to smoke damage, you may also have soot damage. There are several types of soot. The following are three of the most common:

  • Wet soot
  • Dry soot
  • Protein residue

Wet soot is caused by slow-burning fires, often fueled by rubber and plastics. Dry soot is the result of fast-burning fires. When organic matter (such as food) evaporates due to high heat from a fire, the residue is known as protein residue. If not dealt with quickly and properly, soot can lead to further damage by corroding surfaces. There are different cleaners and methods for every type of soot. It is important to use the proper technique for the type of soot damage you are dealing with so as not to make the problem worse. Due to the complex nature of soot cleanup, it may be necessary to hire professional help.
Dealing with soot and smoke damage may feel overwhelming. Fortunately, a certified restoration service can help you get your business back to normal quickly and safely.

Fire-Readiness Measures That Can Save Your Home

6/8/2020 (Permalink)

A parent and child huddling under a table Home fire drills are the most effective way to practice your fire escape plan

Fire-Readiness Measures That Can Save Your Home

It’s no fun to think about the possibility of having a fire break out in your home. Fire-safety experts know that good preparation and a fire escape plan are essential elements in reducing your home fire risk and protecting your structure. This discussion may help you round out your existing plan or design a new one.


Involving your household in an emergency escape plan will help you all work together to respond quickly and safely in the event of a fire. It is helpful to create household fire drills to practice the elements necessary to extinguish the fire or evacuate and contact emergency services. Consider these practices:

  • Walking every room with your household members to identify the viable exits you can use for your fire escape plan
  • Posting a map of your home showing the agreed-upon evacuation routes
  • Confirming that your house number can be easily identified from the road
  • Locating an escape ladder in each upper-story room
  • Finding a meeting place near your home so you can account for everyone after an evacuation

It can be helpful to keep the tone light and stay focused on your goal. If you would like some help designing your plan, your local fire department or fire remediation expert will generally visit your home and offer site-specific advice.

Testing Your Plan

Home fire drills are the most effective way to practice your fire escape plan and identify the weak links. Having quarterly drills allows each household member to become familiar with their assigned tasks and the escape routes. It’s a good idea to start with daytime drills, so you can learn the process in the light. The true test is a surprise night-time practice session. You can initiate the drill by pressing the test button on your smoke alarm.
Fire safety is a risky home-maintenance practice to neglect. An adequate emergency escape plan will help you act quickly and safely to protect your Cincinnati, OH, home and loved ones from the impact of a house fire. Practicing your plan regularly may mean the difference between a little smoke damage and serious property destruction.

Learn About the Commercial Fire Restoration Process

6/8/2020 (Permalink)

Windows, doors board up of a building, SERVPRO logo on picture. Commercial restoration specialists board-up holes in windows, doors, and walls, as well as spaces where they are absent

Learn About the Commercial Fire Restoration Process

Restoration companies like SERVPRO are Here to Help your clients when disaster strikes in their Indian Hill, OH, commercial locations. Besides storm, water, and mold repair, they also offer fire restoration for any damaged business in the area. Once an emergency call has been made and the affected property has been inspected, the rebuilding services begin.

1. Building Board-Up and Roof-Tarp
It is important to stop the progression of damage, as well as potential vandalism of the vulnerable building. Commercial restoration specialists board-up holes in windows, doors, and walls, as well as spaces where they are absent. They also apply tarps on broken or missing roof sections.

2. Smoke, Soot and Water Removal
After the board-up, technicians remove hazardous residues such as smoke and soot before continuing. The use of special equipment and methods to remove the material from all surfaces. If water damage caused by fire sprinklers is present during a fire restoration case, then the water is removed first by using dehumidifiers and ventilation tactics to dry the area.

3. Cleaning and Sanitizing
The fire and potential water damage will leave behind filth, bacteria, and other elements harmful to your clients, their staff and their customers. The employees will clean and sanitize any salvageable items, as well as damaged structures and locations. They will also use products like industrial air scrubbers to remove the strong odors.

4. Building Restoration
The restoration, sometimes known as the fire rebuild, is the most important step of the process. During this part, the professionals engage in full reconstruction of entire rooms, offices, and other key places. Additionally, there are also minor repairs in areas with less damage, such as replacing carpet, painting over discolored sections, or changing the drywall. The goal is to replicate your clients' pre-fire business as closely as possible.
Fire is a very destructive force to commercial locations, but with the right assistance, it is not the end. The fire restoration process, when handled by experienced and licensed experts, can help the establishments you work with return to business quickly and efficiently.

Will a Wet Crawl Space Cause Water Damage?

5/20/2020 (Permalink)

Crawlspace vent grate If you have a wet crawl space in your Terrace Park, OH home you should call an expert to inspect

If you have spotted water in your home's crawl space, you may worry that it will cause water damage to the living area. While a wet crawl space shouldn't necessarily cause alarm, it can sometimes cause a flood. Knowing what caused the water will help you determine the best course of action.

What Can Cause Crawl Space Water?

Cracks that develop in the floor, walls, or joints
Condensation or sweating of the walls
Burst or leaky pipe
Flooding of surface water
Gutter and downspout issues

When Should You Worry About a Wet Crawl Space?

The first important step is to determine whether or not there is standing water in the space. If you see a pooling of water, this could indicate a serious problem. Call a water damage restoration service right away to inspect the entire area. A professional will be able to determine the source of the water.
If there is no standing water, an excessive amount of moisture could still cause problems later on.

Inspect the walls and pipes of the crawl space for moisture. Wet walls or pipes can indicate a leak somewhere, which should be inspected as soon as possible by a professional.
Check the gutters and downspouts on the outside of the home. If you find any broken or faulty drainage tubing, have it replaced.
Check any wood in the crawl space to see if it is wet or covered with fuzz. This indicates that mold is present.
If you smell an odd or unpleasant odor, you likely have mold.

Whenever mold is suspected, you must call a professional as soon as possible. He or she will be able to pinpoint the cause and help to remediate the mold problem safely and effectively.
If you are worried about your home's wet crawl space in Terrace Park, OH, your best strategy is to have an expert inspect it right away.

How Can I Stop My Toilet From Overflowing?

5/6/2020 (Permalink)

Plumber or homeowner using a plunger to unclog a toilet. Use a toilet plunger to try to break up clogs that may be in the drain

How Can I Stop My Toilet From Overflowing?

A clogged toilet is a nuisance, to say the least. You have other issues to deal with as a business owner. It’s generally a DIY job, but could easily develop into a toilet overflow if it’s a sewage system blockage. What then? Take these steps to stop it:

1. Shut Off the Water Supply
First, make sure that the main water supply line to the building is turned off. This will prevent more water from coming in.
2. Remove the Tank Lid
Next, you’ll need to access the inside of the toilet tank. Remove the tank lid and carefully set it aside.
3. Adjust the Flapper
The rubber flapper is at the bottom of the tank. Press down on the flapper valve to secure it. This will prevent more water from entering the bowl and reduce the chance of overflow.
4. Lift the Float
Next, you’ll need to stop water from filling the tank. Raise the tank fill valve float ball. Even if it’s a clogged toilet, the water in the bowl should start decreasing. When it’s back to a normal level, release the float. Watch to make sure that it doesn’t overfill.
5. Shut Off the Toilet Supply Valve
If the water level is still too high, lift up on the float again. Hold it up as you shut off the water supply at the toilet valve. This valve should be located beside or behind the toilet; turn it to the right to shut it off.
6. Use a Plunger
Use a toilet plunger to try to break up clogs that may be in the drain. Try plunging several times. Hopefully, the clog contents will come back into the toilet bowl instead of further down the line.
If only one toilet has issues, it’s probably just a clog in that toilet. However, if you find that multiple toilets have problems there’s probably a sewage system blockage. If you have damage from a toilet overflow as a result of a clogged toilet, you can count on water damage restoration experts to restore your Deer Park, OH, building to its preloss condition.

Is Mold Lurking in Your Restaurant Kitchen?

5/6/2020 (Permalink)

Bread with mold Moldy food should be discarded immediately to prevent cross-contamination

Is Mold Lurking in Your Restaurant Kitchen?

Retaining high humidity in an industrial kitchen is like putting the welcome mat out for mold spores. Mold can go unnoticed for a long time; only mold’s musty odor gives its location away after it has already taken over an area. The trick is to prevent the mold in the first place. Since its main requirement is moisture, you can stifle mold growth by controlling the kitchen’s humidity. Be mindful of:

1. Hidden Areas
Floors and baseboards behind appliances can grow mold due to moisture buildup that goes unnoticed for a while. Floor mats can contribute to the growth of mold from the buildup of moisture and dirt in and under the mat. Kitchens can get steamy; moisture is everywhere at times. This can get into damaged or improperly waterproofed tiles, and air conditioning ducts are also vulnerable.
2. Food
Moldy food should be discarded immediately to prevent cross-contamination. All areas and containers in which food is stored should be checked and disinfected regularly.
3. Ventilation System
Due to all the sources of moisture in an industrial kitchen, it’s crucial to have proper ventilation. The ventilation system should be inspected regularly to prevent the production of excess moisture and the spread of air contaminants. Without proper ventilation, moisture accumulates and can remain virtually anywhere, causing mold growth, and sometimes even water damage.
4. Humidity Level
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indoor humidity levels should be no more than 50%, preferably around 40% to lessen the likelihood of mold.
5. Appliances and Plumbing
Restaurant kitchens have many moisture-prone areas you may not even think to inspect. Regularly check around refrigeration units and freezers for standing water and condensation. Also check in vents, under sinks, around microwaves, and in pantries.
6. Constantly-Wet Areas
Dry wet surfaces as soon as possible. Get leaks resolved quickly, and thoroughly wring out wet rags and sponges.
Are you worried that mold growth is lurking in your Terrace Park, OH, restaurant? You can count on mold cleanup professionals to remedy the situation as quickly as possible.

Prepare Your Commercial Property For Strong Winds

3/30/2020 (Permalink)

Missing shingles on a roof Check for missing shingles and replace as needed

Storm surges can create significant damage to your commercial building in Madeira, OH. Strong winds can loosen the roof’s shingles and cause a roof leak. Tree branches can break off and crash through a window. By employing some smart proactive tips, however, you can prep your building so that the damage can be mitigated. Creating a checklist will ensure you don’t forget to inspect a critical area.

Check the Exterior Walls and Doors

To prepare for strong winds, examine the exterior walls and doors on a routine basis.

  • Make sure windows and siding are firmly attached and are in good condition.
  • Check exterior walls for cracks and seal any weakened areas.
  • Brace overhead doors so they are secure.

Protect the Roof

A damaged roof will inevitably cause a roof leak so inspect it carefully.

  • Check for missing shingles and replace as needed.
  • Ensure that all other shingles are in good repair and fastened securely.
  • Make sure any roof sheathing is properly nailed down.
  • Check HVAC units and other machinery to ensure it is firmly attached to the roof.
  • Inspect skylights to make sure they are tightly fastened and sealed to prevent leaking.

Secure Outside Equipment and Furnishings

  • Outside storage sheds, dumpsters, and other equipment must be well anchored.
  • Trees and bushes near the building need to be trimmed regularly.
  • Outdoor furniture, grills and other equipment for employee use should be brought inside before a storm nears.
  • Ensure that all outside signage on the property is secure.
  • Alert employees to never park their car under a tree.

It would also be a good idea to check your commercial property insurance policy to make sure it covers wind damage. If it doesn’t, contact your agent right away.
While it’s impossible to avoid weather conditions that can create problems for your property, you can significantly reduce the risk of a roof leak or other damage by following these inspection tips.

3 Questions You Might Have About Mildew

3/23/2020 (Permalink)

A Man Cleaning Mold From Wall Using A Sponge Removing mildew and mold from a property in Indian Hill, OH

Fungi spores are everywhere and can grow and develop by feeding on available materials. As you report mold growth resulting from a water-based incident or high humidity to a water damage remediation company, you might think about plant mildew as well. While people often mention these organisms together, they are not interchangeable. If you are unaware of mildew, you might have the following questions about it.

What Is Mildew?

Mildew is a specific type of mold that is also known as an obligate biotrophic pathogen. This term means that it is an organism that grows and feeds exclusively on living matter such as plants and crops. Mildew resembles a white or grey powder and it can be found on the plant's dead or weakened part. This indicates that the fungus has a parasitic connection to the plant.

How Do I Get Rid of It?

If you have garden or house plants that are contaminated with plant mildew, there are some steps you must take. Wear protective clothes and gear such as gloves, googles and a face mask when handling the plant.

  • Remove the plant and place it outside
  • Carefully wash away noticeable mildew from leaves
  • Cut infected sections from the rest of the plant
  • Maintain the plant outdoors and with sunlight access

Once the plant is safe, you can prevent mildew growth from taking place again. Prevent humidity from overwhelming it, disinfect your gardening tools and use specialized fungicide to ensure the plants in your home thrive.

Is It Different from Mold?

The biggest difference between mildew and mold is that the former is a type of mold that specifically grows on plants, rather than nonliving materials or surfaces. Professional remediators in Indian Hill, OH, would use similar methods to remove both. However, if they find no difference between the two, it is a telling sign that they are not professional and employ questionable judgment.
Despite their close association, plant mildew and mold create a different impact on objects and organisms. Investigate mildew and its distinctions to prevent it from growing at home.

Proactive Cleaning Around the Clock

3/17/2020 (Permalink)

a graphic that says call now for commercial cleaning SERVPRO of East Central Cincinnati is here to help!

SERVPRO is Here to Help during this time of need 

During this unprecedented time caused by the global pandemic of coronavirus, this is a reminder to our customers that we are specialists in cleaning services, and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards

Specialized Training 

We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work that regular janitorial staff perform on a daily basis. 

The CDC encourages cleaning of high-touch surfaces such as counters, tabletops, doorknobs, light switches, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets and tables. Other spaces mentioned in the CDC’s guidance for commercial spaces include: 

  • Kitchen/Food Areas 
  • Bathrooms 
  • Schools/Classrooms 
  • Offices 
  • Retail Spaces 
  • Water Fountains 
  • Shelving/Racks 
  • Sales Counters 
  • Carpets and Rugs 
  • Stair Handrails 
  • Elevator Cars 
  • Playground Equipment 
  • Fitness Equipment 

Specialized Products 

The CDC recommends usage of a labeled hospital-grade disinfectant with claims against similar pathogens to the coronavirus. Multiple products in the SERVPRO product line carry the EPA-approved emerging pathogens claims. While there is currently no product tested against this particular strain of the coronavirus, we are following all guidelines as provided by the CDC and local authorities. 

Call Today for a Proactive Cleaning 

If your home or business needs deep cleaning services, call the experts today – SERVPRO of East Central Cincinnati at (513) 561-7378!

4 Types of Mold You May See in Your Home

3/7/2020 (Permalink)

Black mold on a white wall No matter the type of mold growth call your experts.

4 Types Of Molds

There are thousands of types of mold in the world, and many of them can find their way into your home. If you notice mold growth on your walls, floors or ceiling, you should call your local mold remediation company immediately. These certified professionals can identify the type of mold and use that information to formulate the best plan for getting rid of it.

1. Stachybotrys

More commonly known as black mold, this fungus is attracted to damp areas, particularly those that have water damage that has gone unnoticed or untreated for several weeks. You may notice black mold on walls or near air vents where condensation has collected. It may also infest cardboard, paper or wood.

2. Ulocladium

This type of mold is particularly attracted to areas that tend to have high humidity due to extensive and frequent water usage, such as kitchens and bathrooms. This mold growth may appear alone or beside other household molds.

3. Mucor

You are likely to see thick swatches of mucor near your HVAC unit. It thrives on the condensation that gathers around air conditioner coils and vents. Once it starts to grow, it can multiply very quickly. It is advisable to call mold specialists in Cincinnati, OH, as soon as you see these greyish white patches.

4. Chaetomium

This fungus often remains out of sight. It shows up in areas that have ongoing water damage. Attics and basements where leaks have occurred may start to take on a musty smell. This is a sign that you have a mold problem that needs to be mitigated.

No matter what type of mold growth you find in your home, the best course of action is to call in the experts. These technicians are trained to assess and strategize ways to overcome mold, and they have the skills to clean your home and restore it to its original condition.

Learning About Fire Extinguishers: 3 Steps for Protecting Your Business

3/7/2020 (Permalink)

Red fire extinguishers Being able to use an extinguisher with confidence can help your employees handle small fires at your business.

Fire Preparedness

Fire preparedness can be an important aspect of protecting your Indian Hill,OH, business from damage. While safety features such as a sprinkler system and posted evacuation procedures are useful, having a fire extinguisher in each room and knowing how to use it before a blaze breaks out can mean the difference between minor fire damage and having to make extensive repairs to your building.

1. Locate

If you rent office space, your landlord may provide you with extinguishers in areas where a blaze might break out, such as in a room with electronic equipment or in a breakroom that features a microwave or toaster oven. If you own the building, take time to learn what extinguisher sizes and types are appropriate. Water, dry chemical, multipurpose and CCO2 models are all available for public purchase.

2. Plan

When a fire breaks out, employees who do not know how to use a fire extinguisher may panic and try to employ other means to put out the blaze. However, this can have serious consequences. For example, if your restaurant’s cook tries to put out a grease-based kitchen fire with water, or strike it with a dish towel, the flames are likely to spread rather than be extinguished. Consider asking a fire damage and smoke cleanup company to help you with annual inspections and training tips to ensure all your employees are up to speed.

3. Practice

Being able to use an extinguisher with confidence can help your employees handle small fires at your business. Practice in a controlled area a few times a year and hold drills so that each of your employees knows how to handle the unit when a fire breaks out. Teach them to aim at the fire’s base and sweep the extinguisher back and forth until it is out.

Small fires can spread quickly and devastate your Indian Hill, OH, business. Knowing where to locate the nearest fire extinguisher, and how to use it, could help you snuff out a blaze before it can do any major damage.

What To Know About Hail Damage and Your Business

3/5/2020 (Permalink)

Hail on roof Hail storm in Amberly Village, OH

How To Protect Your Property During A Storm

With a severe storm in Amberly Village, OH, can come hail, and with hail possible roof damage. There are a few things you may want to know about hail, and how to protect your business including what damage you might be able to expect and how you can protect the property during the storm.

1. Know What Damage Hail Can Cause

While hail damage appearance may vary based on hail size, fall speed, and angle, it’s still important to deal with quickly. Gutters and downspouts may be dented, bent or filled with debris which can cause water back up. Your roof shingles may also lose integrity from granule loss, become cracked, or punctured. Heavy hail can also weaken or damage the fiberglass matting underneath the shingles leading to a roof leak.

2. Know How To Protect Your Roof

You can install hail guards to protect HVAC units, but also choose hail rated roofing that may help prevent roof damage, when installing or making repairs to the building’s roof. It’s also a good idea to keep gutters clear of debris as this can cause water back up which may cause additional damage. If the rood already has damage and you know a storm is coming it’s a good idea to tarp or board over the space to protect if from further damage.

3. Know Who To Call

If your company does experience damage from hail, then it’s best to contact a local storm damage restoration service as quickly as possible. These professionals can inspect the damage, and create a plan for repairs that can have your business looking “Like it never even happened.”

Knowing the possible roof damage hail can cause and how to protect your roof is one step toward maintaining your business property. It’s also important to know which professionals you can call to help repair any damages that may occur. Remember, a restoration professional can help making it so that the hail damage looks like it never occurred.

Everything You Need To Know About Smoke Detectors

2/24/2020 (Permalink)

Smoke detector in the smoke of a fire You may think that having one or two smoke detectors in your home is sufficient

Everything You Need To Know About Smoke Detectors

You probably know how important smoke detectors are in your home. A fire alarm can tell you when there is a blaze before you even see it. If the flames are small, you can then put out the fire before it causes major smoke damage. A detector can also alert your loved ones that they need to get out of the house.
Yet there are many facts people don’t know about smoke alarms. Below is more information that will help you protect your home and family.

1. You Need More Smoke Detectors Than You Think

You may think that having one or two smoke detectors in your home is sufficient. Yet the National Fire Protection Association says that there should be fire alarms inside every bedroom or sleeping area. There should be detectors on each floor, as well, including the basement.

2. You Need To Replace Smoke Detectors

You likely know that you should change a fire alarm battery once every 12 months. Yet the detectors themselves need replacing, too. They typically have a lifespan of eight to 10 years. You should label each alarm with its date of purchase so you know when it is time to get a new one.

3. You Need Both Types of Smoke Detectors

Photoelectric alarms help detect smoky fires. Ionization alarms, meanwhile, go off when a fast, flaming fire occurs. Make sure you have both types of detectors in your home.

4. You Don’t Need To Spend a Lot of Money on Detectors

Buying numerous different fire alarms sounds expensive. Yet that is not the case. Detectors typically cost between six and 20 dollars. Many fire departments even give alarms away for free.
Once you have installed the right smoke detectors in your Mariemount, OH, home, make sure everyone in the house knows what to do if a fire alarm goes off. Tell your loved ones that they should get out of the home immediately if a detector goes off. After the smoke has cleared, you can contact professionals for a fire damage assessment.

How to Find Hidden Leaks in Your Bathroom Before It’s Too Late

2/17/2020 (Permalink)

The finger of the hand points to the black fungus on the white wall. The first sign of a hidden leak is usually mold and mildew on the outside of a wall

Common Causes of Bathroom Leaks

Nothing is more annoying than the sound of dripping water at night. It can keep you up, but it will also let you know there’s a breach somewhere. A bathtub leak can happen in the muffled darkness of the floor, and you’ll never know until it’s too late. As it turns out, these quiet drips can cause extensive water damage with time, especially in vinyl-covered wooden floors.
Common causes of bathroom leaks in Madeira, OH include:

  • Grout deterioration
  • Broken faucet
  • Damaged drain

Mild Dew or Mold

The first sign of a hidden leak is usually mold and mildew on the outside of the tub. While it might not be a sure sign of a spill, it does indicate that something is off. To be sure, dry any water that might be on the outside surface of the tub, then stick newspapers on it. Fill the washbasin with water and check for any wet patches. That should point you straight to the bathtub leak if there’s one.

Damaged Walls or Ceiling

Everyone splashes water on the bathroom floor now and then, and that should not be a problem. These decks are built to take occasional water exposure. However, if you see a “coffee patch” or crack on the ceiling below the washroom, there’s an issue. You are probably dealing with a shower pan leak or broken drain line.

Earthy Smell

Mold has a distinctive earthy smell that could cause health complications in children, elderly individuals and people with respiratory afflictions. It is a clear indication of hidden leaks in the house, which happen to be notoriously hard to track down. Water can drip at one point and move to damage another part of the house, leading to a misdiagnosis.
With these tips in mind, there’s no way a bathtub leak can catch you by surprise. The general idea is to be suspicious of anything that looks off, regardless of how insignificant it may seem.

3 Reasons To Board Up After a Fire

2/4/2020 (Permalink)

A broken, boarded up glass window damaged after a fire / Text on photo that says FIRE DAMAGE Board up your home after a fire disaster

Secure Your Home After A Fire

If your home in Indian Hill, OH, catches fire, your first thought is likely to be your family’s safety. Closely following that thought, however, is how you’re going to restore your home so that you can return to it. How do you protect your home between the time you call fire restoration specialists and the time they begin repairs? Board up services can protect your home from more damage and protect you from liability and insurance coverage loss. Here are three reasons it’s important to secure your home after a fire.

1. Protect Property

fire can be devastating to your home. Emergency board up services help you keep any further damage from occurring. By covering broken windows, holes in your roof or walls and compromised doorways, you can protect the inside of your home from wind or rain before and during the repair process. Securing your home can also keep out animals and would-be vandals and thieves. It’s wise to minimize your worry in any way you can.

2. Protect People

Some people consider an opening to a home an invitation. If you board up your home after a fire, however, you can prevent them from entering. Your home is not likely to be structurally sound, so anyone who enters it is in danger of injury. If people are injured on your property, particularly if they can prove you did not indicate that it was unsafe to enter, they can sue you. Protecting people from injury also protect you from liability.

3. Protect Coverage

If your home has fire damage and you fail to secure it, your insurance company could discontinue your coverage. Because protecting your home from further damage saves your provider money, the company may consider it negligence if you don’t place boards or tarps over the open areas of your home and thus may refuse to accept your claim.

Professional restoration technicians are Here to Help in any way they can. They can board up your home as part of their repair process.

Prevent Kitchen Fires with These Tips

2/4/2020 (Permalink)

2 fire extinguishers It's important to be prepared with a fire extinguisher on hand.

Many house fires are preventable with basic fire preparation measures and safety precautions. Any open flames or heating elements can pose a fire risk. Here are four simple ways to avoid starting a fire.

1. Don't Smoke Inside

Cigarettes remain one of the most common home fire causes. This is particularly the case when a smoker lights up in bed or after taking medicine that causes fatigue. Avoid smoking around medical oxygen. Completely extinguish cigarettes in a stable ashtray or a container filled with sand, and keep an extinguisher on the premises for fire preparation.

2. Don't Light Candles

Unattended candles are another common cause of house fires. These fires often start in the bedroom, after someone lights an open flame and falls asleep. Children or pets may also knock over a lit candle or put combustible materials close to the flame. Try a flameless alternative such as an electrical candle or wax warmer to provide mood lighting or fragrance.

3. Use Space Heaters Safely

Maintain three feet of space between a space heater and bedding, curtains, or upholstered furniture. Operate heaters on a level, non-flammable surface and don't leave them running unattended. Choose a heater with an automatic safety shut-off, ground fault circuit interrupter plug, and a sturdy cord that is at least six feet long.

3. Clean Out Dryer Lint

Empty the lint filter after every load and use a firm-bristled brush to remove impacted lint every six months. Check for buildup behind the dryer every two weeks, and snake out the vent pipe every three months. Schedule a professional cleaning if clothes start taking longer to dry.

These fire preparation and prevention methods can increase the level of fire safety in your home. If a fire does break out and your house sustains damage, contact a home fire and smoke damage restoration service located in Madeira, OH.

Restoration of Category 3 Water Damage

1/27/2020 (Permalink)

Office floor flooded Office flooding in Amberly Village, OH

Water leakage in commercial buildings can pose serious health risks to employees. When floodwater seeps into the carpet, toxic mold can grow if it isn’t handled properly and quickly. Water can also contain harmful substances like pathogens, bacteria and other toxins. Pesticides, heavy metals, and raw sewage can also be found in the water. In addition to severe illness that can be caused by these toxic substances, an untrained person could slip and fall, injuring themselves. There is also the risk of electrical equipment being exposed to the water, which could prove fatal.

Examples of Category 3 Water Damage:

• Sewage

• Flooding from seawater and other types of floodwater

• Ground surface water and water rising from streams or rivers

• Water caused by hurricanes, heavy rains and other weather incidents

• Toilet overflow that comes from beyond the toilet trap

Water Damage Repair Quick and professional cleanup is critical in handling water damage. Cleaning up Category 3 water damage must be handled by experts who are trained in handling these situations. If you live in Amberly Village, OH, the sooner the professionals can begin the restoration process, the better the chances of completely repairing and restoring the area.
The first step will be to analyze the situation to better understand how much damage has occurred. The trained professionals have equipment to detect any moisture hidden below the surface. Once all the water has been extracted, moisture levels can be monitored to ensure that the area is dry. Fans and humidifiers can facilitate this process as well. After all, areas are dry, the facility will be sanitized and deodorized to remove any unpleasant odors. To slow the growth of unwanted bacteria, biocides can be applied as well.
Damage caused by floodwater and other water events is a serious matter, but if handled by professionals you can have your business up and running successfully again.

The Advantages of Electronic Claims Services

1/21/2020 (Permalink)

Electronic insurance claim form Electronic claims services make the process more transparent and comprehensive and faster

The Advantages of Electronic Claims Services

Insurance companies prefer to work with a professional disaster remediation team for many reasons. The right franchise offers many advantages, including the following:

  • Trained and certified technicians
  • A fast local response to a disaster
  • An emphasis on restoring damaged items when possible and replacing when necessary
  • An understanding of the best practices for restoration
  • A proven process that makes quick work of an insurance claim

A SERVPRO franchise provides these benefits and many more, making them a favored choice for an emergency response for many insurance companies. Each vendor responds Faster to Any Size Disaster, arriving at an affected property in four hours or less.

Electronic Claims

The right remediation vendor in Mariemount, OH, provides a competitive advantage. The recovery process runs smoothly and restores a property in a timely manner while following IICRC standards, the industry leader in the inspection, cleaning and restoration of commercial properties. The hassle of an insurance claim is alleviated by a valued process that begins immediately. The inspection and damage assessment provided by SERVPRO technicians results in a First Notice of Loss document. Like all other documentation, it will be available electronically, which means it can be transmitted to all parties in no time. The same is true of photo documentation, which can often offer a clearer picture of itemized losses.
All of this makes it easier for the insurance agent to communicate with his or her client. Keeping in contact with the company that has suffered a loss, and providing concise documentation of losses and expenses, allows the insurance company to satisfy the client.

National Accounts

National managers for SERVPRO strive to keep the lines of communication open between the local mitigation franchise and the insurance company. The goal of this program is to ensure quality control, maintain oversight on all franchise workers, improve communication and assure completion of all paperwork for the insurance claim. The managers can speak with insurance companies and answer questions about the process. Electronic claims services make the process more transparent and comprehensive and faster.

When Should You Sue Your Landlord for Black Mold?

1/6/2020 (Permalink)

Removal of black fungus in the apartment and house. Black mold in a Madeira, OH apartment

When Should You Sue Your Landlord for Black Mold?

It's never fun to get involved in a lawsuit, but sometimes it is the best course of action to take. In the case of black mold in your apartment in Madeira, OH, there are clear markers when a lawsuit might be in your best interest. After all, you have a right to live in a healthy environment, a code of law backed by hundreds of court precedents. The general term for this is known as "an implied warranty of habitability." The timing of the lawsuit could depend on several factors. It's possible, a lawsuit may be needed to convince a landlord to make the necessary repairs and actions to remove the mold from your living space.

Mold Removal

Like other types of mold, black mold flourishes in moist conditions. A first step in its removal is to address any plumbing situations that bring moisture into a room. Once the humidity level is down, then a professional mold mitigation team can perform the following actions:

  • Inspection and damage assessment
  • Mold containment
  • Mold removal with HEPA vacuums and cleaning agents
  • Cleanup of affected materials
  • Replacement of materials

If a thorough mold remediation effort is completed, there may no longer be a need for court action. However, if you feel damages have occurred to your health or if you have faced other hardships a lawsuit may be needed to enforce fairness.

Mold Protection

In many situations, your landlord will act honorably and restore your living conditions to an acceptable level. However, you should never accept living in a place that has black mold present. This strain of mold affects individuals in different ways and can cause health problems in the form of being an irritant or an allergen, and it can affect a person's respiratory health. Always try to work things out at first, but remember you have the law on your side when it comes to your right to acceptable living conditions.

4 Fire Prevention Tips that Keep Your Employees and Your Building Safe

12/29/2019 (Permalink)

Factory roof structure and automatic fire protection in building system Sprinkler systems provide significant protection against possible fire damage

Did You Know That One of The Main Parts of Successful Fire Prevention is Preparation?

Despite its importance, it is easily overlooked in the busy day-to-day of business operations. Therefore, to ensure that you are doing everything you can to protect your property, enterprise and staff, you should try to implement the following four tips into your routine.

  • Maintain communication
  • Check for fire hazards
  • Have fire suppression equipment
  • Check expiration dates

Maintain Communication

A business fire is potentially hazardous, especially for companies that do not have a well constructed or communicated exit plan in place. It is vital to the safety of your employees and clients to have exit plans that are practiced and visible. If you are unsure of how to create and implement an evacuation strategy, then you can contact Indian Hill, OH, first responders or a fire restoration company. If you choose the latter, they will probably offer an assessment of your property to help you prepare such planning.

Check for Fire Hazards

Next, for the best fire prevention practices, you must eliminate as many fire hazards as possible. Therefore, maintain equipment, keep combustibles away from heat sources, check wiring and provide adequate space around appliances.

Have Fire Suppression Equipment

Fire suppression equipment, like extinguishers and sprinkler systems, provide significant protection against possible fire damage. Check your local fire codes to make sure that your business complies with all the appropriate safety measures for your industry.

Check Expiration Dates

Last, be sure to check the expiration dates on fire extinguishers. The typical shelf life on these safety products is between five and 15 years. It is also beneficial to perform routine drills to make sure that your alarm systems are working correctly.
Fire prevention is not a one-and-done type of thing. Safety requires diligence and practice. Therefore, perform routine inspections of your building to ensure that you are maintaining safe practices. Fires are dangerous and life-threatening, and sometimes good prevention practices can make all the difference.

Using a Fire Extinguisher

12/23/2019 (Permalink)

Red extinguisher Knowing how to use a fire extinguisher can help minimize the potential damage from a fire

Using a Fire Extinguisher

There are many scenarios people in Cincinnati, OH, can find themselves in where there is a need for a fire extinguisher in the house. No matter what the source of a fire in a home is, knowing how to use this device is an essential part of understanding and implementing fire safety and preventing fire damage. 

How To Remember the Directions

The first thing to remember before trying to put out a fire in the home is to call the fire department. Once the fire department is made aware, a fire extinguisher can be used to attempt to control and eliminate a fire. An easy way to remember how to use an extinguisher is the acronym PASS.

  • P – P is for Pull. Pull the pin at the top of the extinguisher. This allows the handle to be squeezed, and also breaks the seal so the extinguisher can work. 
  • A – A stands for Aim. It is important to remember to aim low toward the bottom of the fire. 
  • S – The first S in the acronym is for Squeeze. Squeeze the handle, or the trigger.
  • S – The second S is for Sweep. Sweep the nozzle from side to side across the bottom of the fire until it is extinguished. If the fire does not go out, or if it starts back up again, then repeat step two through step four. 

It is extremely important to remember that evacuation is the number one priority if the fire doesn’t seem to be affected by an extinguisher!

Potential Fire Damages 

There are many possible sources for fires in a residential area, including kitchen utilities, outlets, candles, wiring, and many others. Preventing fire damage is key during a residential fire, whether it is from a kitchen fire or from any other source in the house. 

Knowing how to use a fire extinguisher can help minimize the potential damage from a fire. In situations where damage does occur, a local restoration company can be contacted to help with cleanup and fixing any damage left behind. 

Hail Damage Can Be Devastating to a Business

12/18/2019 (Permalink)

Insurance adjuster marked the hail damage on a insureds roof. Hail damage on the roof in Indian Hill, OH

Hail Damage Can Be Devastating to a Business

The purpose of your business’ roof is to protect the building interior from wind, rain and a limited amount of snow. In places like Indian Hill, OH, building codes typically call for a design that withstands weather conditions greater than your location would typically experience. However, when the weather creates large hail, roof damage often follows.

Roof-Mounted Equipment Is Especially Vulnerable to Hail

One feature that makes a business roof different from a residential roof is the presence of roof-mounted equipment. This can include:

  • HVAC equipment
  • Skylights
  • Solar panels
  • Elevator equipment

For equipment that uses transparent or translucent components, those components should be impact-resistant. Special hail screening can protect the remainder of your rooftop equipment from hail damage.

Hail Impact Can Damage the Roof Surface

When large hailstones strike your roof at over 100 miles per hour, roof damage is almost inevitable. On a flat roof, it can tear the coating and underlying material. If the roof has weak spots, the hail may penetrate the interior.
A pitched roof covered with shingles fares slightly better. The angle of the pitch helps reduce the impact of the hailstone and divert it away from the building. However, shingles can become brittle with time and break under the hail’s impact.

It’s Time to Worry About the Next Storm

It’s not a good idea to leave the building during a hailstorm. Checking for outdoor damage should wait until it’s safe to do so. In the meanwhile, you can deal with the leaks and other water problems that you can see indoors. When the sky clears, it’s time to head outdoors. Assume that any damage you see there will, in some way, manifest itself indoors. You can expect leaks, wet insulation and water-stained ceilings to continue to get worse until the repairs are complete. Subsequent storms will see to that.

A Speedy Response Keeps Your Problems Small

The problems associated with roof damage become worse with time. Local storm damage recovery experts are just a phone call away. With them on the job, your structure condition will be “Like it never even happened.”

An Overview of Commercial Generators

12/10/2019 (Permalink)

Pool of water on floor. Most quality generators should last for at least 20 years and possibly up to 30.

In your workplace, you rely on electricity to power your equipment and devices. You also need power for people to do their jobs safely and effectively. Most of the time, you won't have to worry about the power going off. However, if you ever do lose electricity, you should have a backup source to keep the lights on and things running smoothly in the office. A generator is the ideal solution.

What Knocks out the Power?
Assuming you've paid the electric bill, the electricity should flow freely through your Cincinnati, OH, building without any worries. There are circumstances, however, when you may have to turn to backup options. The following can cause short-term or long-term power losses.

Storm surges
Malfunctions with the city's grid system

How Generators Work
When the power goes out, your generator should automatically kick on and provide the electricity you need to run your business. The machine runs on either diesel fuel, solar power or natural gas. Thanks to this device, you should be able to use all of your electronic equipment until professional disaster mitigation teams clean up after a disaster and get your office back to normal.

Most quality generators should last for at least 20 years and possibly up to 30. Yours will work for between 3,000 and 5,000 hours. This will depend on how often you use the device and how well you take care of it. Proper storage and maintenance are critical to extending its usefulness. If you encounter generator problems, you should call a specialist to take a look at it. If your unit is broken or has any issues, make sure you repair it as soon as possible.

If you don't have a generator in your building now is a good time to get one. This device could keep your company running when there is a power outage in your workplace.

Tips for Handling Damaged Electronics

12/10/2019 (Permalink)

DSLR camera close up under water After water fills your commercial space, you may be able to save some of the flooded electronics.

Water and electronics rarely go well together. If your commercial space in Cincinnati, OH, is flooded, you may have to deal with waterlogged computers, machinery, and other important electronic equipment. When you call in commercial water damage restoration professionals, they can give you advice on the best ways to deal with these flooded electronics, along with these tips:

• Avoid Power: Plugging in any water-damaged computers is not a good idea. You want to keep the power off to ensure the inner workings of the electronics are not fried more than they already are. If you add power, you may give the circuits a chance to short.
• Assess Damage: The truth is that some equipment should be salvageable and other pieces may have to be thrown away. Figuring out which is which requires a professional to assess your electronic damage.
• Dry Out: If a piece is deemed worthy of restoration, you need to make sure it is completely dried out before the fixing actually starts. The methods for drying out electronics may vary, but experts may want to take your equipment apart to allow it to dry thoroughly.
• Replace Parts: In some cases, you may need to replace certain parts of your flooded electronics. This partial replacement may help you save money and keep your saved documents.
• Restore Data: In other cases, your only option may be to restore lost data to a different device. This restoration allows you to continue your business. However, you may need to buy new equipment.
• Start Claim: Losing large portions of your company's electronic equipment can hurt your business. If flooding leads to you needing to replace most of your electronics, it can cost a lot. Thankfully, your commercial insurance may cover the cost of replacing some of the items.

After water fills your commercial space, you may be able to save some of the flooded electronics. In most cases, it is best to work with a professional familiar with electronic restoration. For more information, visit http://www.SERVPROeastcentralcincinnati.com/.

Removing the Odor of Smoke

12/10/2019 (Permalink)

Emergency exit - fire in the building Smoke odor after fire damage in Cincinnati, OH

If a fire has happened in your business, you are likely all too aware of the adverse effects of fire damage. Not only are there singes and burns, but smoke damage and smoke odor can affect your business and the items in your building long after restoration if they are not taken care of properly. Smoke cleaning after a fire is crucial in removing the odor of soot and smoke from your property and returning your business to pre loss condition. There are many methods for the removal of smoke:

? Abrasive cleaning
? Spray and wipe cleaning
? Wet cleaning
? Dry cleaning
? Foam cleaning

All of these methods are intended for use with porous materials like fabric and should be conducted by local professionals in the Cincinnati, OH, area. 

Smoke Cleaning for Nonporous Material

For cleaning smoke from nonporous materials such as electronic items, jewelry, or vinyl records, an ultrasonic cleaner is recommended. These types of cleaning devices use ultrasound and a cleaning agent to clean your contents. Electronic items should be paid particular attention, as the smoke damage can possibly contain acid that corrodes metal. Point-of-sales machines and office computers should be dealt with as soon as possible to prevent data loss.

Clearing Large Areas of Smoke Odor

After a fire, ozone machines can be used for smoke cleaning to rid your property of the odor. These machines use ozone to oxidize the smoke residue that may be lingering in hard-to-reach cracks and crevice and in porous material like carpet and upholstery as well. Thermal foggers can also be used in a similar fashion to cover large areas and to eliminate odors lingering in those isolated cracks and crevices. As a secondary measure, air-purifying machines designed specifically to eliminate smoke can assist in the process of cleaning the atmosphere inside your business by reintroducing fresh air into its rooms. 

How To Know If You Have a Shower Leak

12/10/2019 (Permalink)

Leakage of water from a shower cabin with glass wall that is damaged Shower leak in an Indian Hill, OH home

Locating Bathroom Leaks in Your Home

A shower or bathtub leak can be hard to find. After all, your tub is going to be already wet after you use it. It thus may be difficult to determine whether the moisture in your bathroom is normal or the sign of a larger problem.
Still, there are ways to find evidence of a leak in your home. For starters, you can look for damage to other areas besides the bathroom, including:

  • Carpeting
  • Floor tiles
  • Crawlspaces

Water in any of these locations could be a sign of a problem with your shower. Read on for more tips on locating bathroom leaks in your home.

Keep Your Eyes Open

A leak in the shower pan often causes a buildup of water in the crawlspace. Go into this room and look for crusty stalactites and wet, black wood.
Stains to wood trim and baseboards near the bathroom are also evidence of a possible shower pan leak. Other warning signs to look out for include loose floor tiles or carpet. In particular, a shower or bathtub leak can cause the tack strips to rust.

Check for Cracks

You should inspect the bathroom for signs of leaks, as well. Since cracks can be the source of a leak, check the corners to see if the grout has gotten loose and washed away.
The tiles of shower walls can also break or crack over time. Have a plumber fix the issue immediately before it becomes a major problem.

Inspect the Shower Pan

The shower pan is another common source of leaks. You should inspect it regularly to check for problems. The threshold, in particular, is susceptible to breaking down.
Once you have found the source of your shower or bathtub leak, you need to repair the issue before it destroys parts of your Indian Hill, OH, home. If any floors or walls are harmed, your local water damage repair specialists may be able to help.

Tips for Removing Mildew From Plants

11/28/2019 (Permalink)

Gardeners hands planting flowers at back yard Taking great care of your garden can be a rewarding and fun experience

Tips for Removing and Preventing Mildew Growth on Plants

Whether you are a garden novice or an experienced green thumb, you may need a refresher when it comes to plant mildew. Mildew is a sub-group of molds that grows exclusively on live plants. It generally appears as a gray or white powder or splotches and can affect almost any part of your plants. It's usually found on leaves but it can also grow on fruit, flowers, and stems. Here are some tips for removing and preventing mildew growth on plants:

  • Remove damaged plants
  • Provide enough sunlight
  • Keep the air well-circulated
  • Clean your plants
  • Contact a mold remediation expert

Grooming Your Garden

If you detect the mildew early enough, you can likely control it by removing damaged parts. Cut the affected leaves and dispose of them in the trash - do not compost them. Mildew can spread from the ground back to the same plant or onto other plants. Another important task is to thin out overcrowded areas. This gives all plants the best chance at health.

Maintaining Your Garden

In line with cutting back overgrowth and keeping your garden tidy, gardens requirement additional maintenance. Plants need good air circulation and plenty of sunlight. Plant mildew thrives in humid, wet climates. Exposure to breezes and ample sunlight reduces the chance of mildew growth. Additionally, create a habit of watering your plants at the base to avoid overwatering.

Saving Your Garden

Taking great care of your garden can be a rewarding and fun experience. Bringing sick plants back to health is invigorating. If you think that your garden is too far gone, however, you may need to contact a professional for assistance. They can help you identify the root of the problem and create a plan to keep your plants robust.
If your Deer Park, OH, oasis has developed plant mildew, do not despair. You will likely be able to rescue your greenery and prevent further mildew growth with some simple adjustments.

3 Fire Alarm Installation Recommendations

11/23/2019 (Permalink)

Photoelectric smoke detector It is also recommended to include a smoke detectors in areas at high risk for fire damage

3 Fire Alarm Installation Recommendations

When installing a fire alarm in your Deer Park, OH, home, you may be wondering how many units you need and where they should be located. Fortunately, many fire safety experts and fire damage restoration professionals have recommendations for the best locations for these alarms.

1. Inside Bedrooms

As many professionals recommend sleeping with the bedroom door closed help prevent fire and smoke damage, it's best to install a smoke detector inside the bedroom to help ensure that anyone sleeping will be woken in the event of an emergency. Most professional suggest that this detector should be located just inside the bedroom door.

2. Outside Bedrooms

Another common location for a fire alarm insulation is outside the bedrooms as well. Doing so will help ensure that any alarms sound before smoke reaches the sleeping area. If you have a common hallway outside multiple bedrooms a single alarm here may suffice. For bedrooms located in different areas of the home you may want one alarm outside each room.

3. High Risk Areas

It is also recommended to include a smoke detectors in areas at high risk for fire damage. These include rooms such as the kitchen where cooking may occur, or areas such as the garage where a work room may be located. You may want to check each alarm regularly to ensure that the batteries have not worn down, and use the test button to check that the unit remains functional. Many experts recommend doing so yearly at minimum.

When installing a fire alarm in you home it’s recommended to include one inside each bedroom, and one outside the bedrooms as well. You may also want an alarm in high risk areas such as the kitchen or garage. After installation you may wish to test each alarm to ensure functionality. If you have any questions a professional may be able to make further recommendations.

What To Know About Flood Zones and Your Home

11/13/2019 (Permalink)

Flooded home Flooded home in Amberly Village, OH

Learn How Flood Zones Can Affect Your Home

If you live in an area such as Amberly Village, OH, where your home experiences frequent storms, then you may be wondering if you’re at high flood risk. One way to know this is to determine if your home is located in a flood zone. Here are a few things you may wish to know about these zones and how they affect your home.

1. What Are Flood Zones

Flood zones are areas that exhibit geographic qualities that make them more prone to flooding. This may include being at the bottom of a watershed, coastal areas, areas near rivers, and areas that experience frequent storms. FEMA sets these risk levels and they should be marked on your local communities Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), which you can look at by going to your local zoning office.

2. Is Flood Insurance Necessary

In the event your home is determined to be at risk by its position in a flood zone, you may be wondering what, if any, addition insurance will be required. The best way to determine this is to talk to your insurance agent about what’s included in your existing plan, and if any supplemental plans are available for additional coverage. It’s important to note than in many cases flood insurance is considered to be a separate policy.

3. How to Deal with a Flood in the Home

If a storm does cause flooding in your home then it's best to contact a flood damage restoration service as quickly as possible. These professionals have the tools necessary to move large quantities of water, and can also make any repairs your home may need. The restoration team can also check for any additional problems flood water may cause, such as potential mold growth.

As explained earlier flood zones are areas that exhibit geographic qualities that make them more prone to a flood. It’s important to note that in some cases having a home inside a flood zone can affect your flood insurance coverage. If your home does experience flooding it's best to contact a professional as quickly as possible for any repairs.

How To Mitigate Storm Damage to Your Property

10/24/2019 (Permalink)

Missing roof shingles Missing roof shingles in Mariemount, OH

How To Mitigate Storm Damage to Your Property

The best way to prevent storm damage is to prepare before the winds and rain hit Mariemount, OH. Prevent damages, such as missing shingles, a roof leak, broken furnishings, and other havoc by taking specific steps as soon as you know there's a storm on the way:

  • Trim trees and shrubs around your business to prevent branches from breaking winds or becoming projectiles.
  • Pack up furnishings outside your building and stash any decorations or marketing signs that aren't completely attached.
  • Board up the windows. Again, the best time to gather these supplies is before there's any news of a storm. Purchase the hardware you'll need and store it safely until you need to use it.
  • Reinforce any garage doors. These doors tend to be relatively flimsy. The damage to the doors or to your exposed inventory or vehicles could become very expensive.

Of course, proper maintenance is an essential step in protecting your company property.

Gather Evidence of the Damages

Before you take any cleanup steps and before you contact professionals to take care of the work, record the damage. First, take photos of all damage to document your losses for the insurance company. Make a written inventory of all commercial and personal property that was damaged. Don't forget to hold onto receipts when work is completed.

Practice Preventative First Aid

After the storm has passed, there are several steps you can take to keep your commercial property safe, avoid that annoying roof leak, and keep your repair costs down. One of the first is to address any damage to the roof. Use tarps and plywood to board up holes in the roof, cover holes in windows and skylights, and inspect the rest of the property.
Turn Major Repairs Over to Professionals
You may find that siding has been blown off the building or a tree branch has broken the building or some property directly. In many cases, a storm damage repair and cleanup professional is the best person to repair your damaged roof. There are many safety concerns to keep in mind before sending an employee to the top of your building. There's no roof leak more important than a person's safety.

4 Problems That Can Cause a Toilet Leak

10/16/2019 (Permalink)

Toilet leaking A leaking toilet is often an easy fix, but you want to make sure to fix it quickly

4 Problems That Can Cause a Toilet Leak

The toilet in your bathroom is a relatively simple apparatus, but multiple things can still go wrong that cause it to leak water onto your floor. There are four things that plumbers look for to determine the reason behind your leaking toilet.

1. Loose Bolts

Pooling water at the base of the toilet can mean several things. The easiest thing to fix is a loose bolt. Before you call for a plumber in Madeira, OH, try tightening the bolts around the base. If this stops your bathroom leak, that is likely the only thing that was wrong.

2. Faulty Gasket

The wax gasket is the seal that holds the toilet in place. It also keeps water from escaping and damaging your floor. To replace a dry or broken gasket, you have to remove the toilet and scrape the old gasket off the floor. Once you've determined the flange is intact, you can replace the gasket and return the toilet to its position. Most homeowners have the tools to do this themselves, but a plumber can help if you are not comfortable with the task.

3. Broken Valve

If the shutoff valve is broken or malfunctioning, it will probably result in a leaking toilet. Water damage specialists often have to replace walls and flooring when a faulty valve releases a lot of water in a short amount of time. Plumbers can inspect and replace bad valves so that your toilet runs efficiently.

4. Cracked Bowl

If the toilet bowl itself is cracked, water is likely to leak out of it. If you cannot see the crack, it can be difficult to determine the source of the problem. Inspect your tank thoroughly to look for this possibility.
A leaking toilet is often an easy fix, but you want to make sure to fix it quickly. Finding the source of the leak is the first step in doing so.

3 Stages of Fire Damage Remediation

10/10/2019 (Permalink)

Fire damaged home with melted siding and broken glass Fire damage in Indian Hill, OH

Three Important Stages of Fire Restoration

If your Indian Hill, OH, home has been damaged in a fire, then you will likely need to have fire restoration done. What this entails can vary depending on the severity of the damage, but the general process remains the same. While your house is being worked on, you can expect the restoration company to carry out three important stages.

1. Inspection

Before fire restoration can begin, the house will need to be inspected. The workers will look at each area of your home to determine the extent of the damage. This allows them to determine the best way to move forward with their work and create a plan for repairs.

2. Mitigation

Once the inspection has been completed, the workers will move on to mitigation. This step is essential to preventing the damage from getting worse. If there are missing areas of walls and roofing or broken windows, these will need to be boarded up or covered with a tarp. Soot and smoke damage will be removed. If the fire department needed to put out the flames with a hose, this stage will also include removing excess water and drying the building. Unpleasant smoke odors will be removed as well.

3. Restoration

After damage cleaning, the final stage can begin. During restoration, workers will begin to return your home to its previous condition. In the case of severe damage, this can include rebuilding walls, roofing, or even whole rooms. Smaller tasks, such as replacing carpets and repainting walls, will be done as well. Once this has been finished, your house should look as good as it did before the fire occurred.
Whether the fire in your home was large or small, fire restoration is a necessary part of returning your home to normal. A fire damage remediation company has the equipment and training necessary to do this quickly and thoroughly. They will be able to repair your home and can salvage many of your damaged belongings as well.

Insurance Claims: How to Prepare for an Adjuster's Visit

10/8/2019 (Permalink)

Two green SERVPRO trucks parked outside of property. While it is part of the claims process, a home adjuster visit can feel oddly intrusive and even judgmental, but they don’t have to.

While it is part of the claims process, a home adjuster visit can feel oddly intrusive and even judgmental, but they don’t have to. When viewed as only a process, a visit from an adjuster can be systematic and judgment-free, especially when you plan and prepare for their visit with the four steps below.

1. Prepare a Loss Inventory

Any insurance claim will likely require a loss inventory, which is an itemized record of any of your belongings too damaged to repair or restore. In addition to cataloging the information, it is a good idea to photograph any losses to show the adjuster as proof of loss.

2. Identify Structural Damage

Locate any structural damage before the home adjuster visit to ensure efficiency. You will want to look for cracks in walls or foundational separation. Additionally, you can check for sagging of the roofline or weeping/sweating around basement walls. Any structural concerns should be discussed with the adjuster to ensure they have the complete picture.

3. Collect Contractor Bids

Before the adjuster’s visit, you can begin the process of collecting cleanup and restoration bids. Professionals in the Cincinnati, OH, area will likely be better suited to your specific needs because they will be more familiar with local building codes. Receiving bids from a minimum of three contractors is standard and maybe expected by your insurer. 

4. Make Copies of Important Documents

As adjusters are busy, typically having more than one client and claim at a time, it is beneficial for you to maintain copies of any relevant documents and correspondence between you and your insurer to substantiate your claims. The adjuster will likely have all this information, but in the off chance that there is a discrepancy, it is better to have proof and validation.

While it may be easy to see a home adjuster as the enemy, someone who is trying to cheat you out of your hard-earned dollars, the truth is that adjusters want to make sure you get what you’ve earned. You can help make that happen by following the steps above, making the process as efficient as possible.

How To Prevent Plumbing Issues in Your Commercial Building

10/7/2019 (Permalink)

Hand holding a broken plumbing pipe Plumbing problems are common in commercial buildings.

Plumbing problems are common in commercial buildings. With so many customers and employees going in and out, bathrooms and sinks are used repeatedly. Frequent use of plumbing systems can lead to problems such as the following:

  • Clogs
  • Broken fixtures
  • Leaks

A broken pipe or damaged water main can lead to huge amounts of water leakage. If you are currently dealing with water damage, call a professional to help you start the restoration process. If you’d like to avoid serious issues from happening easily in your commercial building, here are a few proactive tips that can keep your building safe from water damage.

Keep an Eye Out for Clogs

Unless you’re talking about the wooden footwear, clogs are annoying. They can be even more irritating when they occur in your building’s bathrooms. Employees and customers alike lose access to toilets, sinks, and showers. While this can lead to bad business or conflict within the company, clogs can lead to more serious issues. Water pressure can rise to dangerous levels when the plumbing system is blocked.

One way to avoid clogs is to clean the bathrooms regularly. This can help remove potential obstructions. Another great way to avoid clogs is to put up signs that remind customers and employees what they can flush down the toilet. However, if clogs are still recurrent it might be a bigger problem within the pipes themselves.

Check Your Water Temperature

Depending on the business, you might count on the temperature of your water to always accurate. Either way, it’s always a good idea to check your water heater when temperatures start fluctuating or if you are struggling to get hot water. This often means that your water heater is broken or leaking.

To avoid water damage and other serious issues, don’t ignore the signs. You can also check on your water heater regularly to help you identify any possible difficulties. Check the outside of the heater for any external damage and then flush out the tank. You can also check the anode rod and heater vent for any problems.

You can prevent many plumbing problems from affecting your business in Hamilton, OH, if you take careful precautions. Look for any indications and act quickly to avoid dealing with damage.

3 Reasons You Need Business Insurance

9/27/2019 (Permalink)

The button on the keyboard of a computer that says Business Insurance If you have a business in Deer Park, OH, you may be wondering if you really need business insurance

Reasons Why You Should Consider Getting a Policy

If you have a business in Deer Park, OH, you may be wondering if you really need business insurance. While it is generally not an absolute requirement, it is a good idea to purchase it anyway. Having insurance can benefit your business in several ways, particularly if you have experienced water damage in your building. The following are a few reasons why you should consider getting a policy.

1. Damage Can Be Extensive

Whether it is from broken pipes, a leaky roof or a storm, damage from water can be extensive. It can cause quite a bit of secondary damage as well, such as mold growth and warped or rotting materials. Along with the structure of your building, it can affect the belongings inside. Having repairs done by a cleanup and restoration service and replacing equipment can cost a lot of money. If you do not have insurance, you will most likely need to pay for this on your own.

2. You Might Lose Profits

If your building is damaged, you will need to have work done. Depending on the amount of water cleanup and repairs required, you could be unable to do business as usual for an extended period. This can have a negative effect on your company’s profits. In some cases, business insurance can help with this. They may be able to provide finances based on this loss.

3. It Can Protect You Against Liability Claims

If water damage or some other type of accident causes someone to get hurt on your property, they may decide to make a claim against you. Not only can this be a frustrating experience, but it can also cost you money. If you have insurance, this can help reduce your costs if you are found liable.
While you may think that business insurance is just another unnecessary expense, it can be incredibly useful to your company. You cannot predict everything that will happen, and insurance can keep you from losing a lot of money in the event of water damage or other emergencies.

The Real Story of Mildew

9/19/2019 (Permalink)

Plant with mildew Plant mildew may indicate that something is wrong

When you hear the word mildew, you probably pictures some type of growth in your bathroom. Little did you know, that is actually mold. Mildew is something entirely different. So, what can you do about mildew in Amberly Village, OH?

What is Mildew?

The short story is that mildew is a subgroup of mold that only grows on living plants. There are two species groups of mildew, each containing many subspecies. However, all mildew growth looks powdery and is usually white or light gray. The only way that it could ever be inside your house is if it was on one of your house plants; it won't spread to other surfaces. Some common plants to find mildew on are:

  • Grains
  • Grapes
  • Onions
  • Melons
  • Lilacs

Where is Mildew?

Remember, mildew is only found on plants. If you hear someone talking about mildew in their bathroom or kitchen, they are not using the correct term. If you have hired a remediation specialist to remove mold from your home and they call it mildew, you should question their competency. Mildew is often plant specific, and a lot of species only grow on certain types of plants- for example, there is a type of plant mildew that will only grow on grape plants.

How To Eliminate Mildew

There are lots of products in stores that advertise "mildew removal". However, these products are mislabeled and are actually aimed at removing mold from tile, etc. Using these on your plants could kill them. Mildew usually only grows in certain conditions, so if you take these away the mildew should also go away. It likes humidity and low air circulation, so if your plants are crowded you should move them apart. Mildew is also more likely to be found on plants that are stressed or weak, so be sure research what your plant may be lacking if you find any powdery growth.
Finding plant mildew on your crops or houseplants isn't usually a death sentence for them, but a good indication that something is wrong. If you take steps to correct their living conditions, they'll be fine in no time!

How To Handle a Sewer Backup in Your Bathtub

9/11/2019 (Permalink)

There is sewer water coming out of a bathtub and sink Sewer backup in a Mariemount, OH bathroom

How To Handle a Sewer Backup in Your Bathtub 

There’s no denying that a sewer backup leads to a lot of unwanted and aggravating issues, including the less-expected issue of a bathtub backup. Whether the backup you’re dealing with is from a city sewer line clog or flooding from a septic system overflow, it must be dealt with in a timely manner.

When assessing damage to your property in Mariemount, OH, there are steps you can take yourself and there are steps that likely require specialists. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Remove children and pets from the affected area immediately.
  • Stay safe – wear protective gear and turn off utilities before dealing with the sewer backup.
  • Remove contaminated items and sanitize what you can.
  • Know when you need an expert – many plumbing issues are advanced and require professional remediation.

Why Is There Sewage in the Bathtub?

Bathtub backups may not be as frequent as other flooding issues, but they are often just as serious. This issue occurs when clogs in your main sewer lines are so severe that the water is forced elsewhere – as in back into your home rather than away from your home.

What Does This Mean?

Wastewater in your bathtub is clearly not a good sign, as you know. If there is sewage in your tub, then the drains and sewer lines are not allowing water to flow away from your property. This means there is a large clog somewhere in the system, and thus the water is redirected into unwanted areas.

What Can You Do?

First, remove kids and pets from contaminated areas. You also must be sure to protect yourself before sterilizing the area. Then, remove porous items – towels, rugs, curtains, etc. – to prevent cross-contamination. To ensure that the hazard has been appropriately contained and future issues won’t arise, you should consult professional water damage repair services.

If you’ve experienced this issue in your Mariemount, OH, home, don’t delay in addressing the sewer backup. Take bathtub backup seriously, as it can be an indicator of bigger plumbing problems – but also don’t panic, as there are experts at the ready to help make your house your home again.

Preventing Water Damage in Your Home

8/21/2019 (Permalink)

Water leak in a Madeira,OH property

How To Prevent Water Damage In Your Home

One of the most destructive forces in nature is water, and when it enters your Madeira, OH home, the damage can be devastating and costly. In addition to damage caused by the water itself, mold can easily form and ruin the integrity of your walls, flooring, and even the support beams. Understanding the many ways that you can find water in home, and how to prevent it from happening, are the best ways to stop water damage before it starts.

Sources of Water Leaks

You may wake up one day and find water in home stemming from one of several sources, including:

  • Structural leak: The roof, windows, doors, and other areas susceptible to cracking or normal wear and tear can leave the home vulnerable to water leaks
  • Broken pipe: A number of water pipes run throughout the home, and any one of these can crack or burst at any time during extreme cold weather, or simple wear and tear over time
  • Appliance leak: Toilets, washing machines, dish washers, and other household appliances can malfunction and allow water in home

Preventative Measures

While it is difficult to safeguard against every possible water source, there are steps that can be taken to minimize the chance that your home will suffer from water damage. Bad weather is likely the most destructive source of water leaks, so ensuring your roof, windows, and the overall structural integrity of your home is free of cracks. Should a leak form, repair the area quickly before a more destructive storm can make the area worse. Additionally, a broken pipe or break in a major appliance can leave huge puddles when left unchecked. Proper pipe cleanup and repair, as well as regular inspection on pipe integrity, will help keep your home safe. Finally, proper drainage in and around your home will prevent water from building up against your home and its foundation, which will in turn extend the life of your home’s structure. By regularly maintaining the integrity of your home, you can help prevent water damage before it starts.

5 Commercial Building Areas to Inspect While Preparing for a Storm

8/14/2019 (Permalink)

Cracks on roof

Building Inspection When Preparing For A Storm

When you are preparing for a storm in Indian Hill, OH, it is important to perform a building inspection on the exterior as well as the interior. Doing this will allow you to find any areas of concern that could contribute to damage to the property. Be sure to check the following areas thoroughly.

1. Walls

Perhaps the most obvious area to inspect is the walls. These can have cracks or weak sections that might let water inside. Performing exterior maintenance to fix these problems can prevent weakened structure and the spread of mold.

2. Doors and Windows

The areas around your doors and windows can sometimes deteriorate more quickly than others. Because of this, you should check them carefully. Make sure that they are sealing properly and won’t let water inside.

3. Roofing

During the building inspection, it is important to check the roof as well. Damage here can result in leaks that can cause water damage inside the building. Ensure that there are no cracks, missing shingles or debris.

4. Gutters and Drains

Exterior maintenance should not be entirely contained to the building itself. The drains and gutters connected to it should be looked at as well. If these are not cleaned out, they can cause water to back up and enter the walls and ceiling.

5. The Surrounding Area

While you may be more concerned keeping the building maintained, do not overlook the rest of the property. If there are objects and debris in the yard, these can be picked up by the wind and thrown against the building. This can damage the walls and roof and may even result in shattered windows. Trim any nearby trees as well.
It is important to do exterior maintenance if you are expecting a storm, but this is not the only time it should be done. Have a professional perform inspections and needed repairs regularly to keep your building in top shape. If there is damage after severe weather, an emergency restoration company can restore it to its previous condition.

Protecting Your Business in Case of Fire

8/7/2019 (Permalink)

Fire protection systems include fire extinguishers

Business Fire, Are You Prepared?

Business fire – the nightmare you don’t want to come true. Between 2013 and 2017, according to the NFPA, U.S. local fire departments reported an average of 18,582 fires with over $850 million in direct property damage. Fire preparation is all about inspecting, maintaining and repairing equipment and training employees in fire safety. Are you prepared?

1. Inspection by the Local Fire Department

Always calendar annual inspections and be ready for the fire marshal to inspect your property. Continue to inspect, maintain and repair equipment as needed. Verify any violations from the last inspection are now compliant.

2. Hazardous Materials

If your business deals in hazardous materials, are you ready for the possibility of a business fire or explosion? In 2016, in Cincinnati, OH, and around the nation, local fire departments received 425,000 calls concerning possible fires started by hazardous materials. Keep HazMat suits and other equipment in top condition. Have the emergency response plan in place and practice drills often.

3. Fire Protection Systems

Fire protection systems include fire extinguishers, fire sprinklers and fire suppression systems. To reduce the amount of fire damage inspect, maintain and repair the systems as necessary. Extinguishers must have tags marked with dates of inspection and it is essential the extinguisher type fits the type of fire. Inspect and test fire sprinkler systems according to NFPA Code 25.

4. Fire Safety Plan

Your employees need training in fire safety. They should know the location of all exit doors and fire extinguishers. Post emergency exit plans clearly throughout the business. Instruct your employees in the operation of fire extinguishers. Have a plan in place and educate your people. Practice fire drills regularly.
Worry over a possible business fire will not be an issue with inspection, maintenance, repairs and training. Speaking with a hazmat or fire cleanup specialist can give you peace of mind that you are protecting your employees and your business.

What Property Owners Need to Know About Mold Growth Lawsuits

7/22/2019 (Permalink)

Frozen pipes in your building may be covered by your insurance

Many property owners recognize the structural hazards posed by mold growth, but not everyone is aware that tenants can sue property managers over mold damage. In order to avoid potential lawsuits, the best course of action is to be proactive. Know your insurer’s policy on mold insurance claims, understand your responsibility as a property owner and take steps to prevent mold growth before it becomes an issue.

Insurance Coverage

It is a good idea to ask your insurance providers about their policy on mold insurance claims. Some types of property insurance may only cover mold damage if it was caused by a specific event. Covered events might include:

  • Snow or ice damage
  • Frozen pipes
  • Building fires
  • Accidental leakage from appliances or air conditioning

Furthermore, every landlord should also carry liability insurance. Liability insurance can be a lifesaver if a tenant decides to sue because his or her personal property is ruined by mold. You may also encourage your tenants to carry renter’s insurance with a mold claim policy so they are not left without a method of recourse should they incur any damages.

Warranty of Habitability

According to the law, a landlord must agree to keep the rental premises fit for human habitation at all times. While there are no laws specifically pertaining to keeping a building mold-free, tenants may sue for mold-related damages under the warrant of habitability, so long as they can prove that the mold has led to unsafe living conditions.

Mold Cleanup and Prevention

Mold insurance claims and lawsuits can quickly become a headache for everyone involved, so the best option is to pursue mold remediation when necessary and take preventative measures to deter future mold growth. Good maintenance is key. Keep humidity low, and regularly inspect for leaks, condensation or signs of water damage. Ask your tenants to promptly report any problems or concerns, and address them immediately.

Despite your best efforts, mold and water damage can occasionally happen. If your rental home ever requires water damage repair or mold remediation, rental property restoration specialists in Madeira, OH, are available 24/7 and Here to Help.

Tips for Removing Foul Odors After a Flood

7/12/2019 (Permalink)

Flooded home in Cincinnati, OH

Tips for Removing Foul Odors After a Flood

The water damage that occurs when your home floods in Cincinnati, OH, often comes with odors and mold growth that continue to permeate your residence long after the water has subsided. You can take care to eliminate odors and preserve the safety of your dwelling with the following measures:

1. Air Things Out

Open all doors and windows to allow air to circulate in your residence. This should help dissipate any lingering smells that remain and will also facilitate drying of the affected areas.

2. Dry the Wet Areas

You may install dehumidifiers to speed up the drying process. Removing moisture from porous and absorbent surfaces such as carpet and upholstery can greatly reduce the chance of foul aromas remaining after the flood and can mitigate the appearance of mold.

3. Deodorize Your Home

There are natural and inexpensive methods that you can utilize to expedite the deodorizing process in your house. Baking soda sprinkled into carpets and other absorbent surfaces then vacuumed up can help greatly with getting rid of foul odors. On less porous surfaces, vinegar applied liberally can aid in combating persistent smells.

4. Keep an Eye Out for Mold

As with any area that has had prolonged exposure to moisture, mold growth can be a threat that, if not addressed immediately, poses a potentially recurrent problem that can present itself throughout the life span of your residence. It is imperative that proper steps are taken to ensure that mold and spores do not have the opportunity to spread in your home.

5. Be Aware of Contaminants

Sewage loss can lead to your home being contaminated by sewage contents when flood water finds its way past your threshold. This can leave behind an overpowering smell even after the moisture has been removed due to the bacteria in the water. These smells often cannot be removed by household cleaners and require the services of a professional flood restoration company.

Mold growth and lingering odors are just two of the issues you may have to contend with after a flood. Fortunately, with experienced mold remediation specialists, you don't have to go it alone.

Commercial Storm Preparation

5/6/2019 (Permalink)

Keeping your gutters clean will help keep water from backing up under shingles and into your building

How to Protect Your Assets and Employees in The Event of a Flood Damage

Many business owners in Indian Hill, OH, are inadequately prepared for a major rain storm event. Do you know how to protect your assets and employees in the event of a serious flood damage situation?

1. Site Assessment

One of the simplest things you can do to prepare your company for severe weather is to inspect the site. Ensure that the foundation has no major points of fluid entry and that the roof and gutters direct rainfall away from the base of all buildings. Trim any trees with dead branches, as these can become an airborne hazard during high winds. Most larger buildings will need a lightning rod, which must be maintained and properly grounded. If your site has windows that require storm shutters, draw them at the first sign of trouble.

2. Training and Readiness

Don't forget the human element. Since your employees are your most valuable asset, you must supply your workforce with sufficient information about how to respond to a severe rain storm. For tornadoes, designate an interior hallway on the ground floor as a temporary shelter. For hurricanes and other long-term hazards, ensure that your staff comply with local evacuation orders and other pertinent ordinances. If you keep normal working hours during a potential weather event, stay aware of outdoor conditions through a NOAA radio broadcast or website.

3. Other Considerations

Your insurer can assist you with a business continuance plan should a thunderstorm make normal operations impossible. Retain paper copies and digital backups of all policies, records, and tax information. If you anticipate filing a claim, contact your adjuster as soon as possible. You will also likely need a qualified professional service to help with flood cleanup.

You can't prevent a rain storm, but you can keep it from disrupting day to day activities at your workplace. Safeguard your employees and your inventory by preparing for every type of severe weather.

Landscaping and Water Damage

4/25/2019 (Permalink)

Most homes constructed according to typical building codes will have correctly sloped roofs and gutters that divert rainwater away from the house.

Many homeowners in Cincinnati, OH are unaware of the relationship between problematic landscaping practices and flood water entering the home. Protect yourself against unnecessary basement or outside flooding by implementing a few simple yard management strategies.

1. Roofing and Gutters

Most homes constructed according to typical building codes will have correctly sloped roofs and gutters that divert rainwater away from the house. However, if the slope and porosity of the soil immediately surrounding your house are causing issues, it may be beneficial to extend the reach of your gutter downspouts with some inexpensive attachments. These flexible hoses will deposit the water farther into your hard, which can prevent water from pooling around your foundation during a rain storm.

2. Ditches

For some yards, simply redirecting the gutters may not be enough. Outside flooding problems from other properties may cause unintended water flow to your residence. In these cases, extra landscaping design may be required. A drainage ditch with a large perforated PVC pipe at the bottom can solve a number of flooding issues and divert unwanted water into the storm drain. Such a solution provides immediate results and can be implemented by any homeowner with a few inexpensive materials from a local hardware store.

3. Mulch

Another tip for the homeowner wanting to improve rain drainage involves the type of ground cover. Short grasses in silt or clay soils tend to provide little protection against erosion. Over time, these materials will dissolve in rain water and flow away from the property, exacerbating flooding problems. Using gravel or heavy mulches can improve drainage in problem areas that naturally get exposed to heavy rainfall, while preventing the soil beneath from washing away.

While the above tips can reduce the risk of interior and outside flooding, they are not a replacement for a qualified flood restoration service in the event that a significant amount of water enters your home.

Water Categorization: Category Two

4/18/2019 (Permalink)

Floodwater has three categories and four classifications, and the hazardousness of the water increases with each ascending scale.

Floodwater has three categories and four classifications, and the hazardousness of the water increases with each ascending scale. Therefore, category one, class one is the least concern in terms of water damage, with category four, class four being the most concerning. Category two falls in the middle of the spectrum, and there are many likely causes, like a failed water pipe repair, that may have led to its development.

1. Category Two

Category two likely started from a sanitary broken pipe, meaning that it originated as clean water and then became contaminated over time. While this type of water started from a clean source, it would now be considered grey water, and it should not be consumed at this point.

2. Standing Water

While a water pipe repair may have fixed the initial issue, the water that was left standing after the break has had time to absorb chemicals and bacteria. The waiting and absorption can cause an escalation in classification and category because the water becomes contaminated and unsafe.

3. Soaking Through

As stated previously, waiting too long after an area has flooded from a sanitary source allows for absorption and an increased categorization. However, this transformation also occurs when the clean water soaks through from a higher level to a lower one. The water passes through building materials and collects contaminants along the way, meaning that the water can be category one on an upper level but category two on a lower level.

4. Proper Handling

A plumbing specialist in the Cincinnati, OH area should be called in to handle the removal and cleanup of category two water damage because of the health risks. Gray water is not safe to consume or touch, and it should be dealt with rapidly to avoid further deterioration and contamination.

There are several tiers to water categorization, and while a water pipe repair may stop the flooding from a clean source, the standing water can quickly transform into category two or worse. Therefore, when a pipe breaks or your building experiences flooding, call in a professional.

4 Ways To Prevent Mold

4/11/2019 (Permalink)

Mold can feed off any organic material, particularly when it is accompanied by excess moisture.

4 Ways To Prevent Mold

When you own commercial property in Cincinnati, OH it can be difficult to stay on top of everything that goes on in your building. Being vigilant about mold removal and prevention, however, can save you a lot of time and money in the long run. Here are four tips on how to prevent mold and how to handle it quickly if you do find a growth in your building.

1. Keep Building Clean

Mold can feed off any organic material, particularly when it is accompanied by excess moisture. Make sure spills are cleaned up quickly and thoroughly so that fungus doesn't have a chance to thrive under your carpet or floorboards.

2. Keep Building Dry

Commercial mold cleanup specialists recommend monitoring your building's moisture level to reduce the chance of mold growth. Humidity should always remain at 30-50%. Dehumidifiers can be placed throughout the building to help keep the moisture level in the air where you need it to be.

3. Repair Damage Quickly

Mold removal isn't something you want to wait to do. As soon as you identify a problem, you should have professionals who specialize in mold remediation to assess and resolve the issue. They can also help you make a plan to prevent mold in the future.

4. Communicate With Staff

You can't be in your building all the time, so it's important to communicate with the people who are. Your custodial staff is a great source of information on what is going on at your commercial property. These employees are the most likely to notice problems early so that you can call someone to fix them.

While preventing fungus growth is likely your preference, mold removal can usually be a fairly quick process if you catch it early enough. Taking care of your building and communicating regularly with those who help do so can ensure that you are aware of any issue that occurs.

3 Reasons To Connect With a Mitigation and Restoration Service for Your Business

3/25/2019 (Permalink)

Connecting with a fire restoration service before tragedy strikes can give you peace of mind, no matter the nature of your business.

3 Reasons To Connect With A Mitigation And Restoration Service For Your Business 

Your Cincinnati, OH business is likely a large investment for you in terms of both time and money. Commitment to growth, finding qualified employees and maintaining inventory are likely all important to you; however, when fire damages your building and its contents, this can pull focus away from these important tasks and leave you with the question of how to rebuild. Connecting with a fire restoration service before tragedy strikes can give you peace of mind, no matter the nature of your business.

1. Improved Risk Assessment

You may have some idea about what constitutes fire risk, but your building may contain hidden dangers that could increase the chance of a blaze. Reaching out to a mitigation service that responds to a variety of disasters, including fire, can help you uncover these issues with a professional inspection of your commercial property. Outdated electrical wiring, basement debris and the improper storage of flammable chemicals are only a few risks these inspections might uncover.

2. A Variety of Services Under One Roof

Facing a fire rebuild at your business can seem overwhelming, especially when paired with insurance matters and how to handle the financial losses you are likely to encounter during the repair process. Having a fire mitigation and restoration team on call can be of utmost assistance during this difficult time, as its professionals can advise you about which services you will need, from tear-outs to soot and smoke cleaning, so you can handle other aspects of the rebuild process without feeling overwhelmed.

3. Any Service, Large or Small

Having a fire restoration service number in your commercial contact list can help you resolve any fire emergency, no matter its size. Whether you had a small fire in your breakroom and need deodorizing solutions or rebuilding services after a major fire damaged the first floor of your building, you can turn to your contracted company day or night for assistance.

Owning a Cincinnati, OH business comes with many responsibilities. However, contracting a fire restoration service for on-call protection can provide you with peace of mind against the unknown.

Three Things to Avoid After Experiencing Water Damage to Your Home

3/18/2019 (Permalink)

Once you have reported the damage to your agent, they may recommend a water damage remediation service to take care of the damage.

Three Things To Avoid After Experiencing Water Damage To Your Home

If a storm or broken pipe has caused water damage in your Terrace Park, OH home, you may be at a loss for what to do next. While it may be stressful, you don’t need to panic. There are services that can help you deal with the situation. Aside from panic, here are a few other things you should avoid in the event of water damage.

1. Waiting to Call Your Insurance Agent

One of the first things that you should do in any home emergency is to call your insurance agent. In order to get the most from an insurance claim, you should avoid waiting too long to report the flooding or other damage. It is best to get the process started as quickly as possible, so you should make the call as soon as you are in a safe place, if the damage is severe enough to require relocation.

2. Letting the Water Sit

While you may not be able to take care of the damage completely, if water in the home is left alone, the damage will continue to worsen and may cause walls or floors to become warped. It can also make it easier for a mold growth to develop. There are some things, such as blocking off other areas of the house or placing tarps on damaged windows, that you can do as a temporary measure to keep water from spreading.

3. Attempt to Make Repairs Alone

Once you have reported the damage to your agent, they may recommend a water damage remediation service to take care of the damage. They can further remediate your home to prevent damage while they make repairs to the broken pipe or other sources of water. They can also help to save any of your belongings that are not beyond repair.

If you have water damage from a broken pipe or other problem, keep this advice in mind. It will allow you to take the necessary steps to reduce home damage and get the most from your insurance claim.

Where Do You Find Mold?

3/8/2019 (Permalink)

a wooden wall with green specks As the homeowner, you play a key role in avoiding mold damage.

Where Do You Find Mold?

If you smell something musty in your home in Deer Park, OH you may have a mold problem. It may not be immediately visible, though. Mold damage can occur on almost any surface, particularly if it is porous. All it needs to thrive is moisture and something organic to feed on. Here are some places to look for mold and tips on how to keep these places fungus free.

Where Is It?

Mold or mildew growth may happen anywhere there is too much moisture. Common places in your home where mold could grow include:

  • Drywall
  • Carpet
  • Furniture
  • Insulation
  • Draperies

Excess dust can also contribute to mold growth. A layer of dust on a surface gives spores in the air another place to attach and grow. Regular dusting can help keep fungus growth at bay.

How Is It Prevented?

Mold is everywhere. It gets inside your home by attaching to clothing, hair, pets and shoes. Once the spores are in this confined space, they start to look for a place to land and grow. Mold damage occurs when they find it.

The most effective way to prevent mold growth is by getting rid of the excess moisture in your home. Try to keep humidity levels between 40-50%. You can measure the humidity in your home with a device from your local hardware store. Make sure rooms that are prone to higher humidity, such as bathrooms and the kitchen, are properly ventilated for good air flow. When you notice a leak, call water remediation specialists immediately to dry and restore the area. Controlling moisture is vital to controlling the spread of mold.

As the homeowner, you play a key role in avoiding mold damage. Rid your home of excess moisture, and when you cannot, inspect all the surfaces where mold can grow to catch it at its beginning stages. By being vigilant about prevention, you can protect the air quality in your home.

Water Damage Claim: The Importance of Pretesting for Water Categories

2/19/2019 (Permalink)

Providing information about the category and classification of the water and damage to your home.

Water Damage Claim

Anyone who has experienced flooding is likely familiar with the various colors associated with floodwaters: white/clear, gray and black. These colors are often tied to a category and a classification which specifies the amount of safety precautions necessary and the level of mitigation and clean out. When filing a claim, it is critical to know the category and classification because each ascending level impacts the severity and costs of damage. Therefore, pretesting is used to designate the category and classification of water to ensure that claims and restorative preparations are efficient and accurate.

1. Category One

When filing an insurance claim, category one, or white/clear, water is the least expensive to remedy. The source is sanitary, meaning that there is no harmful bacteria or sewage present. While this category can be a relief, it is still necessary to act quickly to remove the water and repair the damage. If the water sits for too long, it can be contaminated by other items in the area, causing an elevation in category or classification.

2. Category Two

If the water is found to be category two, or gray water, through pretesting, then it is best that you do not go near it. This result indicates that there are organic and inorganic substances in the water and that you may become ill if it is consumed or touched.

3. Category Three

Category three, or black water, is the most dangerous water. The level of contamination includes sewage, chemicals, bacteria and possible toxins. It is likely that your insurance agent and company will recommend a disaster restoration specialist in the Madeira, OH, area who will probably seal the space as they work to remove the water safely.

Insurance claims require accurate representations of the damage to a property. Pretesting provides those assessments for insurers by providing definitive information about the category and classification of the water and damage to your home.

Workplace Emergencies: Preparing an Evacuation Route

2/11/2019 (Permalink)

Every employer is required by federal regulations to develop and provide adequate evacuation plans to their employees.

Preparing An Evacuation Route

While everyone, including business owners, has had to go through at least one fire drill in their lives, it is different when you have to design one. Business owners are required by law to have designated exit routes for their employees, and they are supposed to practice these routes to help employees prepare for an emergency. Therefore, in developing and designing your emergency exits, it is important to keep a few traits of a good plan in the forefront of your mind.

1. Ensure Proper Lighting

Every exit should be well-lit and designated. You can mount light-up exit signs throughout your property that can help guide employees and clients safely outside. Also, you can install battery powered lighting that is triggered in the event of an outage, ensuring that everyone can see where they are going.

2. Find Exits With Appropriate Space

A fire drill is an excellent way to determine if all your planning has paid off. Your employees should have no problem working their way toward an exit. If you notice that there is too much congestion because a hallway is too narrow or there are obstacles in the way, then you will have to change the route or clear the obstructions.

3. Place Drawings Throughout the Facility

Beyond practicing escape routes, you should place evacuation maps throughout your building. These maps can be placed near fire extinguishers and other high-traffic areas to ensure they are easily spotted.

4. Seek Guidance and Feedback

It never hurts to ask for help. If you are unsure of the best way to design evacuation routes, you can reach out to your local fire department or a fire remediation specialist in the Cincinnati, OH area for guidance and feedback on your plan.

Every employer is required by federal regulations to develop and provide adequate evacuation plans to their employees. Also, it is suggested that businesses conduct at least one fire drill annually to ensure employees are familiar with those routes.

Fire Preparation: Do You Need an Emergency Action Plan?

1/8/2019 (Permalink)

Commercial fire in Mariemount, OH

Fire Preparation

Emergencies are unpredictable by definition which is why every business should have a contingency plan. When it comes to an Emergency Action Plan, you are typically dealing with fire preparations. Now, not every municipality requires a company to have an EAP, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t. There are at least four things to consider in determining whether you should craft an EAP or not.

1. Fire Extinguisher Mandate

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, if your building is required to have fire extinguishers on the premises, and if people will be evacuating during the fire, then an evacuation plan is necessary. This is true even if fire extinguishers are merely provided and not required as well.

2. Fight or Flee

The fight or flee principle will also help you understand if a contingency plan is mandated. If you have a company with an in-house fire brigade, meaning that you intend to fight internal fires, then an EAP is not required. However, if anyone in your company is going to flee the premises, then an EAP is needed.

3. Occupational Safety and Health Administration Guidelines

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration guidelines, specifically [29 CFR 1910.157], dictates the rules surrounding mandatory EAPs. Essentially, as stated above, if a company or anyone for that matter, will be evacuating the premises then an emergency plan is required.

4. Evacuation Policy

Ultimately, most businesses must comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulation and define a clear evacuation policy. You can contact a fire remediation specialist in the Mariemount, OH, area to help you asses your property and create an emergency plan, or you can contact your local emergency services and discuss your concerns.

While a contingency plan may be a lot of work to develop, a well-crafted plan can potentially save lives. Additionally, an EAP is required federally, unless you want to create your very own fire brigade. While it may be exciting to put on a firefighter’s uniform, it may be more practical to put together an evacuation plan that is clear and effective, keeping everyone safe and sound.

Ice Dam: What It Is and How To Prevent It

12/29/2018 (Permalink)

Ice dam in a Cincinnati, OH

An ice dam is a long rim of ice that forms along the edge of your roof and hinders the runoff of melting snow. These wintery monstrosities can cause a significant amount of damage and should be dealt with as quickly as possible. However, before you resolve the issue, it is necessary to understand the problem entirely.

Root Cause

The long bands of ice that form along the eaves of your roof are caused when melting snow is unable to flow off the roof before refreezing. This occurs because of heat loss and the fluctuating temperature along your roof. The peak of the roof is the warmest area because it sits directly above the living space. The edge of your roof is the coldest, usually the temperature of the outside, because it overhangs the structure of your home. This means the snow melts at the peak and then refreezes when it reaches the edge of the roof, causing ice bands to form.

Potential Damage

An ice dam can cause significant damage. From a roof leak and water damage to wet insulation and mold, dams can wreak havoc in the winter months. It is crucial to find the underlying cause of ice buildup on your roof to ensure that financial expenses are minimized.

Possible Solutions

There are a variety of solutions for ice buildup on your roof:

  • Increased insulation
  • Improved ventilation
  • Reduced air leakage

The first thing to do before trying any possible solution is to have your roof inspected, ensuring the right solution is used. You can reach out to an emergency restoration company in the Cincinnati, OH, area for a quick inspection and recommended solutions.

An ice dam is beautiful, but so is a poison frog - and you don’t want any of those hanging around your property. Ice presents considerable risks to your home if left alone, so be sure to handle dams quickly, calling in assistance if needed.

Preventing Secondary Water Damage

12/29/2018 (Permalink)

Drying equipment in a Madeira, OH business

Water damage in your Madeira, OH, business is something no one wants to experience. After calling in a plumber to take care of the immediate problem of a burst pipe or a backed-up toilet or sewer, you're still left with the resultant mess. It's important to deal with this situation as soon as possible, as secondary damage, including black mold or structural damage, can occur quickly. This kind of damage can be very costly.

Secondary Damage Explained

This consists of any damage not directly produced by the flooding. It can show up in several ways, including:

  • Wood floors buckling
  • Damage to finishes
  • Vinyl and other kinds of flooring curling up from the floor
  • Cracked or sagging drywall
  • Growth of mold, such as stachybotrys chartarum (black mold)

If the primary damage is not addressed properly or if it goes undetected for a long time, this more serious damage can happen. Problems can also occur if the area is not properly dehumidified after the flooding.


Assuming you are able to enter the building, there are steps you can take immediately to help minimize the damage. If the flooding happens during summer months, use your air conditioning to help remove as much high humidity as possible. During colder months, open all the windows and turn up the heat. Try to remove as much water as possible by mopping and using a wet/dry vacuum. Move any saturated carpeting outside and remove items such as documents, electronics or furniture.

Next, make a call to a professional water damage restoration company. They can immediately inspect the structure to assess the damage, and then determine what specialized equipment is required. Using advanced techniques, they can completely dry and disinfect the area, making sure that any pathogens, such as black mold or bacteria, are completely eradicated. Then any necessary repairs to the property are made.

Water damage to your building can seem overwhelming. But by using the information outlined above, you have a good chance of preventing secondary damage before it happens.


12/11/2018 (Permalink)

a tree branch with an ornament Pine needles and trees causing mold to be in your home.

If you have stubborn tree needles sticking in the carpet or other seasonal messes? Call SERVPRO for help with all of your holiday cleanup needs...

Life is full of time consuming struggles during the holiday season that devour the precious moments you have to share with your loved ones let us at SERVPRO of East Central Cincinnati help with any choirs that steal these minutes away. We offer a wide variety of services from major remodeling to a simple house hold cleaning. Our staff is fully trained to execute the task at hand all while being compassionate when dealing with sensitive situations.

When you find yourself running around feeling like life is passing you by please don't wait until its too late call SERVPRO of East Central Cincinnati to rescue your time. Please spend your day's doing what's important to you and your family and as always remember the reason for the season.


Steps To Clean a Moldy Washing Machine

12/10/2018 (Permalink)

You may need to consult a mold remediation specialist.

Considering washing machines are used to keep things clean, you may wonder how you can even end up with mold in your washer – but it’s entirely possible. When it happens it’s one of the worst things ever, when that smell can soak into your clothing and never come out. But all is not lost; not only can you salvage your mold-contaminated washing machine, but you can even save your clothing.

Don’t Throw Out Your Washer Just Yet

Before you haul your washing machine to your Cincinnati, OH, dumpster, try these steps to clean out the mold smell and remediate your mold issues:

  • Scrub the machine out thoroughly. Glove up and get in there with some elbow grease and a brillo pad. Scrub the mold away until you can’t see anything but clean metal, then run an empty wash cycle to rinse the particulates away.
  • Use everyday household products to both kill the mold and get rid of the smell. Run a cycle with a 1:4 mix of water and baking soda, then another cycle with vinegar put into the detergent tray. Both will help clean out any smells, and eradicate remaining mold. Just remember to run an empty wash cycle after to rinse it out and prevent your dirty clothes from smelling like vinegar.
  • Bleach everything. Bleach and other chemical cleaners can be that last “burn it all to the ground” resort, but they’ll work in a pinch. If you want to try something a bit gentler, though, give an oxy-based cleaner that uses oxidizing solutions a try.

What If the Washing Machine Still Stinks?

You may need to consult a mold remediation specialist. It’s possible the washing machine is beyond saving, but if anyone can help you bring it back from the brink, a specialist can. They may recommend solutions and techniques that aren’t commonly known to the average homeowner. For more information, 

Duct Cleaning in Ohio Will Help Remove Mold Spores

12/10/2018 (Permalink)

Dirty duct in Cincinnati, OH

Today I want to discuss indoor air quality and the necessity of clean duct work. Most homes built these days are constructed so well that natural air infiltration does not occur. This being said the quality of the air we breath may not be what you think it is and lends us to take a look at what we can control.

Remove Mold Spores and Dust from Your Ducts

Arguably the biggest influencer in air quality is the home HVAC system.That would stand to reason its need to be maintained and kept clean. Not all homes will have the same amount of dust ,dirt, mold spores and allergens found in the ductwork but all homes have ductwork that can and should be cleaned. The frequency of cleaning depends on multiple factors and quite honestly can change for many reasons. We recommend a whole system cleaning and maintenance check annually but this is also a suggestion not a requirement.

Call SERVPRO of East Central Cincinnati for your complete system inspection 513-561-7378

Frozen Sprinkler Head Prevention

12/10/2018 (Permalink)

Sprinkler Head Water Damage in Greater Cincinnati

Sprinkler Head Prevention

As the winter temperatures start to drop, the risk for unwanted sprinkler discharge increases. preforming maintenance checks and testing the system is very helpful in preventing unexpected loss and ensures the system is functioning properly.

The cold temperatures present additional risk of water damage by frozen pipes and damaged sprinkler heads. As a result of a catastrophic failure extensive damage can occur. Most of time a freeze will happen in the nooks and crannies that may be difficult to insulate and protect from the cold.

The key to avoid the damages from accidental fire sprinkler discharge is to have a plan in place. SERVPRO of East Central Cincinnati offers just such plan. The "ERP" emergency ready program outlines specifically what your company will need to do in such an event. So call us to set up your free ERP at 513-561-7378

What Can I Do Now to Prevent Future Mold?

11/27/2018 (Permalink)

Moisture meter looking for mold in a Mariemount,OH business

Mold - in recent years it has become a buzzword among home and business owners alike as its potential to damage property has become more understood. Fortunately, while mold can be difficult to eradicate once established from water damage or other means, there are steps you can take to prevent mold in your Mariemount, OH, business in the first place.

What Is Mold?

Mold is a type of fungi which thrives in damp spaces. There are good types but there are also types, such as black mold, which trigger allergies and discomfort. Mold spores are light and easily disperse through the air. They can grow on

  • Carpets
  • Drywall
  • Pipes
  • Ceilings

and many more places. Mold feeds on materials, gradually destroying the walls, attics and other areas where it settles. It’s important to take steps to prevent mold from happening in the first place.

Dry wet areas immediately
Mold relies on moisture, so keep your business dry as possible. Take care of leaky roofs or other areas that allow water to seep in and puddle. If you’ve experienced water damage, dispose of water-damaged carpets, furniture and other things that can’t be dried fully.

Monitor humidity indoors.
A humid environment is a mold-friendly environment. Experts suggest keeping indoor humidity between 30 and 60 percent. Invest in a moisture meter to detect high humidity caused by things like pipe condensation.

Improve ventilation
Whether you operate a kitchen or simply have a room used for washing equipment in your business, make sure it’s properly ventilated at all times. Venting appliances and equipment that produce moisture to the outside also ensures you don’t end up with water damage and mold growth.

Mold can be a hassle especially if you must invest in mold remediation services. Whether you’re trying to block new mold or prevent mold’s return, these mold prevention tips can help you keep your business free of this troublesome fungus.

Is It Possible to Flood Proof Your House?

11/18/2018 (Permalink)

Make sure you have enough fuel in your Mariemount,OH generator

Take Flood Safety Measures

A flood may seem impossible to avoid, particularly if your home is located in a flood zone in Mariemount, OH. While you may not be able to make your residence flood proof, you should take flood safety measures. Here are several safety tips to keep in mind if you live in an area prone to flooding.

Elevate Critical Contents

Protect contents from water damage by lifting or moving items to a higher floor. This measure may also lower the risk of electrocution or other safety hazards in a flooded house. Try to elevate:

  • Appliances
  • Circuit breakers
  • Electrical connections and wires
  • Furniture
  • Valuables

Factor in the anticipated level of flood waters when deciding whether to elevate items on cinder blocks, raised surfaces such as tables, or move contents to a higher floor of your home.

Gather Safety Supplies

If you plan to remain at home during a flood, you should have the following flood safety equipment:

  • A first aid kit
  • Enough food and water for at least several days
  • A battery-powered radio

If you have a generator, make sure you have enough fuel. Operate this appliance outside to prevent carbon monoxide from building up inside your home.

Block Rising Water

Residents of regions prone to flooding may want to keep materials for sandbags on hand. These include

  • Burlap bags
  • Sand
  • Shovels
  • Plastic sheeting

You may also want to invest in a sandbag alternative. Be sure to factor in the predicted level of flood water to determine whether these materials will be an effective deterrent for flood water.

5 Storm Damage Prevention Measures

10/16/2018 (Permalink)

Commercial generator in a Mariemount,OH building

Commercial properties may sustain damage from adverse weather in any season, but preventative maintenance can limit the extent of this damage. If you are anticipating a spring, summer, fall, or winter storm in Mariemount, OH, take these five measures to reduce the severity of storm damage.

1. Inspect the Building Envelope and Roof

The building envelope is designed to protect the structure and interior of a building. A damaged or deteriorating envelope may lead to leaks and secondary damage such as mold. You should schedule regular inspections to ensure that the envelope and roof remain watertight.

2. Clear the Drainage System

The drainage system plays an essential part in preventing leaks. Ensure that roof drains, downspouts, and gutters are clear, and that water will not pool around the base of a building. In the event of a winter storm, blocked drainage can result in icicles, ice dams, or the accumulation of heavy melting snow.

3. Trim Trees and Maintain Landscaping

Dead or overhanging tree branches can pose a serious threat to a building. A falling limb may damage the roof or breach the building envelope. Make sure that the landscaping is graded in a way that directs water away from the building.

4. Secure or Store Outdoor Items

Outdoor items such as trash cans or moveable seating can become flying debris in the event of a storm. Secure or store these items when adverse weather is on the way.

5. Obtain and Maintain a Generator

Consider a commercial standby generator as a fallback during power outages. You should have enough fuel to sustain critical systems and heat a building in freezing weather to prevent a pipe break.

Reduce the severity of spring, summer, fall, or winter storm damage by taking these preventative measures. Contact commercial storm and water damage specialists if damage occurs at a commercial property in Mariemount,OH.

Space Heater Safety

10/3/2018 (Permalink)

Think Safety with Space Heaters

Stay safe this winter by plugging space heaters into outlets, never into extension cords or power strips. When using a heater that requires a secondary fuel source such as kerosene take extra care when filling the heater and always store your extra fuel in an approved container in a different location.

SERVPRO of West Hamilton was called out at 4:30am to a home that fire fighters battled a blaze that started from a kerosene space heater. It was estimated that the fire started around 1:00am. The only occupent was able to safely leave her residence without issue. Once the fire was extinguished  SERVPRO arrived to secure the property and begin the clean up process. Fire investigators determined the cause of the blaze was started when a stack of news papers fell against the  space heater. A situation such as this is completely avoidable by following the manufactures operating instructions regarding safe distances to near objects.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Restoring Your Cincinnati Commercial Property After A Water Damage Event

9/22/2018 (Permalink)

Drying a large commercial building after a pipe burst and flood.

Flooding and water damage events at Cincinnati commercial properties are often complex with numerous issues that require a knowledgeable and flexible response. Whether we’re dealing with a relatively small water cleanup scenario or a large scale event, we work quickly to assess each unique situation and isolate the damaged area. In many instances, normal operations can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility.

Restoring Commercial Properties Presents Unique Challenges

Our professionals are trained to be mindful of legal and environmental concerns and strive to fully restore the damaged area while working within your budgetary constraints. We understand that every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when an emergency situation arises in your business, give us a call and we’ll be there fast with the help you need.

About SERVPRO of SERVPRO of East Central Cincinnati

SERVPRO of East Central Cincinnati specializes in the cleanup and restoration of commercial and residential property after a water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

How do I know if my home has mold?

9/22/2018 (Permalink)

Mold hiding in a closet behind some clothes.

Mold is microscopic which cannot be seen with the naked eye. Therefore, it is very hard to determine if your home has mold unless you can visibly see the black growth. Mold needs water to grow and will grow if there are leaks.

Hidden mold can be found by doing some simple sleuthing:

  • Where do you have water problems?
  • Check under windows since condensation can form and mold will grow on the sill.
  • Bathrooms have a lot of water. Any leak or corner that collects moisture is a potential place for mold growth.
  • The water heater and water softener are notorious for having leaks, especially when the water softener purges.
  • You can often find mold around the edges of their tanks.

There are many ares where mold can be found but look no further when searching for a Mold Remediation Company.

Kitchen Fire in Cincinnati

9/21/2018 (Permalink)

A home in Cincinnati that needed our services after a fire broke out in the kitchen.

Leaving the kitchen unattended while cooking is the number one cause of house fires. The following is a photo of a kitchen fire that was caused by an electric skillet being left on while the homeowner was away at work. It was assumed that the remaining food became so hot and dry that it ignited, as the flames grew the adjacent cabinetry became engulfed by the fire.

In a short time the majority of the kitchen was consumed by the fire. We at SERVPRO of East Central Cincinnati take safety very seriously so we preform a safety audit to verify that the affected structure is indeed safe to be worked. The clean up efforts on this project are not limited to the fire damage, the water used to extinguish the blaze left the residence saturated with a very dirty smokey water.

Before we can start to remove the fire damaged matrials we are tasked with a proper water mitigation. The wet items that were destroyed by the fire are removed in the beginning stages, we dont need to dry unsalvageable materials. Fire mitigation can be a long process to put the home back to a "Like it never even happened."

Does Your Cincinnati Home Have A Mold Problem?

9/21/2018 (Permalink)

Black mold damage on wallboard in Cincinnati.

Microscopic mold spores naturally occur almost everywhere, both outdoors and indoors. This makes it impossible to remove all mold from a home or business. Therefore, mold remediation reduces the mold spore count back to its natural or baseline level. Some restoration businesses advertise “mold removal” and even guarantee to remove all mold, which is a fallacy. Consider the following mold facts:

  • Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
  • Mold spores are microscopic and float along in the air and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.
  • Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce allergens and irritants.
  • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return.
  • Mold often produces a strong, musty odor and can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
  • Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

If your home or business has a mold problem, we can inspect and assess your property and use our specialized training, equipment, and expertise to remediate your mold infestation.

If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today 513-561-7378

Wood Flooring Care During a Water Damage

9/21/2018 (Permalink)

Keep your wood floors dry and only wet clean them every 2 months.

Wood floors require extra care, but that doesn't mean you should mop yours every week. Wet-clean no more than 1-2 months to maximize your floor's longevity.

After a water damage this is especially true and may require resurfacing your floor to return it to its previous condition. A trained water restoration technician with the proper equipment can restore most quality hardwood floors to its natural moisture content in a timely manner limiting the need to replace the affected flooring. Every situation has its own set of unique challenges and knowing the best tool for the job is what we at SERVPRO consider a welcomed task.

Some flooring is manufactured using man made and natural materials these types of floors are often considered non-salvageable. Which means that it will not return to it's previous condition. SERVPRO of Central East Cincinnati 513-561-7378??.

When Storms or Floods hit Cincinnati, SERVPRO is ready!

9/21/2018 (Permalink)

Storm Damage left behind dirt and water in a Cincinnati Commercial Office Building

SERVPRO of East Central Cincinnati specializes in storm and flood damage restoration. Our crews are highly trained and we use specialized equipment to restore your property to its pre-storm condition.

Faster Response

Since we are locally owned and operated, we are able to respond quicker with the right resources, which is extremely important. A fast response lessens the damage, limits further damage, and reduces the restoration cost.

Resources to Handle Floods and Storms

When storms hit Cincinnati, we can scale our resources to handle a large storm or flooding disaster. We can access equipment and personnel from a network of 1,650 Franchises across the country and elite Disaster Recovery Teams that are strategically located throughout the United States.

Have Storm or Flood Damage? Call Us Today 513-561-7378

Cleaning Tiny Shards of Glass

9/21/2018 (Permalink)

Shards of glass stuck in carpet.

Cleaning up tiny shards of broken glass can be a pain. Storms and high winds can cause windows to break which should be boarded up to keep out the elements.

But what do I do with the broken glass?

Try using modeling clay it can be an easy way to pick up the small pieces that your broom or vacuum might have missed.

We are often times challanged with a less than standard cleaning projects. One of our very first customers, who has used us on multiple occasions, used us for glass clean up and board up services. The aforementioned customer has a large curio cabinet which suffered a serious shelve malfunction resulting in a lot of broken glass and a serious cleanup effort. We had a crew of three onsite cleaning the broken glass out of the carpet. Our crew worked for about three hours to get the glass removed.

No job is to big or to small for SERVPRO of East Central Cincinnati give us a call at 513-561-7378.

3 Common Ways That Powerful Storms Can Damage Your Solar Panels

9/18/2018 (Permalink)

Power generator after a storm on a commercial project in Indian Hill, OH

3 Common Ways That Powerful Storms Can Damage Your Solar Panels

Once a major storm passes through Indian Hill, OH, every home in the neighborhood can show you its destructive power. However, if you’re curious about buying solar panels for your residence, knowing what kind of significant roof damage or panel destruction can be caused by brutal storms is of the utmost importance. Here are three general causes of solar panel damage, often inflicted by the intensity of Mother Nature’s outbursts.

1. Water damage due to insufficient sealants can force panels to fail. Given that panel seals aren’t vastly different from those of window panes, having outdated or cracking seals that allow water to seep through can create the beginnings of substantial panel damage. Degradation and short-circuiting can begin to appear as a result of this wet intrusion. Therefore, resealing panels on a regular basis is a crucial part of being a panel owner.

2. Intense hail storms can lead to faulty or destroyed panel faces. The onslaught of destructive hail on solar panels can wreak havoc on the surface of the glass, or simply break the panel altogether. If a powerful hail storm is expected, taking precautions by covering panels can help. However, unexpected hail storms can leave a panel owner frustrated, as there are not many options for preventing hail damage.

3. Falling debris can not only create significant roof damage but damage to panels, as well. If a strong storm passes through your town, any resulting debris such as broken tree branches, falling rocks or mud, etc. can become a serious hazard to panel glass. Even the simplest leaves and twigs can create micro-scratches on the panel surface. A good rule of thumb is to keep solar glass in open areas and out from under large trees, if possible.

When you live in a place like Indian Hill, OH, owning solar panels can be a great investment. However, panel damage due to intense storms is always a possibility. Therefore, these three common causes of panel destruction should often be considered before making a final decision for your home.

Emergency Tips for Dealing with Mold

9/11/2018 (Permalink)

Moisture meter on a mold problem in Cincinnati, OH

If your home in Cincinnati, OH, has experienced water damage, it is also in danger of developing a black mold problem. Mold can start to grow in as little as 24 hours after water damage from a flood or leak occurs. It also spreads very easily. While waiting for mold remediation specialists to arrive and begin the mold cleanup process, you can do your part to prevent the spread of the mold growth before they arrive by completing two tasks.

Water Cutoff

Mold loves excess moisture, so it makes sense that the easiest way to prevent the spread of mold is by denying it the moisture it needs to thrive. There are several ways to do this:

  • Turning the water shutoff valve that serves the area where mold is present
  • Drying surfaces to which the mold is most likely to spread
  • Setting up a dehumidifier in unaffected parts of your home to give mold nowhere to go

If you have a moisture problem, you are likely to have a black mold problem. By controlling moisture, you can often prevent the spread of mold.

HVAC Cutoff

It may seem counterintuitive to shut off air flow when you are trying to dry out surfaces and prevent mold from spreading, but don't forget that there are mold spores in the air. As long as the air conditioner or heater is running, those mold spores have a free ride to anywhere in your home. If the excess moisture that allowed mold to grow in one area makes the rest of your home more humid, mold may start to grow in other places. Shutting down air flow curbs the travel of the mold spores that would cause this new growth.

If you discover black mold in your home, there's not much you can do about it except call the experts. While you are waiting for them, however, you can take measures to prevent it from spreading.

Smoke and Soot Cleaning After a Fire

8/28/2018 (Permalink)

Smoke and soot stains on walls after a fire damage in Amberly Village, OH

In the event of a fire in Amberly Village, OH, you are relieved when everyone has safely left your building. In the minutes to follow, however, the relief is quickly followed by the sharp fears of property damage and loss. Learning that the fire damage was minimal but smoke played a larger role, you wonder if you will be able to salvage anything from inside? Surprisingly, much of the smoke-damaged building content may be cleaned. Using dry-cleaning and other special methods, here are some common items businesses may be able to recover after smoke damage:

  • Documents
  • Computers
  • Printers
  • Industrial equipment
  • Personal items and furnishings

Methods of Cleaning

Many methods can be employed for content cleaning depending on the type of damage and materials involved. These include:

  • Wet cleaning methods including immersion baths and abrasive scrubs are best for highly soiled, non-porous items.
  • Wipe clean methods using foam cleaners or other spray for items that can’t be submerged.
  • Dry-cleaning is good for clothing and upholstery.
  • Ultrasonic cleaning is great for jewelry, some computer components or appliances, and other non-porous items.

Special Cleaning Needs

Working with a restoration company that focuses efforts on recovery instead of replacement can help you save important items. If anything was water damaged, the first step is drying. Items, like computers or appliances, may even be taken apart to ensure thorough drying. Smoke residue is acidic and should be cleaned immediately after contents are dry to prevent corrosion of electrical. Special dry-cleaning techniques may be employed for items that cannot withstand traditional wet cleaning methods and ultrasonic cleaning is great for components with crevices and hard-to-reach places.

Using a proper inventory tracking system, which may include photos or barcoding, will ensure your piece of mind for content storage and cleaning. The number of items to be recovered may seem overwhelming, but the right remediation company will help remove the hassle, as well as the mess.

Four Tips for Proper Ceiling Tile Maintenance

7/23/2018 (Permalink)

Even minor tile discoloration could signal trouble. A tiny leak that makes its way into your ceiling could lead to a much more expensive problem.

In any given commercial building in Cincinnati, OH, you're likely to find low-maintenance, long-lasting ceiling tiles. Unfortunately, the qualities that make them so valuable in commercial properties also leaves them open to the risk of being forgotten. The tiles may be low-maintenance, but this doesn't mean they don't need some maintenance. Take a look at tips for providing the ceiling tile care necessary for avoiding tile mold and other problems.

1. Perform Visual Inspections

It's not too hard to complete a ceiling inspection and a little bit of time at the end of the day could help you recognize water damage before it spreads. Any tile discoloration should prompt you to take action. That damage may be the result of leaking water, ultraviolet lighting, and aging. Whatever the cause of the color change, it could also affect fire ratings and acoustic values.

2. Clean Ceiling Tiles

A quick test will tell you if there's a need for this maintenance step. Use a damp cloth with a bit of cleanser to wipe off a tile. Non-absorbing tiles often hold a lot of dirt, but porous tiles hold even more. Routine cleaning can be done with a soft broom, but if you find tile mold, you'll need to use a commercial cleaner or hire a professional.

3. Replace Damaged Tiles

Any broken or discolored tiles should be replaced regularly. This will lead to improvements in the appearance of your building and could also bring you back into local compliance regulations. Some businesses rely on the performance of ceiling tiles to ensure proper acoustical effects.

4. Schedule Professional Visits

Even minor tile discoloration could signal trouble. A tiny leak that makes its way into your ceiling could lead to much larger, more expensive problems. Professional inspections should be part of building maintenance routines in Cincinnati, OH. This is especially true if you've begun to notice an increase in tile mold, damage, or discoloration. For more information, visit http://www.SERVPROeastcentralcincinnati.com/.

Help for Homeowners Without Flood Insurance

7/23/2018 (Permalink)

If you live in a floodplain in Cincinnati, OH, ask your agent about flood insurance.

The bad news is that your house has flooded in Cincinnati, OH. The worse news is that you do not have flood insurance. Fortunately, there is good news. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) coordinates federal support for those involved in a disaster. Learn if you are eligible for assistance and how to take the next steps.

Eligibility Requirements

Homeowners or renters must fit all criteria below in order to apply for FEMA assistance. Review the following to see if you qualify:

• A major disaster is federally declared for your state and county.
• The declared disaster caused damage to your home, personal property or vehicle.
• A member of your household is a US citizen, qualified alien or non-citizen national.
• You are not applying to duplicate homeowner’s or flood insurance coverage. You must provide proof of insurance benefits.

How To Apply for Assistance

If you meet the eligibility requirements, take these next steps:

• Go to https://www.disasterassistance.gov to complete the application.
• An inspector then calls you to set an appointment to survey the damage.
• If you receive grant money, it does not have to be repaid. However, the money is supplemental in nature and not designed to cover the complete restoration of your property. Rather, it helps you repair your home to a safe, livable condition.
• In addition, to grant money, you can apply for a disaster loan that needs to be repaid. This allows you to return your home and belongings to preloss condition with the help of a restoration specialist.

If you live in a floodplain in Cincinnati, OH, ask your agent about flood insurance. However, whether or not you have this specialized insurance policy, there may be FEMA assistance available to you in the event of a major disaster. If a federal disaster is declared in your county, confirm your eligibility status and follow the above steps to repair or restore your home and personal property. For more information, visit http://www.SERVPROeastcentralcincinnati.com/.

3 Common Causes of Basement Floods

6/21/2018 (Permalink)

Basement flooding can cause serious problems for your Cincinnati, OH, home.

Finding water in your Cincinnati, OH, home’s basement can be surprising. However, this type of flooding might be more common than you think, especially during spring thaws or a long spell of wet weather. If this is the first time your basement has flooded, it may be due to one or more causes you can fix to prevent further damage to your home.

1. Cracks in the Walls and Floor

If you do not visit your basement often, you may fail to notice cracks in the walls and floors that can occur over many seasons of freezing and thawing. Once the cracks become wide enough, moisture may seep in at a rapid rate during a rainstorm and cause a basement flood. Ask the technicians from a water damage and cleanup service to check your basement once they drain away flood water and see what they can advise you about how to repair cracks.

2. Poor Drainage Around Your Home

If your home’s gutters and downspouts do not work properly, there is nowhere for the collected water to go except around the perimeter of your home. Keeping drainage systems working at peak performance can draw water away from your home and prevent it from seeping into your basement. Have your gutters and downspouts inspected and ask about whether pipe repair may improve drainage efficiency.

3. A Broken Sump Pump

The risk of basement flooding can increase significantly if your home’s sump pump is not working properly. You may want to have it checked before the thawing or rainy season, as finding a repairperson once this weather hits may be difficult. The longer water sits in your basement, the more contaminated it can become, so making sure your pump is working properly can save you hundreds of dollars in water damage repair.

Basement flooding can cause serious problems for your Cincinnati, OH, home. Knowing how water can enter the lowest level and how to prevent it may allow you to prevent this troubling issue. For more information, visit http://www.SERVPROeastcentralcincinnati.com//

Summer Storm Tips: 3 Ways To Keep Your Business Safe

6/13/2018 (Permalink)

Strong winds, a sudden rainstorm and lightning can all threaten your Cincinnati, OH, business.

When powerful summer storms move through Cincinnati, OH, you may be concerned about the impact they might have on your business. From a torrential rain storm that could cause flooding to howling winds and flying debris, there are many potential dangers these storms might produce. However, there are a few actions you can take to guard your commercial building against summer storms and protect your investment.

1. Maintain Your Landscaping

Keeping your landscaping trimmed may reduce the risk of roofing and window damage during a storm. When long branches are whipped around by high winds, they might shatter window glass and cause injury to anyone standing nearby. Contract a landscaping company to maintain your trees and shrubbery all season long to protect them and your building.

2. Teach Your Employees Storm Safety

While thunderstorms are fascinating, they can also be dangerous. Lightning and strong winds could pose a threat to your employees, so it is wise to teach them about how to stay safe during a weather event. Ask that they stay clear of windows and skylights during a thunderstorm and turn off or unplug all electronic devices in their area. Post a list of emergency phone numbers, including that of your local water department, electric company and a storm damage and restoration service at each station so employees can call for help when necessary.

3. Invest in a Lightning Rod

If your building has more than three stories, you may want to have it fitted with a lightning rod. This can protect your business from electrical surges that may occur during a direct lightning strike. Any type of rain storm is capable of producing lightning, which can cause fires as well as destroy your building’s power system. A lightning rod diverts a strike away from your building, eliminating these dangers during powerful storms.

Strong winds, a sudden rain storm and lightning can all threaten your Cincinnati, OH, business. However, when you are well prepared and know how to keep your employees and property safe, you have a better chance of weathering any storm that comes your way. For more information, visit http://www.SERVPROeastcentralcincinnati.com/.

Fire safety in your Cincinnati residence

12/28/2017 (Permalink)

Be prepared to stop fires and save lives

Today I want to discuss fire safety and bring up a few basic thoughts about this topic. We as a country are becoming more accustomed to tragedy and traumatic events thus lending us less phased by these occurrences. In my opinion it would be good practice to take the time toeducate your family and or co-workers on basic fire safety. I understand that to most this is common sense however the more we prepare for something the better we react in a time of crisis. This is especially true today with the change inthe materials used to make furnitureand otherhousehold items. Studies show the nearly forty years ago if a fire were to break out a person had about seventeen minutes to safely exit the structure. Now days the time toexithas drastically dropped causing the needto be preparedmore critical than ever. Please take the time to share this with your loved ones.It only take an ounce of preparation. 513-561-7378

Hamilton City parade flood the community with pride

12/28/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO float for 4th of July Parade

This past summer we were lucky enough to be asked to take part in celebrating this great counties independence by joining in the city of Hamilton's annual parade. Our staff was more than honored by the invitation and took it upon themselves to build a float. We at SERVPRO of East Central Cincinnati honestly enjoy being evolved with the community and take part in as many events as we can each year. SERVPRO has big plans for the upcoming year in the city and were super excited to be welcomed and truly become productive members of the community. For this event we had the owners and a majority of the staff rode along with their families. Happy 4th of July everyone. Be proud, be the brand & enjoy life. 513-561-7378

Wildlife & pets during an Ohio catastrophe

12/27/2017 (Permalink)

Rescued dog

We as a country have been faced with an alarming number of natural disasters of the last several years. These disasters range from the California wild fires to the Polar Vortex in the mid west as well as the hurricanes and tornadoes that we face ever year. Human life is always the number one priority as it should be however let us not forget the wild life and pets affected by these events as well. Society has created the pet industry and as result it is our obligation to care for and protect these creatures. Many of which are trapped in cages and can not fend for themselves others need to be lead to safety. So please if you have pets lets not forget about them. SERVPRO East Central Cincinnati.

Frozen Pipes in Greater Cincinnati Ohio

12/27/2017 (Permalink)

Frozen Water Spigot

It is the time of year when we need to be on the lookout for frozen water pipes. All residential and commercial properties with running water are at a risk for this type of problem. Facing sub zero temperatures can often pose many types of problems. One that we see all too often is the frozen pipe. Now many times this can be prevented with a little bit of forethought and preparation. Let the cold water drip from an open faucet can help prevent a full on freeze. A second option is to add heat to your pipes and or the area the plumbing runs through. This is not always a realistic option for all situations. Both options have a negative impact on the environment by using resources however the cost often out weighs the damages caused by a frozen water line. If the cold weather strikes your property call SERVPRO at 513-561-7378

Commercial Clean Up in Hamilton ,Ohio

12/27/2017 (Permalink)


SERVPRO of East Central Cincinnati is not only a mitigation company but a full service property restoration/management company. We can and will take on all facets of the needs given to us by our customers to help them effectively manage and maintain the properties under our care. The building in the picture is of a movie theater that was left vacant for several years allowing vandals to ransack the property causing severe damage. This is a current project that our team will be working on until completion some time in 2018. The scope of work will include complete removal of all theater related items along with a majority of the drywall and flooring. This property will basically be left as an empty shell to be built out at a later date.

Trauma Cleanup in Butler & Hamilton Counties

12/10/2017 (Permalink)


SERVPRO of East Central Cincinnati has a fully trained staff capable of dealing with all aspects involved with a loss this sensitive in nature.

Bio-Hazard Remediation, death cleanup and suicide cleaning is never an easy situation for a family to be faced with. We at SERVPRO of East Central Cincinnati recognize this and make every effort to relive the stress associated to the loss. While following the strict cleaning guidelines to remove all hazards associated with bodily fluids. Assuring all contaminated materials are properly boxed and identified as medical waste. Many homeowners don't realize that this type of loss it typically covered by insurance. Our staff will communicate with your insurance company regarding the property and remain open conversation until the job is complete. Please call us at 513-561-7378

Fire destruction in a Delhi home

12/10/2017 (Permalink)

Fire damage destruction and debris

Fire damage can be one of the most traumatic events a family can go through. We at SERVPRO of East Central Cincinnati strive to manage the cleanup and reconstruction for the home owner from start to finish. Our mitigation crews are highly trained to inspect and remove all damaged materials following he devastation caused by fire. This picture show the charred remains in a local Delhi home. Our staff sifted through the debris to find any personal property that might be able to be cleaned and returned to the customer. We take special care in what might have sentimental value to our customer and take pride in salvaging what we can. Call SERVPRO of East Central Cincinnati for all your cleanup and restoration needs. 513-561-7378

Roof Repairs

12/10/2017 (Permalink)

Custom flat roof repairs

SERVPRO of East Central Cincinnati is a full service provider meaning we not only mitigate your damage we help make it "Like it never even happened."

The construction services side of our franchise has developed a long list of satisfied customers. We are happy to handle the smallest repairs and experienced enough to perform custom home building services as well as commercial projects.

  The project shown in this picture is a flat rubber membrane roof system that ties into an existing shingle style roof installed at a local property here in Cincinnati. This home suffered from a tree that fell on the addition and caused interior and exterior damages. SERVPRO of East Central Cincinnati was able to put the property in pre loss condition in under 30 days. Call us for all you home needs 513-561-7378

The right tools for the right job

12/10/2017 (Permalink)

Desiccant Dehumidifier on a Mold Job

The picture shown is at a house with a crawl space that suffered an unnoticed water damage which lead to a mold problem. The for mentioned space would have to be properly dried before the mold remediation could take place.

To accomplish this task we utilized a small desiccant dehumidifier accompanied two with air filtration devices (AFD) to protect the un affected areas of the house. We wanted to minimize the air flow and increase the vapor differential in the work zone.

At SERVPRO of East Central Cincinnati we stay on top of new products and equipment to limit the amount of deconstruction needed to mitigate a property. By doing so we are able to lower the total job cost as well as shorten the length of the project putting the homeowner back to "Like it never even happened."

Holiday cleaning can be a pain, don't stress let us help

11/20/2015 (Permalink)

Need to get your place ready for get-togethers? Call us SERVPRO of East Central Cincinnati (513)561-7378. We'll make your house feel like home for the holidays. We take pride in producing high quality general cleaning for our commercial and residentail customers. SERVPRO has deep roots in the general cleaning world with staff chemists creating breaking edge cleaning products for our franchise community.The supplies SERVPRO corporate produces are far supirior to anything you might find in a store. Not to mention with over 1600 franchises to reach out to for the unusual situation that might pop up... Chances are someone in our SERVPRO family has seen it. Just remeber were hear to help make it "Like it never even happened"

@SERVPRO: https://t.co/8Dg5cWPcSB


11/18/2015 (Permalink)


   If you have a furry friend that doesn't watch where he takes his coat off... Try using a damp rubber glove to remove pet hair from furniture and flooring.  you might be surprised at how easy this is.

   Many compaines will offer to come into your home to clean your carpets however if they do not properly vacuum and prespray the results will be less than perfect. We at SERVPRO know the importance of preping to complete a profesional quality cleaning. No other company has  the resources and training that SERVPRO corporate offeres to our franchises.  All of the SERVPRO cleaning products are developed and tested by in house chemists who vigilantly work to keep us on the cutting edge. We offer many different options when it comes to our customers individual needs, from what we call a "Show Case" cleaning for your heavily soiled carpets to a more natural "Green" product for customers who are enviromentally conscious. Our cleaning equipment is new and up to date being serviced on a schedule to offer maximum preformance. No matter what the job is trust SERVPRO of East Central Cincinnati can get you well taken care of.


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