Category Three Water: What Is It and Who Should Clean It?
9/27/2021 (Permalink)
Cincinnati, OH, is prone to flooding during the rainy season. As business owners, this presents a growing concern for not only safety and profitability but the integrity of your property. Thankfully, most insurance companies cover burst pipes and toilet overflow; however, if your business is ever struck by floodwater, you may be left with a few questions about water categories, especially category three.
1. What Is Category Three Water Damage?
Category three water damage is typical in large-scale flooding. This natural disaster tends to overflow rivers and overburden sewage systems leading to a dangerous mixture call the black water. At this category level, water is capable of supporting bacterial growth and becomes hazardous for humans and pets to consume or come into contact.
2. Can You Clean Category Three Water Damage Yourself?
No, unless you are a professional, you should not attempt to clean black water yourself. This type of floodwater can cause illness and disease and possibly death if touched or ingested. It is not uncommon for this type of water to carry hepatitis pathogens, and you do not need to swallow this water to become ill or a carrier.
3. Who Cleans This Type of Water Damage?
As category three water is dangerous, it is wise to seek the assistance of professionals who hold the appropriate certifications and training to handle and dispose of this type of water. You can check with your local municipalities or emergency managers to find restoration specialists capable of this type of work.
Since flooding is a concern for most business owners in this area, and category three flood water presents a potential risk from exposure, it is wise to seek assistance from your insurance provider and local government to ensure that you as well as your business remain safe. Do not let the concern over expense come above the concern for your health.